restoring file from linux source to windows target; is possible?
Hi people: We are using NBU 10.x on windows 2022 media/master server (both roles same server). Have a mix of windows and linux clients. We need to restore a file from /wrk/app/app-baks.tar to a windows server on e:\wrk\app. My co-worker running this restore tells me that NBU GUI is telling that restore path is invalid. Tried e:/wrk/app but don't work. And seems that isn't supported. Any idea to accomplish this task ? Maybe UNC or and NFS on the same server? Hope to being clear.37Views0likes4CommentsNBU Protection Plan doesnt let you add asset
When trying to add protection to a Microsoft Azure Cloud VM asset, the PPlans will be greyed out. Tried checking the guides, faqs etc for any reason as to why it wont let me add the protection and could not find anything. Seems to be arbitrary.21Views0likes1CommentNBU 10x tape 2 tape copy (inline copy) clarification.
Hi people: We have a 4 drive LTO9 library, Master/media server is Windows2022 and NBU 10.1.2. I have some policies that do a two tape copy of data to different pools. For example, mydata policy have two schedules foreverfull schedule make a backup to Mypool01 (primary copy on tape1) and its copy is located in Mypool02 (second copy on tape2) with retention level 100. Most of the time the policy make the two tape backup and copy successfully. monthlyfull schedule make a backup to Monthpool01 (primary copy) and its copy is located in Monthpool02 with retention level 10. Sometimes tape1 o tape2 fails over the copy (HW errors mostly, like need cleans drive) and then just use bpduplicate to make the copy over the tape of the respective pool. Today I have some doubts about the correct syntax, because I need to copy a backup with two copies made with monthlyfull schedule (the backupid is server01.net_1705357985) to use foreverfull pools and change the retention level. My question/doubts are around the -npc; should I use it? Of course, I want that backups on foreverfull schedule remains as primary copies. bpduplicate -v -number_copies 2 -backupid server01.net_1705357985 -client -dp Mypool1,Mypool2 -dstunit mylibrary-01-hcart3-robot-tld-0 -id 000012 -L copi.wri -policy Respaldo_servr01 -rl 100,100 Can anybody give some ligth about this?839Views0likes8CommentsOracle to Netbackup Copilot
Hello, I'm trying to implement Copilot for Oracle. I've set up the SLPs and registered the test instance, but NBU is unable to perform a backup with the error: Unable to perform a manual backup with policy "test". The policy does not have a list of files to back up. The setup: Oracle Linux 7.7, NBU 10.2, StoreOnce 5260 (4.3.6), Catalyst 4.4.0. In short, I'm trying to implement NBU accelerator for faster backups. If there is another way, please refer to the guide. Thank you in advance.Solved819Views0likes6CommentsLTO cleaning tape definition with two different drives?
Hi all: I need some advice. I have a client with Quantum i3 tape library; with one LTO7 and other LTO8 tape drives and 50 slots. Both drives are in the same partition; but since the client still have LTO6 media (written with an oracle SL48 tape library; which was decommissioned) the LTO7 is hcart and LTO8 is hcart2. As you know, LTO Cleaning tape are universal; that means no matter the LTO X category of the drive the tape cleaning media/cartridge is the same. The library was configured to let the application manage all cleaning tapes. My current issue is to reach universality with LTO Cleaning tapes or at least how to assign the cleaning tapes to the drives if the cleaning tapes have almost the same code bar CLNXYZCU. The current Media ID Generation is 0,8,5:6:7:8:1:2 \_ robot number \_ bar code length I was thinking that maybe use from 000 to 400 to assign "HC_CLN1/2 inch cleaning tape" to LTO7 drive and from 500 to 999 to assign "HC2_CLN1/2 inch cleaning tape 2". But need to hear options/advices from people with more experience.Solved1.7KViews0likes3CommentsNetbackup Upgrade Help
HI, I am a support engineer, I have limited knowledge about NBU. Don't go harsh on me for asking stupid questions. I have shared the environment details for a client who are planning an upgrade. Lucky for them, I have to do the upgrade. Environment details: PRIMARY SITE: A virtual NetBackup Master Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 (OS LINUX). A NBU Appliance 5240 configured as a Media Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 and Appliance version 3.1.2. MSDPis configured on the media appliance. DISASTER RECOVERY SITE: ANBU Appliance 5240 configured as a Master-Media Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 and Appliance version 3.1.2. Via auto image replication working on one to one model NBU replicates the backup copies from PR site to DR site. Lets suppose we are upgrading to NBU 9.0, Now the questions are, Firstly I will update the master server to NBU 9.0. If the prerequisites check clears. all is good and I should proceed to upgrade the master server and move onto the media appliance. Is that how it goes? The media appliance is based upon NBU appliance version 3.1.2 so upgrading the appliance version to 4.0 would automatically upgrade the NBU version in it from 8.1.2 to 9.0. Is the NBU version bundled in the appliance version or do I have to upgrade it separately? At the DR site when upgrading the NBU appliance to appliance version 4.0, would it update the master and media server NBU versions in it to 9.0 or if I have to update NBU version separately would the media and master server both be updated from the same package? Should I run the AURA (Appliance Upgrade Readiness Analyzer) tool on both PR and DR appliances before upgrading them? Can I downgrade if something goes wrong? MarianneNicolaiRiaanBadenhorstPlease help, thanking in anticipation.Solved1.3KViews0likes2CommentsNetBackup - NAS appliance and Offline Backups
Group, Hi, all. We're looking at options for an offline DR backup and were wondering if anyone has tried using a NAS appliance to receive backup copies and then just disconnecting it from the network once the backup completes? If so, what were your results? Thanks, Jason1.6KViews0likes7CommentsRecovery Without import (very awkward situation)
Hello, I have run into very awkward sitaution here, our client is running Netbackup 6.0 (i know its EOL) on solaris and they recently purchased Netbackup 8.1.2. So they want to import all the Backup info(all client and their backups) from old server into this new server so that if any request of old restore comes, it will be served from this new server. Is it even possible to achieve this!!!? I have been reading about the "Recovery without import" white paper and it says somthing about cat_export and cat_import step. but the problem is there is no Cat_export command on source (NB 6.0) server. I have done the step where it sas to copy the contents of /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images to the destination server. I cant brows the backup of any client of old server as there isn't any info about them in NBU GUI (BAR window). i do have the backup tape of catalog of old server. Waiting for your kind response.Solved1.5KViews0likes5Comments