List of approved patches win2012R2
Hi, symantec currently releases a list of approved patches for the eDiscovery appliances for the following OSses: win2k3, win2k8, win2k8R2 Clearwell eDiscovery Platform 8.1.1 now supports win2k12R2 as OS platform. When will symantec release an approved patches list for the Windows 2012R2 OS ?Solved1.1KViews0likes4Commentsallowed list of WSUS appliable patches
Hi, i want to start using an internal Wsus server for our clearwell servers, but i am wondering, can any Microsoft offered patch be applied? including the MS Office patches? are there certain patches that we need to exclude? If so, is there list of KB numbers that i should NOT apply to a Clearwell server? Are all MS updates tested for compatibility by Symantec? or does Symantec have a list of verified patches that are allowed to be applied?Solved1.2KViews3likes3CommentsError preparing document for display
None of my docs will display within my review set. I recieve the error below. Anyone run into this issue and have an idea of what to check for that? Error preparing document for display. [#41057] Content processor error - com.teneo.esa.imaging.ImagingRetrievalException: [#670201] "Imaging retrieval failed [#170001] Retriever error: com.teneo.esa.common.repository.RepositoryException: [#170001] Retriever error: {0}"619Views1like1Comment