OpsCenter Status Code "HTTP Status 503 - Servlet action is currently unavailable"
We had a vendor install the latest OpsCenter for us. They have since come and gone and our team never verified it was working. When we click on the web UI login we immedietly get the 503 status. I'm not having much luck online in looking for possible remedies. Would love suggestions on troubleshooting and correcting this.516Views23likes0CommentsOpsCenter Report failed jobs excluding okay on re-run
Hi there all! Im using OpsCenter Analytics on a windows server 2008. As my title says, i need help to create a report. I can create a report with failed jobs during last night without any problems. But i have noticed that it´s not giving me the info i want. I only want jobs that didnt run at all, not jobs that failed on first attempt and then went well on re-run. Hope you understand my problem. BR Fredric623Views5likes1Comment"Time Frame Group By" does not apear to work
Hoping somebody can help me out... I am trying to generate a "Success Rate Report" for each NB environment (ie., one line per master, with the success rate info). When I run the report on Mondays, to get the weekend success rate, I keep getting one line per master per day. I have tried changing various parameters when editing the template. It would appear that the "Time Frame Group By" would be the option to use to consolidate the 3 days worth of info into one line per master, but when I run the report, I get 1 line per master per day, no matter what my Time Frame Group By value is. I am running OpsCenter, reporting on mostly 6.5.6 NB masters. Thanks267Views5likes1CommentCannot report on a particular master server
OpsCenter Version: OS: Windows 2003 NBU Master Version 6.5.5 Key details - The master server is displayed on the main Monitor screen as connected - The master server does not appear in the data collection screen - The master server does appear in the Agent screen (I have deleted/re-added the agent successfully) - I am able to drill down into the master server jobs, drives, media summary, etc from the monitor screen - I am unable to remove the master as it does not appear in the list to remove - I am unable to re-add the master because it already exists - It does not have any aliases - I have re-installed the agent on the master server, restarted all services (NBU & OpsCenter) - I am a security administrator in OpsCenter The master server is setup identically to all the other master servers in our environment and only this master is affected. Has anyone come across this issue before? Any assistance would be appreciated.316Views4likes0CommentsOpscenter Drives Showing as Mixed
Hi, i have recently upgarded our Opscenter enviorment to, since the upgrade any Shared drives that have multiple paths are showing as Mixed. Master servers that dont have Shared drives are reporting correctly. on the main page when i click on the mix drives it says 0 drives are mixed. yet the main page states other wise. initialy i thought i may need to leave it running to update but it has been more than 24 hours and the staurs is still showing the same. any ideas how i can get it to update correctly. thanks339Views4likes1CommentQuery for status code 84/86, grouped by tape library
We have two StorageTek SL8500 running most of our tape backups, and they are located in two different facilities. The one facility is not optimal and we want to compare driveread/write errors between the two libraries to see if the poor facility is having an effect. My initial idea was an SQL query joining the domain_JobArchive table (for the statusCode column)with the domain_TapeLibrary table (for the serialNumber column). This did not work, as the count of status code 84 and 86 was the same for both libraries The problem is that the domain_JobArchive does not store the statusCode information by anything I can use to distinguish the libraries, as far as I can tell. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance. CasparSolved1KViews3likes3CommentsCustom OpsCenter SQL Queries needed.
Hi everyone, We are using Netbackup and OpsCenter Analytics In NBU Admin Console, under Reports there are 2 reports that I would like to customize if theunderlying data is available in the OpsCenter DB andI can get the SQL Queries for those reports. Report1: Images on Tape (under Tape Reports) Report2: Images on Disk (under Disk Reports, can be filtered by disk type) If the reports are fetching the data from the OpsCenter DB would it be possible to obtain the executing sql statements by Tracing ? Any help will be appreciated. Regards, Sezgin2.8KViews3likes5CommentsOpsCenter policy configuration report
Wanted to share a OpsCenter SQL query I've been using to answer question like One of the drawbacks of using bpplist -byclient - it doesn't filter by active policies and doen't display policy selection. 1) List of clients for Oracle polcies 2) List all polcies and selection for AIX clients 3) And so on. SELECT domain_PolicyClient.clientName as "Client Name", domain_PolicyClient.policyName as "Policy Name", lookup_PolicyType.name as "Policy Type", nb_Policy.fileList as "Backup Selection" FROM domain_PolicyClient, domain_Client,lookup_PolicyType, domain_Policy, nb_Policy WHERE lookup_PolicyType.id = domain_Policy.type AND domain_PolicyClient.clientName = domain_Client.name AND domain_PolicyClient.masterServerId = domain_Client.masterServerId AND domain_PolicyClient.policyName = domain_Policy.name AND domain_PolicyClient.masterServerId = domain_Policy.masterServerId AND domain_PolicyClient.policyDomainName = domain_Policy.policyDomainName AND domain_PolicyClient.policyVersionNo= domain_Policy.versionNo AND domain_Policy.name = nb_Policy.name AND domain_Policy.masterServerId = nb_Policy.masterServerId AND domain_Policy.versionNo = nb_Policy.versionNo AND domain_Policy.policyDomainName = nb_Policy.policyDomainName AND domain_Policy.status = 0 AND domain_Policy.active = 1 AND lookup_PolicyType.name LIKE '%DB2%' -- domain_Policy.name LIKE '%PR%' -- domain_PolicyClient.clientName LIKE '%winprd%' ORDER BY domain_PolicyClient.clientName912Views3likes1Comment