Netbackup 5020 and 5030 appliances
I am simply looking for some information regarding these PDDO appliances. Are they being phased out as a result of the increased capacity of their MSDP counterparts (5220/5230)? I was in contact with one of our reps and they mentioned the 5030 was becoming obsolete because the 5230 was doubling in capacity. However, there is a major difference between obsolete and no longer to be developed and produced. While MSDP is cool, I feel that it still limits me in the area of concurrent operations and overall disk performance and for this reason, the 5030 still has a place in the data center. If Symantec plans to abandon the 5000 PDDO series in favor of the 5200 MSDP series, then they will need to increase performance to go with the capacity they are touting. We are currently at this cross-roads and are trying to determine our direction and it would seem the best decision is to use a 5030 with my own media server as opposed to locking myself into a MSDP solution with limited perfmance when comparing the two.Solved1.4KViews2likes3Comments