Errors Changing SQL Collation
We currently run Enterprise Vault 9.0.2 and are looking at upgrading to 9.0.3. For the last couple of upgrades we've been seing the 'mismatched collation' errors in the Deployment Scanner but have not had the opportunity to take the time out to resolve it and it has not prevented the upgrades. As I currently have a period of down-time due to an unrelated issue I have been trying to correct the SQL Collation errors prior to upgrading to 9.0.3 by following the usual technote: For most Databases this has been working fine but for a couple of databases some unusual errors have been thrown up. I'll need to retry following a restore on the Audit and Directory databases but I have the errorlog from one of the Vault Store DB's. I followed the process of copying the first part of the programmability script and executed that, then ran the change_collation.sql (We're using SQL 2005) in report mode and it came back operation successful. After clearing down the TempDB tables I then executed the script in normal mode and after running for just under an hour it completed with the error: Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_SavesetIdentity_SavesetProperty". The conflict occurred in database "EVExchangeArchiveStore1", table "dbo.Saveset", column 'SavesetIdentity'. I now don't know if the whole script completed or whether it has stopped after the error during the -- CREATE FK CONSTRAINTS section of the script. Has anyone seen this issue before? The script seems to be running fine against the other Vault Store DB's. I'm going to try and re-run the script again tomorrow following a DB Restore but would appreciate any advice or comments on what could have caused this. Thanks CraigSolved4.2KViews0likes5CommentsVBA: Extracting mail attachements from archived mails
Like many others, i had a problem extracting attachement from archived mail items. The name of the attachement is "@" instead of the actual file name. It was suggested in a particular mail to use the API, but you need EVAdmin to do so. (CreateObject("EnterpriseVault.ContentManagementAPI") failed) Another suggestion was to read the HTMLbody of the mail and search for the filename. After a little research, i found that, if you "Display" the mailitem, it will be accessible as any other mailitem, including the attachements. Here's the code: Private Function GetSelectedMailAttach() As String Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olExp As Outlook.Explorer Dim olSel As Outlook.Selection Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim olAtt As Outlook.Attachment Dim olInsp As Outlook.Inspector Dim olSelItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim olOpnItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim i As Long Dim strRet As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set olApp = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application") Set olExp = olApp.ActiveExplorer Set olSel = olExp.Selection If olSel.Count = 0 Then MsgBox "No mailitems selected!", vbExclamation GoTo Finalize End If For i = 1 To olSel.Count Set olInsp = Nothing Set olSelItem = olSel.item(i) olSelItem.Display Do While olInsp Is Nothing Set olInsp = olApp.ActiveInspector Loop Set olOpnItem = olInsp.CurrentItem For Each olAtt In olOpnItem.Attachments If olAtt.Type <> olOLE Then olAtt.SaveAsFile Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.DisplayName If strRet = "" Then strRet = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.FileName Else strRet = strRet & vbCrLf & Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.FileName End If End If Next olOpnItem.Close olDiscard Next If strRet = "" Then MsgBox "No attachements found in selected mails!", vbExclamation End If GetSelectedMailAttach = strRet GoTo Finalize ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical Finalize: Set olAtt = Nothing Set olItem = Nothing Set olSel = Nothing Set olExp = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing Set olInsp = Nothing Set olSelItem = Nothing Set olOpnItem = Nothing End FunctionSolved3.7KViews4likes5CommentsRestore archived mail / api
Hi there, I have a similar problem as mentioned in this thread: I want to unarchive an email from outside the enterprise vault http-only addin - in my custom outlook addin. I know there is no support for what I am doing, but for the convenience of the users I would risk it. As far as I understand it should be two steps to replace the archived mail with the original: Set the mail MessageClass to “IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut.RestoreMe”; Do a http call to the enterprise vault webservice (got it from fiddler). I can easily do step 1 - in step 2. I get an http 200 so I assume I did everything correctly. But now the mail is not replaced - is there something I am missing? Thanks a lot! MaxSolved1.9KViews1like9CommentsMass recall files and directories from the VaultStore with FSAUtil ?
Hi All, I'm using EV 9.0.4R1, so I wonder if anyone here can share Powershell or DOS batch script or any tips in recalling bulk millions of files in a deep folder structures reliably using the FSAUtility.exe ? (perhaps combining Robocopy with FSAUtility.exe) My goal is to export more than one thousands archived user home directory contents from the EV VaultStore into the new drive (GPT file system drive) ? FYI: there are 1850 users in total of 8 TB+ archived contents in EV, this will be a once off operation so getting very expensive 3rd party application was not approved by the project manager.Solved1.8KViews0likes10CommentsArchivePoints.exe via Powershell
Hi all, I’m in the process of creating a powershell script to check OU users against users already configured for file share archiving but I’ve hit a stumbling block. I can query AD to get a list of users per OU and their home directories, dumping all of the details out to text files for logs and basing subsequent queries on. When I try to query the Archive Points using archivepoints.exe I keep getting an error. The simple form of the script would be : $app="D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe" $EVArg = "find" $VolLine = "\\fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$" Invoke-Item "$app $EVArg $VolLine" But it errors with the following. Invoke-Item : Cannot find path 'D:\Enterprise Vault\ArchivePoints.exe find \fopserver045v\ouone_users_r$' because it does not exist. It looks like it’s cutting the first backslash off the UNC path, not sure if that’s the problem or just a side effect but either way I haven’t been able to successfully run it. Has anyone tried to use Powershell to find archive points successfully ? I can upload the script (it ain’t pretty but it does the job so far) if it might help. Thanks KevinSolved1.5KViews0likes7CommentsIn VBA/Outlook, how to list attachments to EV-archived item
I'm trying to write a utility in VBA/Outlook which will list DIR-style the names of files attached to messages. But we have Enterprise Vault, and I don't know what to do with messages in the vault. I can detect vaulted messages by checking whether MessageClass = "IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut", and I find they all have one attachment named "@". If a message isn't vaulted, I can enumerate any attachments and spit out their names along with the message's folder path, subject line and received date to help the user find the message. How can I open a vaulted message, preferably without restoring it, just to get a list of its attachments? Please don't forget to point me to the library I should add to Tools / References -- all I can find on Google is CreateObject("EnterpriseVault.ContentManagementAPI"), but it fails. Here's my code so far: Option Explicit Sub SearchForAttachments() Dim WildCard$, FH%, Fld As Folder, MI As MailItem, NA&, NF&, NI& On Error GoTo 0 'ABEND Set Fld = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder WildCard$ = InputBox$("Gimme a filename wildcard like '*.*'") If Len(WildCard$) Then Close FH% = FreeFile() 'Open Environ$("TEMP") & "\Attachments.txt" For Random As #FH% Call DirAttachments(Fld, WildCard$, FH%, NA&, NF&, NI&) Debug.Print NA& & " attachments in " & NI& & " items (with attachments) in " & NF& & " folders under " & Fld.Name 'Close End If ABEND: If Err.Number Then MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, , Err.HelpContext, Err.HelpContext Close End Sub Sub DirAttachments(Fld As Folder, WildCard$, FH%, NA&, NF&, NI&, Optional Prefix$ = "") Dim I As Object, MI As MailItem, F As Folder Prefix$ = Prefix$ & "\" & Fld.Name NF& = NF& + 1 For Each I In Fld.Items: DoEvents ': Debug.Print "."; Select Case TypeName$(I) Case "MailItem" If I.Attachments.Count > 0 Then 'And I.MessageClass <> "IPM.Note.EnterpriseVault.Shortcut" Call ListAttachments(I, WildCard$, FH%, NA&, NF&, NI&, Prefix$) End If End Select Next For Each F In Fld.Folders Call DirAttachments(F, WildCard$, FH, NA&, NF&, NI&, Prefix$ & "\" & Fld.Name) Next End Sub Sub ListAttachments(I As Object, WildCard$, FH%, NA&, NF&, NI&, Prefix$) Dim A As Attachment, MI As MailItem ', First As Boolean 'First = True NI& = NI& + 1 For Each A In I.Attachments: DoEvents If A.Type = olByValue Then 'And A.FileName Like WildCard$ 'If First Then Debug.Print: Debug.Print Prefix$ & "\" & I.Subject & " (" & I.ReceivedTime & ")": First = False Debug.Print Prefix$ & vbTab & I.Subject & vbTab & I.ReceivedTime & vbTab & A.FileName NA& = NA& + 1 End If Next End SubSolved1.4KViews1like2CommentsMAC clients will not open archive mail items from the Internet (WAN) using RPC over HTTP
Dear All, I installed Evault 11 on windows 2012 R2 failover cluster. We configure imap clients as well. Internally Outlook for WIndows , OWA and outlook anywhere works fine. Internally Mac outlook 2011 and Mac mail using imap client work fine. When we try to access archive email or search archive in outlook 2011 mac from INternet it open new window and failed. We notice in the url it tries alias/enterprisevault but when we change it it work. Please let me know how we can change this from netbios name to fqdn I logged the call with Symantec support and they shared the article Please let me know if we can change this ? Thanks Mazhar Khan1.1KViews0likes3CommentsSetEVExchangePermissions.ps1 Customization.
I'm doing some testing for an envronment where I need to selectively apply the SVA account permissions on a per server, per database basis. I understand that I can specify per server with the -server switch when ran remotely, does anyone have any thoughts for how to do this on a per database level as well? Are there any thoughts or customization of the script that can share? Thanks in advance.Solved845Views0likes3Comments