BE 2012 SDR: no restore selections visible
In short: the SDR wizards connects to the (only existing) BE server, the list of clients is also available as drop-down, but the list of available backups sets is empty for every machine. No error message. Environment: W2K3 server, both BE and client. BE version is basic (w/o SP1a); customized SDR (here: 32-Bit: SDR-DVD-1689.2-i386.iso) created OK; SDR-recognized restore selections for a number of clients visible and available in BE GUI. Additional info: the (one-and-only!) BE server is defined as a Central Admin Server. Now my questions: has anybody had that effect already? Is the reason that the version is not correct (but: I didn't find any reference in the SP1a readme or SCL)? The customer is not very willing to update to SP1a... Any help is appreciated.618Views2likes3CommentsNot following mount points, junction points message!
Hi, I am using a Dell Poweredge R710 connected to a Drobo 800i SAN that has the Deduplication drive configured to 4TB. I'm in the process of configuring BUE 2012 on all of our servers. When I am going through the job logs I noticed that even though I am getting reports showing completed and "Successful" backups to the Dedupe drive I get the following message on every "successful" job: Checkpoint restart cannot be applied to the following resource(s): System?StateBackup Exec will not follow mount points, junction points, and symbolic links when the Simplified Disaster Recovery indicator is ON. Drive and media mount requested: 1/22/2013 11:00:08 PM No appendable media could be mounted. Switching to overwrite operation on scratch media. 1) I want to use SRD on my Dedupe backups 2) Drobo is a recognized media for BUE - confirmed with Symantec and Drobo I have searched for answers (noticed someoen else getting told off for that in regards to this question- which was never answered.) I am also getting this error on other backup configured drives that are 1TB in size. Please note- the only other references I found references to tape and robotic media- and I do not use either. How do I eleiminate this error without eliminating the SRD? Thank you Ken1.9KViews2likes6CommentsEasy: Restoring from a RAID 1 device
Hya folks! Setup: BackupExec 2012 running on SBS 2011. Storage device is a 1GB drive plugged into a Stardom with a secondary disk that we manually swap and take offsite every week (actually, a collection of four such drives that we swap in series). This gives us backups going back four weeks. We want to restore a mailbox from three weeks ago. I've pulled the oldest RAID 1 disk out of rotation, mounted it in a usb enclosure, and shared it over the network. I am, however, not very familiar with how Backup Exec's manages storage devices and I am having trouble creating a Restore job from this network disk. Can someone please walk me through the process to create a Restore job from a network share for an old backup set? Part of the problem may be that the disk has the same identity as the active storage drive. I tried adding the network share in storage via the menu: Storage | Configure Storage | Disk-Based Storage | Disk Storage | ... Error message: "The disk storage device [PrimaryStorageDiskName] was found at the specified path. It is already a device on [ServerName] and cannot be added as a shared device." I'm sure it's a relatively trivial process, and my inexperience is the only major barrier. Much thanks!1.9KViews1like9CommentsProblem mit Backup Exec 2014 SDR image Erstellung seit drei Wochen keine Lösung vom Support
Hallo, ich wollte mal nachfragen ob das normal ist, dass unser Problem seit drei Wochen noch nicht vom Support gelöst werden kann. Des weiteren ist der zuständige Mitarbeiter seit 2 Wochen in Urlaub. Es übernimmt aber trotz Nachfrage kein anderer den Fall. Kann man sich hier bei übergeordneter Stelle beschweren? Wenn ja wo? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Meisterknecht661Views1like3CommentsNo point in time backup sets in Disaster recovery SDR.
I've got the exact same issue as this thread which is unanswered. Trying to perform an SDR from a backup which is SDR enabled using the DR file which is copied to the RDX cartridge at the end of the backup shows no Point in time backup sets to recover. RDX cartridge contains all bkf files and DR file shows correct time stamp for when backup was completed. RDX cartridge works fine attempting to restore with backup exec in full os. Just not in SDR. This is occuring on 3 seperate servers, all using BEX 2012. All pushing backups to RDX. Backups used to be able to be used in SDR. No changes have been made to backup configuration. Only BEX updates have been applied. SDR boot media is same media as was used on successful SDR 3 months ago.1.6KViews1like9CommentsSDR error "Checking for a resource entry for this computer on the backup exec server"
I'm testing de SDR feature of Backup Exec 2012. I have a full Backup of a Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition SP2 32bit I tested to recover files, and works fine. Now I’m trying to recover the full computer and all works fine, until i get the error attached. The error occurs while "Checking for a resource entry for this computer on the backup exec server" The window display the "Cannot find a resource for this computer on the Backup Exec server. Make sure the Remote Agent for Windows Servers service is started". I Restart the Remote Agent on the server, and also restart the server, and the recover procedure several times with no changes. I’m stuck on this. Really appreciate help on this! Thanks in advance.2.4KViews1like14CommentsIDR Criação de disco para recuperação de um BE server e D.C.
Olá Tenho um DL 380 G6 com controlador P410 com 7 discos em raid 5 e um suplente, neste também tenho uma controladora adaptec U320 para ligar à unidade de backup´s LTO de 24 Slots através de cabo SCSI. Este servidor além de BE server é controlador de dominio. tebho o BE12.5 atualizado até a ultima atualização, tenho as opção ativa para IDR, mas estou com uma dúvida, pois ainda não criei nenhum disco IDR. Ao usar o wizard vejo que a opção está disponibilizada para criar o disco IDR e a minha dúvida é a seguinte : Presumo que quando arrancar o IDR o wizard pedirá as médias do windows 2003 Enterprise x86 estas são Open License e tenho estas fisicamente, no entanto julgo que terei de ter os driver do controlado P410 para embeber no IDR através da opção do 2003 inserir novos interfaces bem como devo ter de ter os drivers do controlador Adaptec para efetuar a mesma operação. Antes de fazer o IDR gostava de ter a confirmação de que estou certo no procedimento a criar que seria : Arrancar o wizard IDR escolher o servidor que neste caso é o que tem o BE e quando me pedir as médias de instalação devo pela tecla de função forçar a introdução do controlador P410 e do Adaptec U320 Agradeçia a vossa indicação estou correto ou entendi mal o procedimento ? ObrigadoSolved575Views1like5CommentsIDR and HP NIC
I am trying to create an IDR recovery disc for HP Proliant servers running Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise. Everything seems to work OK except the IDR CD will not bind to the NICs. My backups are on the network and I need the nics to reach them. Static IP addresses are used.365Views1like1CommentIDR restoration of complete site from tape duplicate
I need to work out a scenario for recovering a complete site from the archive tapes The site consists of: Two AD DCs, one holding the DR backup folder. The BE 2010 R3 backup server. Additional servers, Sharepoint, SQL, file shares etc. The backups are made to disk, with the full backups duplicated to LTO tapes. The policy enforced also makes it impossible to login to any server not connected to the AD, including the BE server. Having read other forum questions, I have trouble coming up with a workable solution for restoring the complete site from the tapes. The easiest solution (I thought), would be to hook up the tape drive to the AD DC, restore that one from tape, then restore the BE server from tape, then restore the other servers from network. At this point, I really don't know how to go about the restore, since the IDR disc will not restore from anything but the disk backups, that in this scenario would have burned up together with all other servers (or similar). Is there something I have overlooked? That you cannot point to another backup set location is really a disappointment.Solved785Views1like3CommentsUnable to create an IDR disk under Backup Exec 2010 R3
We have just purchased Symantec Backup Exec 2010 R3 for Small Business Server, for a customer. I went to create a bootable DVD image (IDR) and as usual was prompted to insert the Operating System DVD. The DVD supplied with the server (Small Business Server 2011 Standard) is a Fujitsu branded OEM DVD. When I insert this, Backup Exec says it's not a valid disk. This is the first time I've hit this problem - any way around it? SimonSolved425Views1like1Comment