Getting error while running reports in compliance accelerator
Hi All, I migrated my SQL server 2 weeks back all is working fine except the reporting feature in CA, when users try to run the report it fails and gives error. The current action cannot be completed.The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report or shared dataset.Either the user data source credentials are not stored in the report server database, or the user data source is configured not to require credentials but the unattended execution account is not specified. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidDataSourceCredentialSettingException: The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report or shared dataset. Either the user data source credentials are not stored in the report server database, or the user data source is configured not to require credentials but the unattended execution account is not specified. SQL server is 2008 R2 and CA server version is 9.0.2Solved3.2KViews0likes2CommentsAccess to research folder of ex-employee
Hi, One of user needs to access a research folder created by co-worker who already left the company.Even with administrator permission, we are not able to access the role assignment tab to change the permission.As far as I know, only the folder owner can change the permission.But in our case, since the folder owner already left the company, we are left with no option. Is there anyway to achieve this or does this require an enhancement from symantec?Solved2.4KViews1like3CommentsCustom CA Reports
Hey. The standard CA reports are pretty useful, but I'm wondering it it's possible to create a custom report or modifyanexisting one. Specifically, I'm inerested in "Monitored IDs by Department". That report only includes messages from random sampling or guaranteed sample searches, but I'd like one that covers scheduled searches as well. I don't need for the report to be visible in the CA console.If there's a database query that returns the desired info, I could transform that into a CSV which would be just fine. Poking around in the database, I haven't been able to make a lot of headway. Any ideas?Solved2.1KViews1like4CommentsReport for items reviewed by a reviewer in CA
Hi , I have a requirement to prepare a report on total no of items reviewed, pending and questioned for one employee in compliance accelerator. I checked the inbuilt CA report " Evidence of exchange(internal) review by employee " , but it displays all the columns as "0". Later, I came to know that CA report only displays messages from random sampling and not from immediate or scheduled searches and review. Is there any otherway to getthis report?Solved2.1KViews4likes4CommentsCA Report with reviewed messages, attachments, reviewer comments and date
Regulatorswill request evidence of email supervision. Specifically requested is: email and attachments reviewer date of the review reviewer comments While a"Printable Version" of 1-10 messages may be printed from the Review Pane of CAcontainingthis information, how may this be accomplished for more data and multiple Departments.Solved2KViews2likes6Comments"Based on Search" for all nested departments
Is it possible to apply a "based on search" to all nested departments? We have elected to structure our Departments by sales channel with nested departmentsby manager within the channel. Generally, each nested department contains the same search criteria (different monitored employees). It would gain efficiency if a "based on search" could be used for all nested departments. Below is an illustration. Many thanks.Solved1.9KViews0likes2Commentsauditing in Compliance Accelerator
Hi (CA 9.0.2 and 10.0.3) Is there any auditing of events in CA? Interested in audit trails for Search percentage changes – department level Lexicon changes – application level and department level Ideally want to see an audit trail containing names, date of a change, content of a change - runnable from department or application level thanksSolved1.8KViews0likes4CommentsCompliance Accelerator - Adding phrases with wildcards to Hotwords
Hi, As per the administrator's guide forCompliance Accelerator, one must use double quotation markswhen adding phrases to hotwords. Can I use wildcard wordswhen adding a phrase to the hotwords? For example if I want to add the following phrase to the list of hotwords:a comp* word If yes, thenhow would I do it?Solved1.7KViews0likes3CommentsCompliance Accelerator searches SQL query
Hi I want to pull details of specific unaccepted searches in CA. Specifcally I want the email address of the From and To recipients. I have this query which gives me everything except email addresses. Is this data stored in the CA databease? Thanks /****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/ SELECT TOP 100000 [SearchItemID] ,[SearchVaultID] ,[SearchID] ,[CaseID] ,[VaultID] ,[KVSVaultEntryID] ,[KVSSaveSetID] ,[MarkingID] ,[Author] ,[Subject] ,[MailDate] ,[NumAttachments] ,[PrincipalID] ,[extension] ,[url] ,[size] ,[Direction] ,[Type] ,[Recipient] ,[CaptureType] ,[CaptureDate] ,[ReviewerID] ,[IncludeInSample] ,[ItemLocationID] ,[RecipientTruncated] ,[ModifiedDate] ,[PolicyAction] ,[PolicyXML] ,[PolicySummary] ,[PolicySummaryTruncated] ,[FullHash] ,[HashPart1] ,[IsDuplicate] FROM [Evcomplianceaccelerator].[dbo].[tblSearchItems] where CaseID = 31394 and SearchID = 70Solved1.7KViews0likes5Comments