NetApp snapmirror resource not getting online with VCS integration
Dear All, I would like to have some help to identify following error while onlining a NetApp SnapMirror agent that was intergrated with VCS. The filer name and its credential s were given properly and even i can able to ssh it from the servers but for some reason the resource is not getting online and shows following error in the engine.log 2014/09/30 15:02:44 VCS WARNING V-16-20059-1002 (node)NetAppSnapMirror:testSM:online:Encountered errors while decrypting password! 2014/09/30 15:02:44 VCS ERROR V-16-20059-1000 (node11) NetAppSnapMirror:testSM:online:ONTAPI 'system-get-version' failed on filer node1.sys Error : in Zapi::invoke, cannot connect to socket Actually i am doing global Clustering configuration where i have two node cluster and a filer at primary site, In dr i have a single node cluster and a filer. the replication is async. Any support highly appreacited. Thanks. Uvi.4.5KViews1like12CommentsNeed help in Nic resource fault
We are experiencing below mentioned faults every now and then that affects our backup. setup is like we have BkupLan service group in which we have NIC resource (bkup_nic) and Phantom resource . Two service groups OSSfs and sybase1 have proxy resource monitoring this NIC resource. and both are configured with Ip resources Ossbak_ip1 and sybbak_ip1. The issue is Nic resource failed with below message and in turn proxy and ip resources failed. Then NIC comes back and proxy and ip come back too. Below is the configuration too Please advice why it goen offline/online frequently 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-7506 (ossadm2) NIC:bkup_nic:monitor:Resource is offline. No Network Host could be reached 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (ossadm2) Resource(bkup_nic): Output of the completed operation (monitor) ============================================== Broken Pipe ============================================== 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource bkup_nic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: BkupLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=ossadm2, arg1=bkup_nic, arg2=ONLINE 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-0 (ossadm2) resfault:( Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/, arg1=ossadm2 ,arg2=bkup_nic2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (ossadm2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault ossadm2 bkup_nic ONLINE successfully 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossbak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 I chnage the Tolerance limit of NIC na dproxy agent to 2 root@ossadm1> hatype -display NIC NIC ToleranceLimit 2 oot@ossadm1> hatype -display Proxy Proxy ToleranceLimit 2 But still it failed like below :57:28 ossadm1 Had[18697]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource bkup_nic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: BkupLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 Nov 6 00:58:01 ossadm1 Had[18697]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource syb1bak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 Nov 6 00:58:01 ossadm1 Had[18697]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossbak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 It didnot say That syb1bak_p1 fauled and tolerance limit 2 not reached something like this to stay up for another monitor interval Do we need to set anything else so that proxy resoources dnt fault immediately and wait for sometime.Solved1.7KViews0likes2CommentsHow to remove a service group
I would like to remove the SG, will the below steps work? hagrp -offline SG –sys server1 hares –delete resources - delete parent resources first since resources are dependent on others Parent - tony, Child - ting So, run command hares -delete tony (first) hagrp –delete SGSolved3.7KViews1like7Commentsneed to find rootcause for service failure in veritas clusster
Hello Guys, I need to find the rootcause for the service failure in our veritas cluster. service groups didnot failover to other node. Below are the logs as i can see all this strated with NIcs failure and IPMULTINICB resource going faulty. if anyone can help me here engine logs ==================================== 2013/05/17 12:41:41 VCS INFO V-16-2-13075 (pk-ercoss1) Resource(ossfs_ip) has reported unexpected OFFLINE 1 times, which is still within the Tol eranceLimit(1). 2013/05/17 12:41:42 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource pub_mnic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:42 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource pub_p (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) on System pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:42 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource pub_mnic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:42 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource pub_p (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) on System pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss1) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss1, arg1=pub_mnic, arg2=ONLINE 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss2, arg1=pub_mnic, arg2=ONLINE 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-0 (pk-ercoss1) resfault:( Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/, arg1=pk-er coss1 ,arg2=pub_mnic 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:( Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/, arg1=pk-er coss2 ,arg2=pub_mnic 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss1) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault pk-ercoss1 pub_mnic ONLIN E successfully 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault pk-ercoss2 pub_mnic ONLIN E successfully 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource pub_p (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group PubLan is faulted on system pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10446 Group PubLan is offline on system pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10493 Evaluating pk-ercoss2 as potential target node for group PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-50010 Group PubLan is online or faulted on system pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10493 Evaluating pk-ercoss1 as potential target node for group PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-50010 Group PubLan is online or faulted on system pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10235 Restart is set for group PubLan. Group will be brought online if fault on persistent resource clears . If group is brought online anywhere else from AutoStartList or manually, then Restart will be reset 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource pub_p (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is offline on pk-ercoss1 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group PubLan is faulted on system pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10446 Group PubLan is offline on system pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10493 Evaluating pk-ercoss2 as potential target node for group PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-50010 Group PubLan is online or faulted on system pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-10493 Evaluating pk-ercoss1 as potential target node for group PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS INFO V-16-1-50010 Group PubLan is online or faulted on system pk-ercoss1 2013/05/17 12:41:43 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10235 Restart is set for group PubLan. Group will be brought online if fault on persistent resource clears . If group is brought online anywhere else from AutoStartList or manually, then Restart will be reset 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) postoffline:(postoffline) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss2, arg1=PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) postoffline:Executing /ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/ with arg0=pk-ercoss2, arg 1=PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss1) postoffline:(postoffline) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss1, arg1=PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss1) postoffline:Executing /ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/ with arg0=pk-ercoss1, arg 1=PubLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) done 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) postoffline:Completed execution of /ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/ for group Pu bLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss1) done 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/postoffline pk-ercoss2 PubLan su ccessfully 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss1) postoffline:Completed execution of /ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/ for group Pu bLan 2013/05/17 12:41:44 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss1) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/postoffline pk-ercoss1 PubLan su ccessfully 2013/05/17 12:41:49 VCS INFO V-16-2-13075 (pk-ercoss1) Resource(snmp_ip) has reported unexpected OFFLINE 1 times, which is still within the Tole ranceLimit(1). 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource syb1_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource stop_sybase (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossfs_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss2, arg1=syb1_p1, arg2=ONLINE 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=pk-ercoss2, arg1=ossfs_p1, arg2=ONLINE 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-10001-88 (pk-ercoss2) Application:stop_sybase:offline:Executed [/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/ stop] successfully. 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:( Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/, arg1=pk-er coss2 ,arg2=syb1_p1 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-0 (pk-ercoss2) resfault:( Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/, arg1=pk-er coss2 ,arg2=ossfs_p1 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault pk-ercoss2 syb1_p1 ONLINE successfully 2013/05/17 12:41:50 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (pk-ercoss2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault pk-ercoss2 ossfs_p1 ONLIN E successfully 2013/05/17 12:41:53 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource stop_sybase (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:41:53 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource masterdataservice_BACKUP (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on Syst em pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:42:00 VCS NOTICE V-16-20018-26 (pk-ercoss2) SybaseBk:masterdataservice_BACKUP:offline:Sybase Backup service masterdataservice_BACK UP has been stopped 2013/05/17 12:42:00 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (pk-ercoss2) Resource(masterdataservice_BACKUP): Output of the completed operation (offline) ============================================== Password: Backup Server: The Backup Server will go down immediately. Terminating sessions. ============================================== 2013/05/17 12:42:00 VCS WARNING V-16-20018-301 (pk-ercoss2) SybaseBk:masterdataservice_BACKUP:monitor:Open for backupserver failed, setting cook ie to NULL 2013/05/17 12:42:00 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource masterdataservice_BACKUP (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS i nitiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:00 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource masterdataservice (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-e rcoss2 2013/05/17 12:42:02 VCS NOTICE V-16-20018-18 (pk-ercoss2) Sybase:masterdataservice:offline:Sybase service masterdataservice has been stopped 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (pk-ercoss2) Resource(masterdataservice): Output of the completed operation (offline) ============================================== Password: Server SHUTDOWN by request. ASE is terminating this process. CT-LIBRARY error: ct_results(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect ============================================== 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS WARNING V-16-20018-301 (pk-ercoss2) Sybase:masterdataservice:monitor:Open for dataserver failed, setting cookie to NULL 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource masterdataservice (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiate d) 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource syb1_ip (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource syb1_ip (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource sybmaster_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-erc oss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource syblog_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercoss 2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource sybdata_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercos s2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource pmsyblog_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-erco ss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource pmsybdata_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-erc oss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource fmsyblog_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-erco ss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource fmsybdata_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-erc oss2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource dbdumps_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercos s2 2013/05/17 12:42:03 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource syb1bak_ip (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) on System pk-ercoss2 2013/05/17 12:42:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource sybmaster_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource syblog_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource sybdata_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource pmsyblog_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) 2013/05/17 12:42:05 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource pmsybdata_mount (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is offline on pk-ercoss2 (VCS initiated) =========================================================================================== message file ============================================================================================ May 17 12:41:37 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 594170 daemon.error] NIC failure detected on oce9 of group pub_mnic May 17 12:41:37 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 832587 daemon.error] Successfully failed over from NIC oce9 to NIC oce0 May 17 12:41:38 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 168056 daemon.error] All Interfaces in group pub_m have failed May 17 12:41:42 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource pub_mnic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss1 May 17 12:41:42 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource pub_mnic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: PubLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 May 17 12:41:43 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group PubLan is faulted on system pk-ercoss2 May 17 12:41:43 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group PubLan is faulted on system pk-ercoss1 May 17 12:41:50 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource syb1_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 May 17 12:41:50 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossfs_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is F AULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss2 May 17 12:41:56 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 299542 daemon.error] NIC repair detected on oce0 of group pub_mnic May 17 12:41:56 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 620804 daemon.error] Successfully failed back to NIC oce0 May 17 12:41:56 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 237757 daemon.error] At least 1 interface (oce0) of group pub_mnic has repaired May 17 12:41:57 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 299542 daemon.error] NIC repair detected on oce9 of group pub_mnic May 17 12:41:57 pk-ercoss1 in.mpathd[6024]: [ID 620804 daemon.error] Successfully failed back to NIC oce9 May 17 12:42:10 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10205 Group Sybase1 is faulted on system pk-ercoss2 May 17 12:42:11 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 Thread(5) Agent is calling clean for resource( ossfs_ip) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:42:11 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (pk-ercoss1) Agent is calling clean for resource(ossfs_ip ) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:42:11 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(5) Resource(ossfs_ip) - clean completed successfully. May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@0,0/pci8086,3a40@1c/pci103c,3245@0/sd@1,0 (sd9): May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 drive offline May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 vxdmp: [ID 480808 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxdmp V-5-0-112 disabled path 30/0x240 belonging to the dmpnode 264/0x40 due to open failure May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 vxdmp: [ID 824220 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxdmp V-5-0-111 disabled dmpnode 264/0x40 May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 vxdmp: [ID 238993 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxdmp 0 dmp_tur_temp_pgr: open failed: error = 6 dev=0x108/0x42 May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-11401 : dg import with I/O fence enabled May 17 12:42:12 pk-ercoss1 vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-11401 sybasedg: dg import with I/O fence enabled May 17 12:42:15 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-10001-5004 IPMultiNICB:syb1_ip:online:Can not online. No interfaces available May 17 12:42:15 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-10001-5004 (pk-ercoss1) IPMultiNICB:syb1_ip:online:Can not online . No interfaces available May 17 12:42:19 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 Thread(5) Agent is calling clean for resource( snmp_ip) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:42:19 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (pk-ercoss1) Agent is calling clean for resource(snmp_ip) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:42:19 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(5) Resource(snmp_ip) - clean completed successfully. May 17 12:42:21 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossfs_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is F AULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss1 May 17 12:42:21 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource syb1_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys pk-ercoss1 May 17 12:42:50 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 652011 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_3pp/activemq_oss_loggingbroker:default: Method "/ericsso n/activemq/bin/ stopActiveMqLogger" failed with exit status 1. May 17 12:42:50 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 652011 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_3pp/activemq:default: Method "/ericsson/activemq/bin/act stopActiveMq" failed with exit status 1. May 17 12:43:16 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 Thread(4) Agent is calling clean for resource( syb1_ip) because the resource is not up even after online completed. May 17 12:43:16 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13066 (pk-ercoss1) Agent is calling clean for resource(syb1_ip) because the resource is not up even after online completed. May 17 12:43:16 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(4) Resource(syb1_ip) - clean completed successfully. May 17 12:43:16 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5819]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13072 Thread(4) Resource(syb1_ip): Agent is retrying online (attempt number 1 of 1). May 17 12:43:28 pk-ercoss1 vxdmp: [ID 238993 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxdmp 0 dmp_tur_temp_pgr: open failed: error = 6 dev=0x108/0x42 May 17 12:43:28 pk-ercoss1 vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-11401 : dg import with I/O fence enabled May 17 12:43:28 pk-ercoss1 vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-11401 sybasedg: dg import with I/O fence enabled May 17 12:43:30 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 122153 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method or service exit timed out. Killi ng contract 322855. May 17 12:43:30 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 636263 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method "/etc/init.d/TBS stop" failed due to signal KILL. May 17 12:44:31 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 122153 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method or service exit timed out. Killi ng contract 322861. May 17 12:44:31 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 636263 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method "/etc/init.d/TBS stop" failed due to signal KILL. May 17 12:44:49 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 Thread(13) Agent is calling clean for resource (tomcat) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:44:49 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (pk-ercoss1) Agent is calling clean for resource(tomcat) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own. May 17 12:44:49 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(13) Resource(tomcat) - clean completed successfully. May 17 12:44:49 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13073 Thread(13) Resource(tomcat) became OFFLINE une xpectedly on its own. Agent is restarting (attempt number 1 of 2) the resource. May 17 12:44:49 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13073 (pk-ercoss1) Resource(tomcat) became OFFLINE unexpectedly on its own. Agent is restarting (attempt number 1 of 2) the resource. May 17 12:45:32 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 122153 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method or service exit timed out. Killi ng contract 322865. May 17 12:45:32 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 636263 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default: Method "/etc/init.d/TBS stop" failed due to signal KILL. May 17 12:45:32 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 748625 daemon.error] ericsson/eric_ep/TBS:default failed: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs - xv' for details) May 17 12:46:18 pk-ercoss1 su: [ID 810491 auth.crit] 'su sybase' failed for sybase on /dev/??? May 17 12:47:19 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 122153 daemon.warning] svc:/ericsson/eric_3pp/glassfish:default: Method or service exit timed out. Killing contract 540. May 17 12:47:19 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13011 Thread(14) Resource(glassfish): offline proced ure did not complete within the expected time. May 17 12:47:19 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13063 Thread(14) Agent is calling clean for resource (glassfish) because offline did not complete within the expected time. May 17 12:47:19 pk-ercoss1 Had[5742]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13063 (pk-ercoss1) Agent is calling clean for resource(glassfis h) because offline did not complete within the expected time. May 17 12:47:20 pk-ercoss1 svc.startd[9]: [ID 748625 daemon.error] ericsson/eric_3pp/glassfish:default failed: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details) May 17 12:47:21 pk-ercoss1 AgentFramework[5813]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] VCS ERROR V-16-2-13068 Thread(14) Resource(glassfish) - clean complet ed successfully. ====================================================== hastatus output at present ======================================================== -- SYSTEM STATE -- System State Frozen A pk-ercoss1 RUNNING 0 A pk-ercoss2 RUNNING 0 -- GROUP STATE -- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State B BkupLan pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B BkupLan pk-ercoss2 Y N ONLINE B DDCMon pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B DDCMon pk-ercoss2 Y N PARTIAL B Oss pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B Oss pk-ercoss2 Y N OFFLINE B Ossfs pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B Ossfs pk-ercoss2 Y N OFFLINE B PrivLan pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B PrivLan pk-ercoss2 Y N ONLINE B PubLan pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B PubLan pk-ercoss2 Y N ONLINE B StorLan pk-ercoss1 Y N ONLINE B StorLan pk-ercoss2 Y N ONLINE B Sybase1 pk-ercoss1 Y N OFFLINE B Sybase1 pk-ercoss2 Y N ONLINE ============================================================================ pk-ercoss1{root} # hagrp -resources PubLan pub_mnic pub_p pk-ercoss1{root} # hares -display pub_mnic #Resource Attribute System Value pub_mnic Group global PubLan pub_mnic Type global MultiNICB pub_mnic AutoStart global 1 pub_mnic Critical global 1 pub_mnic Enabled global 1 pub_mnic LastOnline global pk-ercoss2 pub_mnic MonitorOnly global 0 pub_mnic ResourceOwner global pub_mnic TriggerEvent global 0 pub_mnic ArgListValues pk-ercoss1 UseMpathd 1 1 MpathdCommand 1 /usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd ConfigCheck 1 1 MpathdRestart 1 1 Device 4 oce0 0 oce9 1 NetworkHosts 1 LinkTestRatio 1 1 IgnoreLinkStatus 1 1 NetworkTimeout 1 100 OnlineTestRepeatCount 1 3 OfflineTestRepeatCount 1 3 NoBroadcast 1 0 DefaultRouter 1 Failback 1 0 GroupName 1 "" Protocol 1 IPv4 pub_mnic ArgListValues pk-ercoss2 UseMpathd 1 1 MpathdCommand 1 /usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd ConfigCheck 1 1 MpathdRestart 1 1 Device 4 oce0 0 oce9 1 NetworkHosts 1 LinkTestRatio 1 1 IgnoreLinkStatus 1 1 NetworkTimeout 1 100 OnlineTestRepeatCount 1 3 OfflineTestRepeatCount 1 3 NoBroadcast 1 0 DefaultRouter 1 Failback 1 0 GroupName 1 "" Protocol 1 IPv4 pub_mnic ConfidenceLevel pk-ercoss1 0 pub_mnic ConfidenceLevel pk-ercoss2 0 pub_mnic ConfidenceMsg pk-ercoss1 pub_mnic ConfidenceMsg pk-ercoss2 pub_mnic Flags pk-ercoss1 pub_mnic Flags pk-ercoss2 pub_mnic IState pk-ercoss1 not waiting pub_mnic IState pk-ercoss2 not waiting pub_mnic MonitorMethod pk-ercoss1 Traditional pub_mnic MonitorMethod pk-ercoss2 Traditional pub_mnic Probed pk-ercoss1 1 pub_mnic Probed pk-ercoss2 1 pub_mnic Start pk-ercoss1 0 pub_mnic Start pk-ercoss2 0 pub_mnic State pk-ercoss1 ONLINE pub_mnic State pk-ercoss2 ONLINE pub_mnic ComputeStats global 0 pub_mnic ConfigCheck global 1 pub_mnic DefaultRouter global pub_mnic Failback global 0 pub_mnic GroupName global pub_mnic IgnoreLinkStatus global 1 pub_mnic LinkTestRatio global 1 pub_mnic MpathdCommand global /usr/lib/inet/in.mpathd pub_mnic MpathdRestart global 1 pub_mnic NetworkHosts global pub_mnic NetworkTimeout global 100 pub_mnic NoBroadcast global 0 pub_mnic OfflineTestRepeatCount global 3 pub_mnic OnlineTestRepeatCount global 3 pub_mnic Protocol global IPv4 pub_mnic TriggerResStateChange global 0 pub_mnic UseMpathd global 1 pub_mnic ContainerInfo pk-ercoss1 Type Name Enabled pub_mnic ContainerInfo pk-ercoss2 Type Name Enabled pub_mnic Device pk-ercoss1 oce0 0 oce9 1 pub_mnic Device pk-ercoss2 oce0 0 oce9 1 pub_mnic MonitorTimeStats pk-ercoss1 Avg 0 TS pub_mnic MonitorTimeStats pk-ercoss2 Avg 0 TS pub_mnic ResourceInfo pk-ercoss1 State Valid Msg TS pub_mnic ResourceInfo pk-ercoss2 State Valid Msg TS pk-ercoss1{root} # hares -display pub_p #Resource Attribute System Value pub_p Group global PubLan pub_p Type global Phantom pub_p AutoStart global 1 pub_p Critical global 1 pub_p Enabled global 1 pub_p LastOnline global pk-ercoss1 pub_p MonitorOnly global 0 pub_p ResourceOwner global pub_p TriggerEvent global 0 pub_p ArgListValues pk-ercoss1 "" pub_p ArgListValues pk-ercoss2 "" pub_p ConfidenceLevel pk-ercoss1 100 pub_p ConfidenceLevel pk-ercoss2 100 pub_p ConfidenceMsg pk-ercoss1 pub_p ConfidenceMsg pk-ercoss2 pub_p Flags pk-ercoss1 pub_p Flags pk-ercoss2 pub_p IState pk-ercoss1 not waiting pub_p IState pk-ercoss2 not waiting pub_p MonitorMethod pk-ercoss1 Traditional pub_p MonitorMethod pk-ercoss2 Traditional pub_p Probed pk-ercoss1 1 pub_p Probed pk-ercoss2 1 pub_p Start pk-ercoss1 1 pub_p Start pk-ercoss2 1 pub_p State pk-ercoss1 ONLINE pub_p State pk-ercoss2 ONLINE pub_p ComputeStats global 0 pub_p TriggerResStateChange global 0 pub_p ContainerInfo pk-ercoss1 Type Name Enabled pub_p ContainerInfo pk-ercoss2 Type Name Enabled pub_p MonitorTimeStats pk-ercoss1 Avg 0 TS pub_p MonitorTimeStats pk-ercoss2 Avg 0 TS pub_p ResourceInfo pk-ercoss1 State Valid Msg TS pub_p ResourceInfo pk-ercoss2 State Valid Msg TSSolved4.4KViews1like9CommentsReset Password of VCS User in Secure Cluster.
Dear All, Greetings! Recently i have added a VCS user in one of our VCS Cluster which in running in secure mode to access the Java Console. However i did not find any option to set a password for the same. After going thru some article i tried to #hauser -update <user name> however this option is not available for hauser command. I need your support to resolve the issue. VCS Version : 6.1 OS : RHEL 5.8 x86_64 I have followed below steps as of now. #haconf -makerw #hauser -add Admin -priv Administrator #hauser -update Admin ]# hauser -update Admin VCS WARNING V-16-1-10603 Unknown option: -update VCS INFO V-16-1-10601 Usage: hauser -add <name> [-priv <Administrator|Operator|Guest> [-group <group(s)>]] hauser -addpriv <name> <Administrator|Operator|Guest> [-group <group(s)>] hauser -delpriv <name> <Administrator|Operator|Guest> [-group <group(s)>] hauser -addpriv <name> <AdministratorGroup|OperatorGroup> [-group <group(s)>] hauser -delpriv <name> <AdministratorGroup|OperatorGroup> [-group <group(s)>] hauser -delete <name> hauser -display [<name>] hauser -list hauser -help Thanks.Solved4.6KViews0likes5CommentsVCS Simulator - credentials
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Hi, I am newbi to VCS. OS is Solaris10. Two node cluster env. New filesystem already created and mounted with dedicated Vertual IP and is already under VCS. We have added two more Vol's (Vol03 & Vol04) in the existing Resource Group say 'node1_rg' Guys, please help me out to know the sequential and step by step procedure with commands to take the newly created Volumes under existing Resource Group......and how to carry out the Failover Test. this is a test server on which we need to do the task. Oracle Database is also there and we can coordinate with App & DBA team to do this activity...... Pleaseeeeeeee help. this is first time I had been to this forum seeking the help... Thanks, Rinku, Pune- IndiaSolved3.3KViews2likes9Comments