How can the embedded Java version be upgraded independently in the Veritas Operations Manager Unix product version 6.1 from Veritas?
Problem Java is embedded within the Veritas Operations Manager (VOM) application and requires manual steps to upgrade to work with the application. Error1.9KViews0likes0CommentsImportant information about the "Heartbleed" OpenSSL vulnerability
A technote is available for customers of Information Availability products (VCS, Storage Foundation, VOM, etc.) who have questions about the "Heartbleed" OpenSSL vulnerability. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.573Views0likes0CommentsSolution for following problems: Replication paused due to error (secondary log error) / vxprint Disk state FAILING / RVG DISABLED and FAIL / Rlink state PAUSE
REPLICATION ENVIRONMENT: OS Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga) SF Version: 5.0 PROBLEM:1.4KViews2likes0CommentsAnnouncing the Agenda for SAMG Customer Forum 2012
We are excited to announce the agenda for the Storage and Availability Management Group (SAMG) Customer Forum 2012. We have only limited seats available for this highly technical event run by the engineers for the engineers.1.1KViews4likes2CommentsRecovering From Failed vxevac
If you have ever evacuated disks in Veritas, every so often this will happen to hang. Usually you terminate your session or who knows what. It happens, you can't explain it, you move on. vxtask list shows no tasks, but you get errors trying to rerun the failed evac. For example:1.2KViews1like2Comments- 1.8KViews0likes6Comments