System State Components are missing from Backups
We have discovered some of the System State Components are missing from our Backups. While we are trying to restore the server's system state, the recovery is failing. System state backup along with Filesystem backups are getting completed without any issues. These components also remain unavailable while performing windows native backup. This issue is under investigation with Microsoft. At the same time, we would like to have one script created which will be used as bpstart_notify batch script which will check the following components before the backup gets triggered. If the components are missing, the backup will not get triggered. ASR - Automated system recovery Background intelligent transfer server COM + class registration database Performance counter registry system files task scheduler vss express writer store windows management instrumentation Can anyone help me with such a script? Or if there is an alternate option for this. Thanks in advance.848Views0likes2CommentsProblem with VSS on a physical Windows Server
Hi, I am adding a physical Windows Server 2016machine as a first client in a new Windows Policy (This is a new NetBackup installation, version 8.1.1). The backups fail with status 69, the log says (some host names edited throughout): [...] 07.06.201812:43:59-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)willattempttousechangejournaldatafor<C:\> 07.06.201812:43:59-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)notusingchangejournaldatafor<SystemState:\>:notsupportedfornon-localvolumes/filesystems 07.06.201812:43:59-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)notusingchangejournaldatafor<_BACKUP_SPECIAL_OBJECTSAFTERSystemState:>:notsupportedfornon-localvolumes/filesystems 07.06.201812:43:59-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)notusingchangejournaldatafor<EFISystemPartition:\>:notsupportedfornon-localvolumes/filesystems 07.06.201812:44:03-Errorbpbrm(pid=62449)fromclient<client>:ERR-UnabletobackupSystemStateorShadowCopy.PleasecheckthestateofVSSandassociatedWriters.ERR-UnabletobackupSystemStateorShadowCopy.PleasecheckthestateofVSSandassociatedWriters.INF-Estimate:-1-1 07.06.201812:44:09-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)notusingchangejournaldatafor<C:\>:noprevioustracklog 07.06.201812:44:51-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)5000entriessenttobpdbm 07.06.201812:45:11-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)10000entriessenttobpdbm 07.06.201812:45:36-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)15000entriessenttobpdbm 07.06.201812:45:54-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)20000entriessenttobpdbm 07.06.201812:46:26-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)25000entriessenttobpdbm 07.06.201812:46:44-Errorbpbrm(pid=62449)fromclient<client>:ERR-UnabletobackupSystemStateorShadowCopy.PleasecheckthestateofVSSandassociatedWriters.JBD-acceleratorsent6763415552bytesoutof6732860928bytestoserver,optimization0.0% 07.06.201812:46:46-Errorbptm(pid=62640)mediamanagerterminatedbyparentprocess 07.06.201812:46:51-Info<appliance>(pid=62640)StorageServer=PureDisk:<appliance>;Report=PDDOStats(multi-threadedstreamused)for(<appliance>):scanned:6575591KB,CRsent:18475KB,CRsentoverFC:0KB,dedup:99.7%,cachedisabled 07.06.201812:46:52-Errorbpbrm(pid=62449)couldnotsendserverstatusmessagetoclient 07.06.201812:46:53-Infobpbkar(pid=13064)done.status:69:invalidfilelistspecification 07.06.201812:46:40-endwriting;writetime:0:02:54 invalidfilelistspecification (69) 07.06.201812:46:55-Infobpbrm(pid=63398)Startingdeletesnapshotprocessing 07.06.201812:46:56-Infobpfis(pid=11140)Backupstarted 07.06.201812:46:56-Warningbpbrm(pid=63398)fromclient<client>:cannotopenC:\ProgramFiles\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\bpfis.fim.<client>_1528368217.1.0 07.06.201812:46:56-Infobpfis(pid=11140)done.status:4207 07.06.201812:46:56-Infobpfis(pid=11140)done.status:4207:Couldnotfetchsnapshotmetadataorstatefiles - "vssadmin list writers" on the client shows "No errors" and "stable" for all writers - The backup stores about 6GB (of about 56GB on the disk) of data, so at least something must be working - A VSS backup using Windows Backup succeeded - I have tried all available options for the VSS provider type, the error is always the same - During the (NetBackup) backup, "vssadmin list shadows" shows an active shadow copy that did not exists before the backup: C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list shadows vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool (C) Copyright 2001-2013 Microsoft Corp. Contents of shadow copy set ID: {306403af-d5a9-4d24-b3c2-4914a0a1a5a8} Contained 1 shadow copies at creation time: 6/7/2018 12:43:54 PM Shadow Copy ID: {e07da3a5-2dba-4544-b3f4-9893df0759d8} Original Volume: (C:)\\?\Volume{aa396902-6d6d-48a3-a039-67d87383d939}\ Shadow Copy Volume: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy10 Originating Machine:<client> Service Machine:<client> Provider: 'Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0' Type: ApplicationRollback Attributes: Persistent, No auto release, Differential Any ideas anybody?Solved3.9KViews0likes4CommentsHow unix backup works?
Hi, Can anybody please explain how unix file system backup works ? We have vss in windows filesystem backup which is needed as there are many files being used at the time of backup, what is the similar technology in unix? And for a unix incrimental backup, is netbackup using atime or mtime to backup changed files?927Views0likes2CommentsMS-Windows policy and VSS question
Hi everyone, Just a quick question regarding an MS-Windows policy and VSS. Does the policy backup from the VSS snapshot or does it only use VSS for open files? If the backup takes 7 hours, is there a chance of backing up changes files during that 7 hours? Or will the backup only run from the VSS snapshot taken when the backup starts? We need to backup a file/folder structure at a specific time on a physical machine. Any advise would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!Solved1.5KViews0likes4Comments