Presentamos el Nuevo NetBackup 5330
Hoy día sabemos que muchas organizaciones enfrentan un punto de inflexión en el que el ROI de las inversiones en infraestructura comienza a alentarse o decrecer. Por otra parte, más de la mitad de los presupuestos típicos se lo lleva el gasto en infraestructura, mientras que el personal permanece estable.Apresentando o novo NetBackup 5330
Clientes relatam um ponto reflexão, onde o retorno sobre investimentos em infraestrutura está começando a desacelerar. Mais da metade dos orçamentos típicos são consumidos por despesas com infraestrutura, e a contagem se mantém estável. Ainda assim, os dados aumentam, as plataformas se fragmentam e as expectativas de atuação são imensas. Então, qual é a resposta?Introducing The All-New NetBackup 5330
Customers report a turning point where infrastructure investment ROI is beginning to slow. More than half of typical budgets are consumed by infrastructure spending while headcounts are flat. And yet: data is growing, platforms are fragmenting and uptime expectations are off the charts. So what’s the answer?FedTech Recognizes Symantec's Backup Exec Agent for VMware
Government organizations are looking to modernize existing technology infrastructure more than ever to support key programs and compliance, which in turn leads to consolidating IT to reduce complexity and lower costs. One interesting technology to be leveraged in this area is virtualization, but government organizations have encountered difficulties with ensuring virtual environments don't jeopardize backup and continuity of operations (COOP) requirements. As Sean Gallagher from FedTech mentions in a recent article, Symantec provides government with an option. "Now there are a number of backup products for midsize organizations that can tackle virtualization as part of the job, bringing a continuity of operations plan (COOP) into a more easily managed enterprise. One of those products is Symantec’s Backup Exec Agent for VMware Virtual Infrastructure, an add-on to Symantec’s Windows Server–based Backup Exec product line."