Dedupe Engine Offline Error for Local Users
We have been experiencing a number of errors with DLO on the user side. The agent will not back up to the user’s DUDF (Desktop User Data File) because it cannot communicate with the server, As both a primary user and an administrator, I often check my settings and backup statistics. I happened to notice today that I, myself, received the Dedupe Engine Offline error when I tried to force a backup over VPN. So. My question is, does being connected via VPN somehow affect the backup? Is it possible that some of the ports used by DLO are blocked, or not open, in a VPN session? Is there some way to test and/or correct this?2.6KViews0likes3CommentsUnable to connect to DLO Administration Server.Failed to load configuration settings
Hi I am getting the below attached error message.I checked in forums and i have been advised to edit the registry file to resolve the issue.I have 1000Machines in my office.It will be verydifficult for me to edit 1000 machines which will take atleast a months time toresolve this issue.Can you please guide me to resolve it all machines at once.Solved4.9KViews0likes5CommentsIs there a way to restore a folder of a specific version
I could not find a way to restore a whole folder of specific version/time, Only individaul files. We use DLO to backup development files / builts automatically, because sometimes our users forget to commit. when a developer makes a new built, the whole files / sub folders / files under sub folders are beeing over wriiten. I could not find a way to restore a speficic built. The only way to do it is manually, I can only restore full folders to the last version - but not to a specific point. That seem like a basic feature. How can i do that?623Views0likes1CommentSymantec DLO and deduplication appliance (EMC Data Domain)
Hi in my scenario with DLO I expect to have: a virtual server (VMware ESXi 5.5) with the following roles: DLO Administration Server, DLO Dedupe Server, DLO Administration Console, DLO Database, DLO Maintenance Server a DLO Storage Location as a CIFS share on Deduplication Appliance (EMC Data Domain) Is it possible ? Any experience to share using a deduplication appliance such ad Data Domain or other solution (HP StoreOnce, DELL DR series) or with regular storage but with deduplication enabled on target ad DLO Storage Location ? Thanks, giorgio508Views0likes0CommentsA collection of doubts
Good afternoon everybody. I was here some time ago ( because the pst files were not been backed up for just one user. Although that was solved after a while, we had an issue with the user's computer and we had to format it, and that's when we realized that the last backup was on March 30th (we were on April 28th) because her NUDF was full and we didn't know. After restoring the data we had, we realized that pst files were the biggest in the NUDF (an average of 20 GB per file, having up to 3 versions, with a NUDF of up to 120 GB), so we set the number of versions in 2 and manually erased the oldest versions (first directly on the NUDF, but later through the DLO console), and activated the Delta File. Although NUDF's size reduced, DLO wasn't recognizing the real size (it showed a smaller size, but not as small as it really was). Another of the changes done were: Keep 1 revision in DUDF. Keep 2 revisions in NUDF. Discard all revisions in the NUDF older than 60 days. Enabling of Delta File transfer. Enabling of encryption. Delete removed files in DUDF after 30 days. Delete removed files in NUDF after 30 days. Days have gone, and DLO is recognizing the user's NUDF with a similar size than the size we appreciate directly on the server. However, it seems that backups are not been successful, because most of recent backup jobs have been cancelled or have had errors, and those successful have 0 in NUDF protected files; actually, most logs state that files are been copied to the DUDF, and that there are files pending to be copied to the NUDF. I would sincerly appreciate your help. Greetings!479Views0likes0CommentsPST is in use by another application
Desktop Laptop Option 8.0 Sp1, SP2, Sp3 have issue to taking incremental backup of pst. When DLO taking backup of pst I am not able to use outlook. Even my outlook is default application. this issue is coming on my two Clients. they don't want VSS Full backup. I have also tried to fix by fixmapi.exe but not working for me. I have also tried to replace Mapi32.dll but same issue. If there is any solution please shared with me.1.3KViews0likes2CommentsDLO 8.0 Requesting logon from outside domain
Hello, Our folks travel a lot, and have recelntly been asked to login their credentials for the DLO 8.0 client when outside the domain. We realize, that by simply typing in their credentials, the request will go away, at least until their password is changed. Is there a way to just get ride of the login prompt? We do not plan on using the Edge Server as of now. Runing on Server 2012R2 Thanks!1.4KViews0likes3CommentsCant use DLO agent
Hi, As i am new to the DLO, I installed DLO server and configured perfectly. I installed Agent on one computer in my domain. I created 2 user in DLO server of my domain. When i tried to login as user A at my client PC i am able to use DLO agent perfectly,But when i am logged in with different user account B i am not able to use DLO agent properly. Attached is the Pop Up message i am geeting,Tried entring administrator account user detail for that domain as well as the logged in account details but cant access.584Views0likes1Comment