Restore wizard?
Next problem... I am now trying to do a restore and even this is not an easy task! When I start the restore wizard it lists all of the backup files, in no particular order, image attached. I now have to go through 1000 backup files one by one to see the contents to locate the latest backup of a file! Surely this cannot be right.Solved484Views8likes2CommentsAbgelaufene Backup Dateien werden nich gelöscht
Hallo, Wir haben folgendes Backup Szenario: Im Server ist ein Wechselrahmen. Hier wird die Platte wöchentlich am Freitag um ca 14:00 Uhr gewechselt. Beide Wechselplatten sind in einem "Speicherpool extern" zusammengefasst. Der Backup plan ist folgendermaßen eingerichtet: Vollbackup: Jede Woche um 20:00 Uhr - Backupziel: Speicherpool extern - Aufbewahren für 1 Woche Inkrementell: Alle 1 Wochen am (SO,MO,DI,MI,DO) um 23:00 Uhr Inkrementell Fr.: Alle 1 Wochen am Freitag um 12:00. So viel mal zu Konfiguration. Nun zum eigentlichen Problem: Die Platten laufen momentan immer nach 2-3 Wochen voll, weil er zwar die Backup-Sätze als abgelaufen markiert aber ganz offensichtlich nicht auf der Platte löscht. Woran kann dies liegen? Ist die konfiguration überhaupt sinnvoll so, oder sollte man lieber 2 Backup aufträge einrichten (ein seperater für jede Wechselfestplatte) ? Vielen Dank schon mal! LG Bernd1.6KViews7likes3CommentsFiltering Job History with job name "matches"
Every once in a while I run into a situation where I could really use a better filter than "contains" or "starts with" in job history. I note there is a "matches" option, but there is no documentation on the syntax of it, an my attempts to use it have always ended with no results and frustration. So, does anyone know how to use the "matches" option in job history filters? Backup Exec 2012 SP4.Solved1.9KViews7likes7CommentsMultiple Forders in BEData Folder
Hello everyone. I'm just walking into Symantec as this is a new position for me and its kinda everywhere and out of control and I was hoping I could get a better handle on it. Is it possible within the BEData folder to create a fodler for each server, For example BEData Mailserver Fileserver DNS etc just trying to find an easier to way clean items up. Much appreciated.Solved1.1KViews7likes5CommentsBE 2014 Slow Hyper -V Incremental Back ups
Hi All There seems to be a lot of threads regarding this problem, however i've not found a difinitive solution. Environment Physical Backup Server - BE 2014, OS Windows 2008 R2 - Fully patched, 16GB RAM, 2 x 6 Core CPU's, backing up a mixture of physical and Hyper-V Virtual Windows servers running Windows 2008/2012. We have recently upgraded to Backup Exec 2014, and it seems that our Hyper-V incremental backups run extremly slow. At around 200 MB/M. I understand that if I enable Microsoft incremental backups I need to upgrade my server to 2012 to get GRT backups. But i've not read anything that says this resolves the issue, and may impact on servers performance due to a snapshot always running. Any help would be great. Thanks Paul.330Views6likes1CommentBE2014 cannot restore NDMP data if that NDMP server no longer exists
I opened a case with Backup Exec on 9/3/2014 regarding restoring NDMP data from servers that no longer exist. In a nutshell we have lots and lots of historical Netapp/NDMP backups on tape of servers that have either been renamed or decommissioned. When I load those tapes into BE2014 and perform an inventory and catalog it does not create any of the decommissioned NetApp servers, so I cannot select the server to perform the restore. Better yet, when I right click on the actual tape and select restore I get the message, "No Backup sets found". I can perform these same steps with the same tapes in BE2010R3 without issues. If anyone else out there has NDMP backups of servers that no longer exist i'd be curious if you witness the same problem. Symantec was able to replicate my issue in their lab and this was the response I got back when they closed the case. "I am writing you in reference to the open case mentioned above. Symantec Corporation has acknowledged the issue you are experiencing is present in the current version of the product. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers. This issue is currently under investigation by Symantec Corporation. Pending the outcome of the investigation, this issue may be resolved by way of a service pack in current or future revisions of the software. However, this particular issue is not currently scheduled for any release. If you feel this issue has a direct business impact for you and your continued use of the product, please contact your Symantec Sales representative or the Symantec Sales group to discuss these concerns. For information on how to contact Symantec Sales, please see" I'm looking for any assistance I can get, for I cannot upgrade to BE2012 for the same reasons most of the community can't and I cannot purchase licenses for BE2010 because Symantec only supports the prior version being BE2012 at this point. Any help is appreciated. Chris StangerSolved962Views6likes3CommentsProblem with agent for oracle on Windows server
Hi, Recently we have installed on Backup exec server the oracle agent, and we have a problem when we want install it on the oracle server. So, when we configure the backup exec agent, oracle tab, we received this error: Have you an idea for this problem ? When we connect to the database with sqlplus, we have not any problem. Thanks1.7KViews6likes11Comments- 1.3KViews6likes9Comments
How to exclude Drive/vmdk or files from vmware virtual-based backup
HI @ all, I need to backup different VMs using virtual-based backups. Now my questions: How can I exclude a whole drive from the backup? How can I exclude a whole vmdk from the backup? How can I exclude a from the backup? Thanks for any help! best regards,Solved3.4KViews5likes2Comments