What volume name does VVR use for replication?
I'm about to implement volume replication with InfoScale 7.0 on windows. Currently, InfoScale is only installed on the new DR server and isn't on the production server yet. When I look at the VEA console, select my disk group and click on the volumes tab, I see all the volumes I have set up. But there is a Volume column and a Volume Name column. For example, Volume MailArchive01 is known with the internal volume name of Volume2. For various reasons, the volumes are being created in advance on our DR server and I understand that VVR will replicate volume-to-volume. But will it be replicating MailArchive01 to MailArchive01 or Volume2 to Volume2? The internal volume names seem to be arbitrarily assigned by the software, so when I install in production, there is no guarantee that they are all going to be mapped to the same internal names. For example, it could be MailArchive01:Volume2 on DR and MailArchive01:Volume3 on Prod. I see that there is an option to "change internal volume name"in the VEA console but don't know if this is necessary.Solved1.6KViews0likes1CommentWhen will SRL be played for initial sync using backup/restore
Understood all the points in https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/forums/clustering-one-physical-and-one-virtual-node-gcobut the resync using backup/restore is still confusing. """"Whenusing checkpoints, you take backup of the data on the Primary and physicallyship the backup media to the Secondary location, and restore the backup on theSecondary. When you start the backup, mark the starting point, by using thecheckstart operation on the Primary. When you end the backup, mark the endingpoint by using the checkend operation on the Primary. While the backup andrestore are going on, updates are written to the Replicator Log volume.To bring the Secondary data up-to-date, restore the block-level backup. After therestore is complete, start replication to the Secondary with checkpoint using thesame checkpoint name that you had specified for the checkstart operation on thePrimary. The Secondary can be brought up-to-date only if the updates are still presentin the Replicator Log volume. Using checkpoints is a multi-step process andtherefore, needs to be done very carefully."""""" When will the replicator log will be played? Also once the logs have been committed will the pair notify us about those logs being played?Solved1.4KViews0likes2CommentsVVR has 2 primaries
I have successfully installed NBU on both nodes. Thanks for the help everyone. The only outstanding issue I now have is with the replication. If this needs to be a new post in a different section let me know! I have run the Volume Replicator Agent Configuration wizard successfully and my initial testing of failing between nodes went perfectly. However, at some point during the testing both nodes have ended up thinking that they are the primary in the GUI and I cannot see the secondaries listed,although everything looks correct in VCS and I can still bring everything online on each side with no errors. Something clearly isn't right with it though. I have tried deleting the RDS in the GUI and using commands to create it again, but it seems to be somewhat stuck and I can't seem to remove it or change anything now! Here's the output on what should be the primary node: C:\>vradmin -g NBUCATDG takeover nbuRVG Error occurred on host HOST1. Error V-106-58644-541: Primary takeover is not supported in present configuratio n. C:\>vradmin -g NBUCATDG stoprep nbuRVG HOST2 Error occurred on host HOST2. Error V-106-58644-528: Cannot complete operation. RDS is incomplete, either prim ary or secondary node is missing. C:\>vradmin -g NBUCATDG delsec nbuRVG HOST2 Error occurred on host HOST1. Error V-106-58644-513: This operation cannot be performed in present state of th e configuration. Please try again. C:\>vradmin -g NBUCATDG -f delpri nbuRVG Failed to perform the operation. Error V-106-58644-698: Operation not allowed. The RVG cluster resource is alread y configured for this RVG. Use -f option to forcefully stop it. C:\>vradmin -g NBUCATDG -f delrds nbuRDS Failed to perform the operation. Error V-107-58644-917: Cannot identify the correct RDS. C:\>vradmin -l printrvg Replicated Data Set : nbuRDS Primary : Hostname : HOST1 <localhost> RvgName : nbuRVG DgName : NBUCATDG Datavol_cnt : 1 Srl : vvrlog Rlinks: Name = rlk_primary ,rlink_state = ACTIVE, synchronous = override UPDATE: After switching back to what should be the secondary node (HOST2) I found that most of the above commands give a different error: "Error V-106-58644-697: Cannot perform this operation on an acting secondary RVG". Howeverin the VEAGUI it is listed as the primary.Solved2KViews1like2CommentsCreate second RDS using volumes from same disk group in Veritas volume replicator
Hi all, I have one query. I have one disk group with 5 volumes, which are more than 2 TB and are configured for replication. Now i want to add 2 more volumes in the RDS but it will resync all the volumes after adding these 2 volumes, so is it possible to make second RDS for only those 2 new volumes. Also can we use same IP for replication.5.5KViews0likes8CommentsHow to check VVR replication status
Hi, one of our customers is using storage foundation 6.0 for Windows and they use VVR to replicate volumes from production site to dr site. The replication is in asynchronous mode. My question is: How to check VVR replication status? Is there a way to show the replication progress such as how many percentages have been replicated and/or how long it takes to complete the replication? Thanks in advance.Solved5.1KViews1like2CommentsVVR
Hi I am new to VVR and need assistance please. Replication works fine until I create the “replication service group” in VCS. VCS initiates a disk group deport on secondary node 2 and then replication stops. If you freeze the “replication service group” the disk group on the secondary node stays imported and replication works. I obviously missing something. Shouldnt the disk groups be in an imported state on all node for VVR replication to work? Thanks MariusSolved1.6KViews0likes3CommentsReplication has stopped in cluster server
I need help I am having replication configured from cluster servers on Windows, today I have faced an issue where replication was stop and in DCM Mode. Today we facing replication issues with one of the clusters. The replication is getting stopped and DCM log is getting activated. The replication restarts after forced resync command but again stops after sometime. ThanksSolved1.6KViews0likes6CommentsHow do I verify my data size that will be replicated through VVR
I need to find a way to figure out the Mb/sec (Mb=Megabits) that will be replicated to my offsite and the pipe size I need in order to stay insync. I have been testing VVR and have all of my setting in place with everything working correctly. But with a 10Mb VPN internet pipe I have the line pegged at 10Mb all the time and am never able to catchup. When I looked at Performance monitor, Physical and Logical disks I am only generating about 4Mb/sec of disk writes which is what is being replicated the the offsite. Am I looking at the wrong data for my replication size needed? Is there a way to verify the Mb/sec that are going to be written the my offsite prior to starting VVR? NOTE: If you are having similar problems make sure to read the whole thread, there were mutliple solutions that were needed to verify and fix the problem of the data never catching up completely.Solved5.1KViews3likes17CommentsVERITAS VOLUME REPLICATION DCM LOG INCREASING
Hi, I have volume replicated two servers one is in myDC& another in DR in different geographic location. As due to some technical falult the DR server was not reachable for 2 days so replication hampered. After the DR server is up but till date the DCM log is gradually increasing day by day. Can anyone help me in rectify this, if I have to do DC - DR drill is it possible or feasable to do that till the logs cleared. Please help. Thanks in advance.2.2KViews1like1Comment