New Sybase backup failing with error code 6.
Happy New years ! I am configuring a new backup policy , policy type : Sybase . I copied the script from the existing server who's backups are running well and amended it to use on the new server and added the path into the policy. But it is failing with error code 6. Error found in sybase_stdout : /sybase/BET/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Uxxxxxxxx -Pxxxxxxxx -I/sybase/BET/interfaces -SBET < ./syb_BET_dump CT-LIBRARY error: ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED. bpbackup -c BRG_SYBASE_BET /sybase/BET/ASE-15_0/scripts Finished Wed Jan 7 04:34:25 CST 2015 exit 255 I checked the connectivity with db with the help of DBA team and they confirmed they are able to conncet to the DB. Please help ! Attaching the failed job details , bphdb logs and script.Solved2.8KViews0likes4CommentsHow to restore SAP HANA database to different client with different db name
Hi All, I am trying to restore an SAP HANA database ABC on client1 to database DEF on client2. I can restore ABC to ABC on client1 without any issue. But when I try to restore ABC on client1 to DEF on client2, I am getting "No data backup found" error in SAP HANA Studio. Did anyone do this kind of restore? Netbackup version: 7.7 Regards.Solved8.9KViews0likes10CommentsSAP HANA "Backint missing software version tag" error
Hi everyone I beg for your help or advise if anyone has experimented this problem. We configured a SAP HANA IBM Appliance backup following the steps in the NetBackup admin guide for SAP, but after lunch a backup process it always fails taking about 30 minutes to end. No jobs are generated in the NetBackup side or we can't see any jobs in the activity monitor. When we check at backint.log file, we found several errors displaying "ERROR: incorrect format or option in .utl file (-p)" and "Backint missing software version tag" as shown above: 2014-06-09 12:54:22.000 backint started: command: /usr/sap/HBP/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint -f backup -p /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/sap/scripts/sap_oracle/initSAP.utl -i /var/tmp/hdbbackint_HBP.wWCRnp -o /var/tmp/hdbbackint_HBP.csWwcO -u HBP -s 1402336462022 -c 1 -l LOG pid: 63217 input: #SOFTWAREID "backint 1.04" "HANA HDB server" #PIPE "/usr/sap/HBP/SYS/global/hdb/backint/log_backup_0_0_0_0" 2014-06-09 12:54:22.000 backint terminated: pid: 63148 exit code: 0 output: ERROR: incorrect format or option in .utl file (-p) exception: exception 1: no.110515 (Backup/Destination/Backint/impl/BackupDestBackint_Executor.cpp:190) Backint missing software version tag Our master server is a Windows 2008 Server running NBU Our SAP HANA Appliance is on a SuSe Linux 10 SP2 running NBU Thanks in advance6.1KViews1like3CommentsSAP HANA Backup Configuration at Netbackup side.
Hi, I am new with to SAP HANA Backup Configuration at Netbackup side. We have inform the SAP admin to run backup and restoration from SAP HANA studio. My question is after link all the required parameter. If SAP admin is running backup job from SAP HANA studio, what need to be done at netbackup side? Creating the policy? .........If i am creating the policy, which script i have to use? if the job is executed from SAP HANA studio.Solved1.2KViews0likes5CommentsSAP redirected database restore using brrestore/rman_util failing
We are trying to restore the backup of an SAP Oracle database on an alternative client. The backups are made through brtools using the rman_util option. I followed the directions for mentioned in the Netbackup SAP guide. I'm able to list the backup images using bplist and restores of the control-file through backint works. But when we want to restore the datafiles through rman we get the following errors: channel sbt_1: ORA-19870: error while restoring backup piece HC2_beqfhgua.16701_1 ORA-19507: failed to retrieve sequential file, handle="HC2_beqfhgua.16701_1", parms="" ORA-27029: skgfrtrv: sbtrestore returned error ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text: Failed to open backup file for restore. The restore job is visible on the media-server and failed with error-code 2811 and the following information: 08.04.2015 14:35:10 - begin Restore 08.04.2015 14:35:11 - restoring image IMAGENAME 08.04.2015 14:35:11 - requesting resource @aaaab 08.04.2015 14:35:12 - Info bprd(pid=9188) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 04/05/15 00:12:00 from policy SAP_HPUX_DB_ONLINE 08.04.2015 14:35:12 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=DP-p02bck-Dedup;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=nb-servername;MediaServer=nb-servername 08.04.2015 14:35:14 - Error bpbrm(pid=8816) bpcd on exited with status 39: client name mismatch 08.04.2015 14:35:14 - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 39: client name mismatch 08.04.2015 14:35:14 - Error bpbrm(pid=8816) client restore EXIT STATUS 39: client name mismatch 08.04.2015 14:35:15 - restored image IMAGENAME - (client name mismatch(39)); restore time 0:00:04 08.04.2015 14:35:17 - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:00:07 SAP policy restore error(2811) Found technote TECH193578, but this one is telling me that it only works for file_util, not rman_util.Solved3.4KViews0likes5CommentsMedia host override for SAP restores on Data Domain storage server
Hi, We are required to run a very large restore (~12TB) of a SAP database. The backup image is stored on a Data Doamin storage server. We would like to force the restore to use a specific media server that is not the server used for the oirignal backup. The storage server has 6 DD Boost enabled media servers accessing it for both backups and duplications between data centers. Each time we initiate the restore a different media server is used. We have used the "media host override" settings but these do not seem to be honored for OST storgae servers according to this artilce - Has anyone else experinced this problem?2.1KViews6likes10CommentsSap brrestore newbie question
Hi guys! Newbie here! In case of disaster do you know if its possible restore log files using brrestore? I played with the command option "-n" but seems util_file its not supported. brrestore -u / -p -u util_file -n det_log root@saptest:/]/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C saptest -t 17 -l -R / -rw-r----- orat01 dba 2634 09 Sep 23:08 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/initT01.ora -rw-r----- orat01 dba 5632 08 Sep 11:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/spfileT01.ora -rw-r--r-- root system 7045 13 Aug 16:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/ -rw-r--r-- root system 15450 13 Aug 16:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/initT01.DAILY.utl -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 9738 04 Jul 2013 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/spaceT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 2675 14 Mar 2013 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/strucT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 2177 02 May 2012 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/paramT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 5782 09 Sep 23:09 /oracle/T01/saparch/aeosdyas.svd -rw-rw---- orat01 sapsys 700516 09 Sep 23:08 /oracle/T01/saparch/archT01.log -rw-r----- orat01 dba 229451264 09 Sep 23:07 /oracle/T01/oraarch/T01arch1_840_832591578.dbf -rw-r----- orat01 dba 2634 09 Sep 21:30 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/initT01.ora -rw-r----- orat01 dba 5632 08 Sep 11:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/spfileT01.ora -rw-r--r-- root system 7045 13 Aug 16:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/ -rw-r--r-- root system 15450 13 Aug 16:53 /oracle/T01/11203/dbs/initT01.DAILY.utl -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 9738 04 Jul 2013 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/spaceT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 2675 14 Mar 2013 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/strucT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 2177 02 May 2012 /oracle/T01/sapreorg/paramT01.log -rw-r--r-- orat01 dba 49889 09 Sep 23:08 /oracle/T01/sapbackup/beosdhil.anf -rw-rw---- orat01 sapsys 97019 09 Sep 23:07 /oracle/T01/sapbackup/backT01.log any idea to restore to get these files without an OS backup?Solved1.2KViews0likes2CommentsreadCommFile: ERR - timed out after 900 seconds while reading from /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs
Good day I have a Netbackup client version NetBackup-Solaris10 I am running the client on Solaris 10 and have SAP installed on Oracle Netbackup file system backups complete successfully. However, Oracle backups via backint fails with the following error in the backint log: 04:16:24.461 [29620] <16> readCommFile: ERR - timed out after 900 seconds while reading from /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext /logs/vxbsa.1410228074.29611.prog.pcb_std 04:16:24.461 [29620] <32> serverResponse: ERR - could not read from comm file </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/vxbsa.14 10228074.29611.prog.pcb_std> 04:16:24.461 [29620] <16> CreateNewImage: ERR - serverResponse() failed 04:16:24.461 [29620] <16> bsa_InitiateBackup: ERR - Unable to CreateNewImage 04:16:24.495 [29611] <16> bsa_a_backup_completed: ERR - child <29620> backup failed: 1 <the requested operation was partially success ful> Other errors I find in further logs is: Error bprd(pid=12172) Unable to write progress log </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/vxbsa.1410247515.2168.prog.pcb_std> on client tsrm2h03rnb. Policy=TSRM2H03RNB-SAP Sched=Weekly Error bprd(pid=12172) CLIENT tsrm2h03rnb POLICY TSRM2H03RNB-SAP SCHED Weekly EXIT STATUS 130 (system error occurred) Permissions on the file system is fine. Please assist. Thanks WilhelmSolved3.6KViews0likes2CommentsSAP offline backup of one of the server running Windows 2008 R2 has failed with status cade 6
Hi, SAP offline backup of one of the server running Windows 2008 R2 has failed with status cade 6. AP_SCHEDULED = 1 SAP_USER_INITIATED = 0 SAP_SERVER = citbknbu02 SAP_POLICY = Offline_POVSLTTSQEP_SAP BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.40 (6) BR1419E Empty password has been entered BR0056I End of database backup: beogypqf.log 2014-07-12 20:20:09 BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2014-07-12 20:20:09 BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors Execution of BRBACKUP command failed - exiting On the same server have configured type of SAP Online/redo log/ offline backup. Whenever I trying to take backup SAP online and redo log it is happening successfully completed. But SAP offline backup failed with above mention servers. Please let any one solution to can understand what is wrong with configuration.Solved1.2KViews0likes5CommentsUnable to take SAP online backup using RMAN - Linked with Netbackup
Hi Friends, Need your expert advice to resolve this issue... Thanks in advance. Error when backup initiated using BRTOOL RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on sbt_1 channel at 03/21/2014 17:29:42 ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name: ORA-27211: Failed to load Media Management Library Scenario: Policy: Configured RMAN scripts to take SAP online backup using BRTOOL Environment: SAP on Oracle 11g with RMAN (Windows) Backup Initiator: In this scenario SAP team will be initiated backup from BRTOOL (not from NetBackup) Netbackup: Netbackup Software Version (Appliance 5230, Firmware 2.6) (Attached .sap, .utl & sap_rman_backup cmd file for your reference) Thank You, VaibhavSolved1.8KViews1like4Comments