FlexScale 5561 and change of private (avahi) network ip range...
Hello, unfortunately there's absolutely no documentation on how to change the default ip-range/ip-addresses used for the avahi auto-discovery private network on the FlexScale 5561 using the 3.2 release. we tried to debug it ourself using the avahi_handler.sh, the /opt/VRTSnas/pysnas/utils/net_ip_config.py script (also called by the avahi_handler.sh), looked at the avahi_autoipd and configuration, but it's very timeconsuming and re-engineering should not be our part. Did anyone already do this ? Is there some internal Veritas engineering documentation available around it ? Why we need to do is for instance mentioned here: Private network connectivity | Best practices | Veritas NetBackup™ Flex Scale Best Practices and Troubleshooting Guide | Veritas™ Regards, Andreas13Views0likes0Comments