NetBackup 7.5 - NB client will not start because of Private Branch Exchange Service
I have a system which the NetBackup Client and will not start because of the following error from the Event Viewer: > A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Symantec Private Branch Exchange service to connect. > The Symantec Private Branch Exchange service failed to start due to the following error: >The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. > A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Symantec Private Branch Exchange service to connect. I have tried setting the time out to 60000, but it didn't work. Any ideas?968Views0likes5Commentsbackup jobs failing status 2505 and 252
backup jobs are failing as below 6/26/2014 00:26:29 - estimated 8946870 kbytes needed 06/26/2014 00:26:29 - Info nbjm (pid=3930) started backup (backupid=xxxxbp_1403735189) job for client xxxxxbp, policy xxx_i386_DATA_xxx01xxxbp_xxx01sybbp, schedule Daily_Incr on storage unit xxxxx01-hcart-robot-tld-0 06/26/2014 00:26:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=632) xxxxxxxbp is the host to backup data from 06/26/2014 00:26:30 - Info bpbrm (pid=632) reading file list from client 06/26/2014 00:26:30 - started process bpbrm (pid=632) 06/26/2014 00:26:30 - connecting 06/26/2014 00:26:31 - Info bpbrm (pid=632) starting bpbkar on client 06/26/2014 00:26:31 - Info bpbkar (pid=0) Starting bpstart_notify script 06/26/2014 00:26:31 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00 06/26/2014 00:26:40 - Info bpbkar (pid=0) Finished bpstart_notify script 06/26/2014 00:26:40 - Info bpbkar (pid=1620) Backup started 06/26/2014 00:26:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=632) bptm pid: 667 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) start 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) using 65536 data buffer size 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) setting receive network buffer to 262144 bytes 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) using 30 data buffers 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) start backup 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) backup child process is pid 669 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - Info bptm (pid=667) media id 5941L4 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath /dev/rmt/1cbn, drivename HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.000, copy 1 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - mounted 5941L4 06/26/2014 00:26:41 - positioning 5941L4 to file 737 06/26/2014 00:26:43 - positioned 5941L4; position time: 0:00:02 06/26/2014 00:26:43 - begin writing 06/26/2014 00:31:11 - Error bpbrm (pid=632) db_FLISTsend failed: Unable to connect to the database (2505) 06/26/2014 00:31:13 - Error bptm (pid=667) media manager terminated by parent process 06/26/2014 00:35:18 - Info bpbkar (pid=1620) done. status: 2505: Unable to connect to the database 06/26/2014 00:35:18 - end writing; write time: 0:08:35 Failed to get status code information (2505) what is the solution for error code 2505 ? I can see few jobs failed with status 2505 and few with 252 ? please help. Regards S.Solved9.6KViews1like13Commentsoprd returned abnormal status (96)
Hi, I am not able to get media manager daemons after bouncing Netbackup Daemons. And i got this error #./vmoprcmd -d oprd returned abnormal status (96) IPC Error: Daemon may not be running Logs of daemon & reqlib & ltid as below:- Ltid:- 01:21:23.746 [23332] <4> CheckShutdownWhileInit: Pid=1, Data.Pid=25157, Type=100, Param1=0, Param2=-5056, LongParam=-23490544 01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-01 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-02 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-03 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-06 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-07 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-08 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-10 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-12 is ACTIVE 01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive IBM_ULTRIUM2_Drv07 is ACTIVE reqlib:- 01:00:01.207 [23580] <2> EndpointSelector::select_endpoint: performing call with the only endpt available!(Endpoint_Selector.cpp:431) 01:00:01.220 [23580] <2> EndpointSelector::select_endpoint: performing call with the only endpt available!(Endpoint_Selector.cpp:431) 01:01:40.430 [23805] <4> vmoprcmd: INITIATING 01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmoprcmd: argv[0] = vmoprcmd 01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmoprcmd: argv[1] = -d 01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmdb_start_oprd: received request to start oprd, nosig = yes 01:01:40.527 [23805] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2046: VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET: 6 0x00000006 01:01:40.527 [23805] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2060: service: vmd 01:01:40.623 [23805] <2> getrequestack: server response to request: REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGED 650 01:01:40.649 [23805] <2> getrequeststatus: server response: EXIT_STATUS 0 01:01:40.649 [23805] <4> vmdb_start_oprd: vmdb_start_oprd request status: successful (0) 01:02:57.220 [23805] <2> wait_oprd_ready: oprd response: EXIT_STATUS 278 01:02:57.221 [23805] <2> put_string: cannot write data to network: Broken pipe (32) 01:02:57.221 [23805] <16> send_string: unable to send data to socket: Broken pipe (32), stat=-5 Deamon:- 01:07:42.537 [24144] <4> rdevmi: INITIATING 01:07:42.537 [24144] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname tcppapp001, cached_method 3 01:07:42.583 [24144] <2> mm_ncbp_gethostname: GetNBUName <tcppapp001-bip> 01:07:42.583 [24144] <2> mm_getnodename: (5) hostname tcppapp001-bip (from mm_ncbp_gethostname) 01:07:42.584 [24144] <2> rdevmi: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid 01:08:02.755 [24098] <16> oprd: device management error: IPC Error: Daemon may not be running 01:08:03.241 [23355] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 01:08:03.242 [23355] <4> peer_hostname: Connection from host tcppvmg265-bip,, port 6735 01:08:03.335 [23355] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4 01:08:03.335 [23355] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested 01:08:03.369 [23355] <4> start_oprd: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/oprd, pid=24164 01:08:03.638 [23355] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY 01:08:03.638 [23355] <4> peer_hostname: Connection from host tcppvmg265-bip,, port 18394 01:08:03.685 [23355] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4 01:08:03.685 [23355] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested Please help me out how toget rid of this issue and what is this issue about.4.8KViews1like8CommentsError occurred during initialization. Could not read logging configuration file.
Hi every body, As the title indicates, I have this message on my Media Server which is also the Master Server.(NetBackup 7.0.1) In the bpdm log Here the details : 14:04:33.379 [7760.6476] <16> initialize: Error occurred during initialization. Could not read logging configuration file. 14:04:33.394 [7760.6476] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1401172004 -jm 14:04:33.394 [7760.6476] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:04:33.394 [7760.6476] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:14:33.382 [6000.8320] <16> initialize: Error occurred during initialization. Could not read logging configuration file. 14:14:33.382 [6000.8320] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1401172009 -jm 14:14:33.397 [6000.8320] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:14:33.397 [6000.8320] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:24:33.385 [5968.4128] <16> initialize: Error occurred during initialization. Could not read logging configuration file. 14:24:33.401 [5968.4128] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1401172014 -jm 14:24:33.401 [5968.4128] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM 14:24:33.401 [5968.4128] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <---------- 14:34:33.357 [9932.8988] <16> initialize: Error occurred during initialization. Could not read logging configuration file. 14:34:33.373 [9932.8988] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): -rptdrv -jobid -1401172019 -jm 14:34:33.373 [9932.8988] <2> main: Sending [EXIT STATUS 0] to NBJM This error happened since 2 days. Someone has an idea ? Thank you very much.Solved6.7KViews1like6CommentsLow Scratch Script
Hello, I am looking for a Script or way to monitor our scratch poolto send an alert(email) when remaining available tapes reach a threshold of 8. We are running NB I am New to the Netbackup world any advice or direction would be appreciated. ThanksSolved2.6KViews2likes7CommentsNetBackup schedules run manualy and protection of full backup
Hi! Have two questions 1. Manual backup I have policy which runs VM full backup each Sunday (backup window Sunday) and differential backups each day (backup window night). On the past week i run full backup manually in Thursday and so, backup have not run in Sunday as i planned. As i know (not so long ago :) if NetBackup calculate next schedule run time from the last successful backup, my last successful backup was manual backup in Thursday, but backup window set to Sunday, so it cannot run in Thursday, it may run just in next Sunday. Is it possible somehow to make NetBackup perform scheduled backup in time even if i run manual backup? 2. Protection of full backups. For example i have policy to make full backup each week in Sunday and store them one week and differential each day and store them 7 days. For example something has happened andfull backup did not run in time, isfull backup expire even if differential backup exists? I understand that after expiration of full backup, next differential will be the same as full, but is time between two differentials is this is a risk to lose all consistent backups? Or i better to keep full backups for a longer time? Thank you very much for your answers.Solved612Views0likes4CommentsFirewall woes: Definitive TCP Port list for Netbackup
Hi, I keep running into problems connecting to clients/servers that have firewalls running. Does anyone have a COMPLETE portlist of TCP/UDP ports that should be open, so that I can do ALL possible Netbackup actions imaginable? We are using Netbackup 6.5.6 and 7.1 in a full Windows environment. I would like to put a generic firewall ruleset that is the sameon all clients, so that Netbackup will never everbe bothered by the firewalls again... Hope someone has this information available! Thanks! FredSolved577Views0likes3CommentsExchange Backup Failing 'file read failed(13)'
Our Netbackup backups have started failing with 'file read failed(13)' errors. Both servers (Exchange and Netbackup) are running on Server 2008 R2. The mailstores (database & logs)are residing ona Netapp FAS2040 with SnapDrive managing snapshots which are created frequently without error. The Netbackup policy itself is set to perform snapshot backups using VSS Provider Type 1 (System), without a DAG database source, has been backing up without any problems until some Windows updates including SP3 for Exchange 2010 were installed. The job fails as follows: 28/11/2014 10:32:33 - Info nbjm(pid=5940) starting backup job (jobid=186119) for client exchange, policy EXCHANGE, schedule Full_Disc 28/11/2014 10:32:33 - estimated 0 Kbytes needed 28/11/2014 10:32:33 - Info nbjm(pid=5940) started backup (backupid=exchange_1417170753) job for client exchange, policy EXCHANGE, schedule Full_Disc on storage unit NexsanDSU 28/11/2014 10:32:34 - started process bpbrm (484288) 28/11/2014 10:32:40 - Info bpbrm(pid=484288) exchange is the host to backup data from 28/11/2014 10:32:40 - Info bpbrm(pid=484288) reading file list from client 28/11/2014 10:32:40 - connecting 28/11/2014 10:32:43 - Info bpbrm(pid=484288) starting bpbkar32 on client 28/11/2014 10:32:43 - connected; connect time: 00:00:03 28/11/2014 10:33:27 - Info bpbkar32(pid=11548) Backup started 28/11/2014 10:33:27 - Info bptm(pid=484816) start 28/11/2014 10:33:28 - Info bptm(pid=484816) using 262144 data buffer size 28/11/2014 10:33:28 - Info bptm(pid=484816) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes 28/11/2014 10:33:28 - Info bptm(pid=484816) using 30 data buffers 28/11/2014 10:33:29 - Info bptm(pid=484816) start backup 28/11/2014 10:33:30 - Info bptm(pid=484816) backup child process is pid 482596.479660 28/11/2014 10:33:30 - Info bptm(pid=482596) start 28/11/2014 10:33:30 - begin writing 28/11/2014 11:07:53 - Error bpbrm(pid=484288) from client exchange: ERR - Terminating backup. 28/11/2014 11:07:53 - Error bpbrm(pid=484288) from client exchange: ERR - failure reading file: Microsoft Information Store:\1GB Limit Mailbox Database\Logs_1417170539 (BEDS 0x0: ) 28/11/2014 11:08:03 - Error bpbrm(pid=484288) could not send server status message 28/11/2014 11:08:04 - Error bpbrm(pid=484288) cannot send mail to... 28/11/2014 11:08:05 - Info bpbkar32(pid=11548) done. status: 13: file read failed 28/11/2014 11:08:05 - end writing; write time: 00:34:35 file read failed(13) I have checked the VSS Writers on Exchange and all are showing as stable with no errors. The Event Viewer on Exchange shows the following events just before the Netbackupjob fails: Log Name: Application Source: MSExchangeIS Date: 28/11/2014 11:06:35 Event ID: 9606 Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer Level: Information Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: exchange Description: Exchange VSS Writer (instance 8315289c-83fc-4e18-95c6-2f9e76f0f821) has prepared for backup successfully. Log Name: Application Source: SnapManager for Exchange Date: 28/11/2014 11:06:36 Event ID: 200 Task Category: Backup Level: Information Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: exchange Description: SnapManager VSS asynchronous DoSnapshotSet operation started. Log Name: Application Source: ESE Date: 28/11/2014 11:06:39 Event ID: 2007 Task Category: ShadowCopy Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: exchange Description: Information Store (6236) Shadow copy instance 3 aborted. Log Name: Application Source: MSExchangeIS Date: 28/11/2014 11:06:39 Event ID: 9609 Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: exchange Description: Exchange VSS Writer (instance 8315289c-83fc-4e18-95c6-2f9e76f0f821:3) failed with error code -2403 when preparing for Snapshot. I appreciate this is probably an Exchange issue rather than a Netbackup one, but if anyone has an ideas as to why it is failing I'd be grateful for some help. I have attached some log files, let me know if there is any other information that may help. Thanks1.6KViews0likes3CommentsBackup failed with error code 71 (EXIT STATUS 71: none of the files in the file list exist). The server rebooted automatically on 28th march and after that the backups are failing.
Problem description : Backup failed with error code 71 (EXIT STATUS 71: none of the files in the file list exist). The server rebooted automatically on 28 th march and after that the backups are failing. The network drives are Netapp storage Shares and it is mapped to the client COLLECTIONSRV. The drives are accessible from OS using the user “USER1”. The netbackup client service is having the logon credentials of user “USER1”. In the policy the “ Backup Network drive” option is selected. The path is also specified properly. Also tried with the mapped drive letter “Y:\”. But the backups are failing with the same error code. The server has been rebooted manually but still the same issue. BPBRM: 03:02:59.482 [3339] <4> bpbrm handle_backup: from client COLLECTIONSRV: TRV - object not found for file system backup: \\\evsqlbkp\SQLFULL\ BPBKAR: 10:58:04.857 AM: [1136.2856] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupProcessContinue: TAR - CONTINUE BACKUP received 10:58:05.107 AM: [1136.2856] <2> tar_backup::V_SetupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = \\\evsqlbkp\SQLFULL\ 10:58:05.107 AM: [1136.5844] <4> tar_base::V_KeepaliveThread: INF - The Keepalive thread is active. Keepalive interval 60 Seconds 10 …. 10:58:07.794 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - ================================================================================ 10:58:07.794 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - job tracking estimate: start 10:58:07.794 AM: [1136.2856] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: TRV - object not found for file system backup: \\\evsqlbkp\SQLFULL\ 10:58:07.794 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - job tracking estimate: stop 10:58:07.794 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_backup::V_DetermineEstimate: INF - job tracking time: 0 secs 10:58:07.841 AM: [1136.5844] <4> tar_base::V_KeepaliveThread: INF - Keepalive Thread Terminating. Mutex:WAIT_OBJECT_0 10:58:07.841 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_base::V_StopKeepaliveThread: INF - The Keepalive Thread has Exited. Wait Reason:WAIT_OBJECT_0 10:58:07.841 AM: [1136.2856] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - EXIT STATUS 71: none of the files in the file list exist 10:58:07.841 AM: [1136.2856] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - ================================================================================ 10:58:09.856 AM: [1136.2856] <16> dtcp_read: TCP - failure: recv socket (460) (TCP 10053: Software caused connection abort) 10:58:09.856 AM: [1136.2856] <4> OVShutdown: INF - Finished process 10:58:09.872 AM: [1136.2856] <4> WinMain: INF - Exiting C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe 10:58:11.872 AM: [1136.2856] <4> ov_log::OVClose: INF - Closing log file: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\BPBKAR\040312.LOG4.6KViews0likes7Comments