Backupexec USB Tape drives and Compression
We typically install HP Tape Drives & Symantec Backupexec. In 2010 we installed a HP USB DAT 160 with Symantec Backupexec 12.5. The backup would not compress. Symantec told us that Backupexec is capable of compression & HP told us that the tape drive is capable of compression. But we could not get any compression when used together. An engineer in our firm did some digging around & came back saying that Symantec Backupexec will not support compression on USB Tape devices. We finally gave up & purchased a HP SAS DAT 160 & compression worked. I am not looking for do this do that suggestions, trust me we have done it all. I am not concerned about how much compression & the factors that affect compression. As far as I am concerned 1MB over native capacity is compression My question is does anybody (would love to hear from Symantec) know for a fact if it is still true for the latest version of Symantec Backupexec i.e. It will not support compression on USB Tape devices?909Views13likes2CommentsHow to backup one file that changes filenames daily?
Hey there, I'm wondering if it is possible to create a selection list that backs up a single file in a directory, that changes its filename every day. Example, I want to backup a text file located at: \example\test1.txt - but tomorrow the file is going to be named test2.txt and in that folder, test1.txt and test2.txt will exist. Hopefully this makes sense, and hopefully it is possible to do this. Thanks in advance for any help and/or suggestions!1.1KViews12likes6CommentsWhat is "File Server" in lists of servers to backup?
So I can backup a Windows Server, a Linux Server, a Macintosh Server or choose a Vmware ESX host to add to list of servers But what is a "File Server"? In which case should I use this instead of a Windows Server for exemple? Does this require a Backup Exec Agent and use a licence? Or can I use this to backup some windows shares without any agents and without requiring a licence?328Views9likes1CommentHOW TO install BackupExec 2010 agent on Debian (RALUS)
I hope this post will be useful to many people (please vote for it or mark it as solution if it helps you). Installing directly RALUS on Debian will not always work. First problem : ../perl/Linux/bin/perl: No such file or directory Second problem : at the end "was not successfully installed" and "impossible to add VRTSralus to (server)" And some others that will get solved when following my solution This is a simple way to install it and avoid these (and other) problems : 1. (optional) Create a folder to keep all RALUS files and copy the archive into it : mkdir /root/BE mkdir /root/BE/RALUS2010 mv RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-2896.9.tar.gz /root/BE/RALUS2010/ cd /root/BE/RALUS2010 2. Unpack the archive provided by Symantec tar xzf RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-2896.9.tar.gz 3. Stop the RALUS service if it is already installed and runnig /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init stop 4. Very important, if you are under a 64 bit Linux you have to this Extract debian package : tar xzf RALUS64/pkgs/Linux/VRTSralus.tar.gz Install debian package : dpkg -i VRTSralus-13.0.2896-0.x86_64.deb Start installation : ./RALUS64/installralus 5. But if you are under a 32 bit Linux you have to this (I didn't tested under 32 bits) : Extract debian package : tar xzf pkgs/Linux/VRTSralus.tar.gz Install debian package : VRTSralus-13.0.2896-0.i386.deb Start installation : ./RALUSx86/installralus or ./installralus 6. Be sure to answer all questions correctly especially the one about the host server (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX), you must give the IP of the Backup Exec server. 7. Do a restart of the RALUS Backup Exec agent, and it should say "[ OK ]" /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init start I hope it will help ! Send me questions if you have other problems... Denis P.S. Tested with Debian 5.0.3 P.P.S. If you still have some problems : A) If you get "ERROR: VXIF_HOME is invalid. It must point to the root of VxIF. Exiting ...", simply edit ./RALUS64/installralus, and change line 3 : from : VXIF_HOME=../;export VXIF_HOME to : VXIF_HOME=/root/BE/RALUS2010/;export VXIF_HOME B) If you get "./RALUS64/installralus: line 50: ../perl/Linux/bin/perl: No such file or directory", simply edit ./RALUS64/installralus, and change line 50 : from : ../perl/$OS/bin/perl -I.. -I$PATH -I$VXIF_HOME -I../perl/$OS/lib/$PERL_VER ../ $* to : ../perl/$OS/bin/perl -I.. -I$PATH -I$VXIF_HOME -I../perl/$OS/lib/$PERL_VER ./ $* or to : perl -I.. -I$PATH -I$VXIF_HOME ./ $* (to be clear, remove one dot in front of"/", keep only one dot instead of two) C) If the installation is sucessful but VRTSralus refuses to start, launch /opt/VRTSralus/bin/beremote –-log-console to see the error. If you get error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory you simply need to install the package : Under Debian 6.0.3 : apt-get install libstdc++5 (Thanks to RockwellMuseum)3.2KViews9likes17CommentsRestore wizard?
Next problem... I am now trying to do a restore and even this is not an easy task! When I start the restore wizard it lists all of the backup files, in no particular order, image attached. I now have to go through 1000 backup files one by one to see the contents to locate the latest backup of a file! Surely this cannot be right.Solved484Views8likes2CommentsE0008821 - Job was recovered as a result of Backup Exec RPC service starting
Hello, I have Symantec BackUp exec 2010 in a windows sbs 2008 standard, with a strategy Grandfather . I'm new here (the guy who was in charged before left, and also de server is in German and I don't speak German). The last monthly copy didn't work because of E0008821 - Job was recovered as a result of Backup Exec RPC service starting (with initial hour 31/March/2012 23:00:04 and finalize at 31/March/2012 23:00:02), and also the last 6 weekly copies didn't work for the same reason. I don't know what to do, what do you think about this? You have Domino/Notes? If yes do the registry changes HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\DOMINO\ Enable Change Journal = 0 Enable Notes Database Filtering = 01.1KViews8likes2CommentsBackup vSphere virtual machines without snapshot
Hello everybody, I have a environment with backup exec 2010 R3 and vSphere 4.1. I have the backupexec agent installed on the Vcenter server. I have a virtual machine with a large disk (2 TB) and I want to backup the virtual machine to tape without do a snapshot. vSphere requires a large disk to perform the snapshot and it fails whe I run the backup from BackupExec. Is there any way to perform a backup witouh do the snapshot? The virtual machine is off and I don't need to do the snapshot, only want to copy the files from the ESX server to the tape. How can I do it? Thanks in advanceSolved2.4KViews8likes6CommentsAOFO: Initialization failure on drive:
Hi Guys, I have been getting problems with my backup since the beggining of last month and everytime we sort one out, like acne, one just seems to pop out again. This time i'm struggling with this one, Advanced Open File Option, Symantec Volume Snapshot provider, goes on to say that AOFO was unable to get quiet time for physical volumes. What's strange is that the backup runs at night from 1am and there's very minimal activity then. What's even more stranger is that i went on to disable the feature and yet it still complains about it,Please help, anyone.1.5KViews8likes10CommentsAbgelaufene Backup Dateien werden nich gelöscht
Hallo, Wir haben folgendes Backup Szenario: Im Server ist ein Wechselrahmen. Hier wird die Platte wöchentlich am Freitag um ca 14:00 Uhr gewechselt. Beide Wechselplatten sind in einem "Speicherpool extern" zusammengefasst. Der Backup plan ist folgendermaßen eingerichtet: Vollbackup: Jede Woche um 20:00 Uhr - Backupziel: Speicherpool extern - Aufbewahren für 1 Woche Inkrementell: Alle 1 Wochen am (SO,MO,DI,MI,DO) um 23:00 Uhr Inkrementell Fr.: Alle 1 Wochen am Freitag um 12:00. So viel mal zu Konfiguration. Nun zum eigentlichen Problem: Die Platten laufen momentan immer nach 2-3 Wochen voll, weil er zwar die Backup-Sätze als abgelaufen markiert aber ganz offensichtlich nicht auf der Platte löscht. Woran kann dies liegen? Ist die konfiguration überhaupt sinnvoll so, oder sollte man lieber 2 Backup aufträge einrichten (ein seperater für jede Wechselfestplatte) ? Vielen Dank schon mal! LG Bernd1.6KViews7likes3Comments