Data Insight Self SErvice Portal
Hello, I'm looking for guideance, help and understanding around the Data Insight Self Service Portal. More specifically use cases, how are you using this product? Another question: How can I schedule my workflows to happen on a re-occuring basis? Once the workflow is terminated as complete it seeems I have to create another workflow. Which in my mind could lead to a large number of workflows in the system. The documentation seems to be pretty light on this product. Thanks, Jonathan1.1KViews0likes1CommentDQL Report does not output to 1 file 5.0.1
I am using DI 5.0.1 and I am not able to have the DQL report to output to 1 single file. Is anyone else having this issue? I have a DQL query and when I am pulling some of the AD Attributes, it will separate the files. I even have put 'format user AS csv' at the end and it still puts it into multiple files. From user get name, principal_name, login, Home_directory, Department If Home_Directory not in ('nowhere') format user AS CSV; Please help!3.2KViews1like3CommentsCA Database Schema - SQL Querying
Hi there - I am currently looking to build some custom SQLqueriesagainst the CA database but am struggling to understand the various tables and their relationships. Is anyone aware of where I can find a data relationship diagram, CA data model schema, or data dictionary to assist? As a temporary option, I am looking at the IntDiscoveredItems table which I understand are similar to the alerts produced when certain hotwords are hit. However I am unsure how to link this table back to the IntHotwordID table? Any help is much appreciated.1.6KViews0likes2CommentsData Insights how to report on NTFS permissions
We are running Data Insights Version I have a path permissions report that currently reports on Everyone and Authenticated users. I need to be able to report on domain users as well under certain conditions. Does anyone else know how to do that? Thanks, AJ633Views0likes1Commentcreating different searches in one case and exporting seperate pst's
Hi , i had a criteria where i have to seach for different users based on some criteria under one case and needed to get the pst's seperatley for each case. what i did is created 6 new searches in a single case and accepted all the seaches \then exported which turned out single pst file . do i have to accept each seach speperately and export ? if i needed in single case ? How it works ? ThanksSolved2KViews1like6CommentsSearch with Multiple AND and OR
Hello. I am trying to find items with one search that matches the following in English: subject or content (blue and car) or (red and car) or (yellow and car) or(blue and boat) or (red and boat) Tried the following in DA: subject or content: blue red yellow +car subject or content: blue red +boat When I run this search it seems like it is finding only those items that match on car AND boat or blue or red or yellow. Thanks in advance. Analytics is NOT enabled for the case. -Tammy449Views0likes2CommentsAudit log information and SharePoint reports
Hi, I am trying to determine what precisely some of my DI reports are telling me. Specifically, related to the Access details report, it is my understanding that SharePoint audit logsdifferentiate between a "view" (e.g.,going to a site or a library) and a "read" (e.g.,opening an item on a site or a library), but it does not appear that DI access reports maintain that distinction- everything appears to be a "read". So the question is: does DI differentiate between "view" and "read" events in SharePoint (2010). If so, can we create a report that shows who has accessed a SharePoint site, but not read anything? Thanks.2.7KViews4likes1CommentCompliance Accelerator - Adding phrases with wildcards to Hotwords
Hi, As per the administrator's guide forCompliance Accelerator, one must use double quotation markswhen adding phrases to hotwords. Can I use wildcard wordswhen adding a phrase to the hotwords? For example if I want to add the following phrase to the list of hotwords:a comp* word If yes, thenhow would I do it?Solved1.7KViews0likes3CommentsDA search terms and symbols
I'm looking at a particular search where they are looking for near hits and, amongst the search terms, excluding to or from certain targets. eg. restructur match within 10 characters as well as not to or from T:Joe McSweeney. Also How many wildcards can you use in a single line before the search is considered malformed?Solved2.9KViews1like10Comments