how to create Dedupe Storage Locations using DLO
Hello, we installed the DLO administrator and dedup server on same Machine as mentioned in below link , page no.24 , option no.2. 1) We create a profile with dedup enable 2) click dedup server --> manage --> create a storage pool . 3) now trying to create a dedup storage location , I am trying to give path but it is failed to taken. How to give the path when we CREATE file system on secondary storage with CIFS share ??? I am also trying to give local path but it is also failed.Solved5.7KViews1like11CommentsSymantec DLO 8.0 case study
Assuming that we want to deploy Symantec DLO on our HQ and for few branches by using single administrative console. Take note that we want to separate the storage/dedupe (each branch have their own storage) ; Do we need to deploy any separate edge/io server for each Branch ? What is the best practices recommendation ? If we have 2 storage location (1 HQ , 1 Branch) is there any storage synchronization function between the two storage ? Thanks in advance.Solved844Views0likes1CommentSymantec DLO
Hi, Just Iwant to know that One is customer who have 30 Desktop & laptop computer in their orginzationn,But IT person want to use Symantec Dlo for backup purpose,But there is one problem each computer isnot member of Domain. What I want ,is there is any way, where go and give domain credential to my computer ,with help of that, Workgroup computer can also use Symantec Dlo for backup... if possible please let me know.. Thanks, waseem680Views0likes1CommentDLO 7.6 - Deduplication Storage Location Encryption
Hello, I have a customer who is backing executive desktops. The proposed solution will be backed up to deduplication storage locations. The security admin has concerns around the encryption used while the backup data is in transit and while is is stored on the deduplication storage locations. The administration guide does not provide a lot of information about how the deduplication storage locations are encrypted. Can I confirm that all the data is backed up with one key? Does the encryption of the data affect the performance of the deduplication storage locations? Does the encryption decrease the effectiveness of deduplication? Cheers, CameronSolved610Views0likes1CommentAdvice needed - DLO 7.0 to 7.6 upgrade
*** Moved to new discussion fromSymantec Desktop Laptop Option 7.6 is now available!**** Hello All, I would like to upgrade DLO 7.0 to 7.6. I will do this in stages since we have 4 MGMT or Admin Servers. I will start with the one on my LAN first. At the moment, my main goal is to upgrade from 7.0 to 7.6. Basically migrate the basic user profiles and related settings. We do not have anything fancy such as throttling except the connection policies when the agent is not on the native LAN to limit network bandwidth, which does not work properly at the moment (I do not mean to sound negative ;). Any suggestions how I can improve the connection policies? On the other hand, should I consider throttling and does it work good in 7.6? I am trying to limit bandwidth or maybe not even allow network backups over WAN and only let the agent perform local backups (We have maybe 40% end user traveling between the offices). Any suggestions? Are there any suggestions and/or documents/links how to do it. Do I need to backup and specific directories where the settings reside such as SQL Server's DLO instance or else? This is my first post here and I hope I did not spammed this thread. I appreciate your input.1.1KViews0likes5CommentsDLO Console will not launch
Hello I installed DLO Symantec software on Windows Server 2012 R2. Theinstallation was completed successfully. But when I try to run application show error. I search how to resolve this issue. Solution - Connect to the DLO/DeDupe SQL instance via SQL Management Studio - Provide sysadmin rights to the Domain Administrator account used by DLO for the DLO and the DeDupe databases. STOP de SQL Server service Command prompt and go next path C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.DLO\MSSQL\Binn Run SQL server with instance sqlservr.exe -sDLO -m -c The same for DEDUPE instance Open other command promt sqlcmd -SComputerName\DLO Run the next command sp_addsrvrolemember '<DOMAIN\administrator>', 'sysadmin' GO - Also, provide db_owner & DLO Administrator role to the concerned databases. The same sp_addsrvrolemembar 'DOMAIN\Administrator', 'db_owner' - Restart the SQL DLO/DeDupe instances and now start the DLO Administration Service. Restar instances but "Symantec DLO Administration service" don't start and show error. Please help me Thanks536Views0likes1Comment