DQL report to show sensitive files/user activities for a given path
As you can tell, I'm brand new to the world of DQL and looking for help. My Data Insight 6.1 instance is integrated with Symantec DLP and gets the list of sensitive files from DLP. I created the dql below to report on ALL sensitive files in my environment, and it works good: FROM path GET absname, device.name, permissions.readable_permission IF issensitive = 1 FORMAT permissions as CSV AND device as CSV What I'm trying to do is get a list of sensitive files for a particular Windows file directory, not just everything, as well as output to CSV all user activites for those files within a given time period. Is that something that can be done within DQL? Thanks for your help with this one.1.3KViews0likes1CommentDQL SDK document
I'm working on Veritas Data Insight Version The help file states: “For more information about creating DQL queries, see the Veritas Data Insight SDK Programmer's Guide.” The most up-to-date copy of this document that I can find (via google) is a Symantec branded document version 4.0 dated June 2013. Is there a more up to date one? Specifically I’m interested in whether I can extract the file group (not just the extension) from queries on path. At the moment I’m extracting the extension and converting to file group in excel, but there must be a better way. The SDK document I have (2013) has a section on DQL Objects/Tables, but it doesn't reference file groups. I'm wondering if the set of available objects/tables has changed since the date of the doc.4.6KViews0likes6Comments