Puredisk Replication failure
Puredisk running on platform Suse Linux. I have single SPA at PROD and DR. Backup completes successfully. Replication was successful for few days and then it started failing with the below error [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Sleeping 30 second(s) before next check. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Checking the execution status of each remote MBImport Job. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26117 has stopped. (SUCCESS) [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26118 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26119 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26120 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26121 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26122 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26123 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26124 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26125 is still running. [2010-Nov-20 16:20:11 EST]Remote MBImport Job with ID: 26126 is still running. ***ERROR*** 9999 severity: bug server: source: description: Webservice could not be queried. URL: (couldn't connect to host). ***DONE*** Agent Jobstep analysis: exitcode 1, status 3, progress 82. Out of 55 replication jobs only 15 jobs fails with this error. WAN link between SPA is 100 Mbps Tried following options: Changed replication schedule. Increased nap time, sleep time, maxstreams, For one job Data selection is 300 GB. split that into 100 GB data selection and 2/3 replication was successful. Checked network for package drop. Storage is iSCSI Created new data selection. backup successful but replication fails.793Views0likes2Comments