FSA archiving watching file properties
Dear EV experts! Our customer has a test env with EV 12 and FSA archiving. We have that problem: 1. If we click the archived file in Windows Explorer and want to see the properties.(file size, modification date etc) The file come back from the archive and it is problematic if we have a big file.We want to prevent that. Question: - How can we fix that the file doesnt come back in the event when we watch the properties? BR: PalSolved777Views0likes1CommentMoving FSA archived sub-folder to different volume in same file server.
Hi, I am running out of space in the file server and I want to move folders one by one to another volume. I can't move the Archive Point to another volume using FSA utility because of the huge size and I don't have that much space in a single volume. So I want to move some of the subfolder (Which contain placeholders) in one volume and some of the folders to another volume. Is there any way we can get this task done?1.3KViews0likes3CommentsCannot find the option of Nirvanix Storage Delivery Network in new partition wizard
Hi, I just finished the installation of Enterprise Vault 10 and planned to evaluate its cloud storage feature via using Nirvanix Storage Delivery Network as secondary storage following the document (http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH162359), but when I went to create a new partition with new partition wizard I cannot find the option - Nirvanix Storage Delivery Network as attached picture. So could any one tell why I cannot find the option? license issue?(I put a 30-days eval lic to installed licenses folder)Solved926Views0likes4CommentsFSA - Moving placeholders between archivepoints on same volume
EV 10 FSA is archiving one of our shares, with archive points on each subfolder. If a placeholder is moved from one subfolder/archive point to another on the same volume, is the database updated with the new location, or will the file still appear under the old archive point if we search in ArchiveExplorer? Is there any way we can get them to update, without moving back to the original location and using FSAUtility -pm?Solved1.1KViews0likes5CommentsVault API Tehnical Documentation
Hi, I'm working for a Software Company and one of our customer is using Enterprise Vault. He asked us to integrate our application with Vault to archive documents we generate. We found it exists an API for Vault and would like to know if someone can tell us where we can find its technical documentation. Thanks for your help Regards GuillaumeSolved1.1KViews0likes1CommentCannot store file using Content management EV API in C++ application
Hi , I'm trying to create an application (C++) for file archiving using Symantec Enterprise Vault Content Management API. For test purposes I use an EV server running on a separate box (virtual machine) which is visible/pingable/accessible via HTTP/ in the network. My application knows IP/DNS name, Vault Store Id, Archive ID. When I run this application on a client side and try to insert a new item (a file), the Insert() method returns an error CONTENTMANAGEMENTAPI_E_NOT_FOUND. If I copy the same application and a new item (a file) on EV server and run it there, it works, i.e. item is stored successfully returning a new Item ID. All client dlls installed properly on a client machine, Vault Store ID, Archive ID, retention category are correct - I see them in Enterprise Vault Administration Console, anonymous/guest user granted rights to store files. In API description, it's clearly mentioned: "In general, applications which use the APIs should be run from a client computer, and not on the Enterprise Vault server." so, I believe, there should be a way to store an item using application on a client side. My question is - what I'm doing wrong? Am I missing something? This is what I do in my application: ------------------------------------------------------------------ CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IContentManagementAPI2), reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&cmAPI2)); hr = cmAPI2->put_DirectoryDNSAlias(CComBSTR(L"192.x.x.x")); IArchive* pArchive = NULL; hr = cmAPI2->get_Archive(&pArchive); hr = pArchive->put_Id(bstrArchiveID); IItem* pItem = NULL; hr = cmAPI2->get_Item(&pItem); hr = pItem->put_ArchiveId(bstrArchiveID); IArchiveMetaData* pArchiveMD = NULL; hr = pItem->get_ArchiveMetaData(&pArchiveMD); pArchiveMD->put_RetentionCategory(CComBSTR(L"Business")); IContent* pContent = NULL; hr = pItem->get_Content(&pContent); hr = pContent->put_Title(CComBSTR(L"Test file 1")); hr = pContent->put_FileExtension(CComBSTR(L"tst")); VARIANT vt1; vt1.vt = VT_BSTR; vt1.bstrVal = CComBSTR ("File name and path"); hr = pContent->put_Data(vt1); hr = pItem->Insert(); ... //release all --------------------------------------------- Thanks.Solved2.1KViews0likes14CommentsFSA EV9.0-SP2 using "Archive and Copy" setting
I've seen this issue multiple times and wonder if anyone else has experienced it as well. We are using "Checkpoint" on a file share that is being archived by FSA. We have experienced an outage while the archive task was running, and restarted the task after the servers were up again. The share contains about 390 GB, and the archive contains 285 GB. I have ran the "Archive Task" again but EV seems to think that all items under this share has been archived already. I've checked the attribute on all files in the 390 GB share and they all have been reset...so it seems like the "Archive and Copy" process applied. Other shares on this server were archived successfully so I can't say that another process modified the archive bit which may have caused the issue. Therefore, how does the archive process work when using "Archive and Copy"? Does it grab a group of files, selects them for archiving, resets the bit and then archives? If that is how it works than maybe during the outage it was not able to finish archiving the groups of items. Then when servers were up again it considered those items as being archived since the bit had been modified. Any thoughts or comments? Thanks, DSolved572Views0likes2Comments