Replacing a shared disk group for stroage migration
Can any one post the steps to replacing a disk that has shared dg group on CFS cluster on HP unix service guard with the below existing attributes. layout=mirror mirror=2 mirror=enclr enclr=emc0 enclr=emc1 logtype=dco dcoversion=20 ndcomirror=2 dr1=on fastresync=onSolved1.8KViews0likes5CommentsVxFS Performance problem after HPUX/Veritas upgrade
An an old machine - model "9000/800/rp4440 " (4 PA-RISC 8800 processors (1000 MHz, 64 MB)) with 16GB we have upgraded HPUX from 11.23 to 11.31 - Veritas from 3.5 to 4.1. Now, from time to time we have system with very high response time. Basically, all normal operations (login, directory listing, ... ) take very, very long time, even though the CPU usage during that period is very low. Also, memory system is occuped only 50%, pagging is not used at all, I/O seems not to be overloaded too. Sometimes this situation is solved after some period of time without intervention, but during working hour machine has to be restarted, because we can't wait too much such situation during the day. One of measureable issues we have detecetd is slow execution of lstat64 system call on vxfs partitions/mount points. We used TUSC to perform a 'll' command on a directory with 15k files. NFS mount points are not affected. For example: 06:31:46 [ls -l /test ]{2035012} (0.000054) lstat64("/test/FILE_00249395_20130301063957.Z", 0x77ff0468) = 0 st_dev: 64 0x000003 st_ino: 42172 st_mode: S_IFREG|0640 st_nlink: 1 st_rdev: 0 0x000000 st_size: 0 st_blksize: 8192 st_blocks: 0 st_uid: 0 st_gid: 3 st_aclv: 0 st_acl: 0 st_fstype: 10 st_atime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 st_mtime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 st_ctime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 06:32:29 [ls -l /test ]{2035012} lstat64(0x40001888, 0x77ff0468) [running] 06:32:29 [ls -l /test ]{2035012} (42.357834) lstat64("/test/FILE_00249396_20130301064257.Z", 0x77ff0468) = 0 st_dev: 64 0x000003 st_ino: 42173 st_mode: S_IFREG|0640 st_nlink: 1 st_rdev: 0 0x000000 st_size: 0 st_blksize: 8192 st_blocks: 0 st_uid: 0 st_gid: 3 st_aclv: 0 st_acl: 0 st_fstype: 10 st_atime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 st_mtime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 st_ctime: Thu Feb 26 15:29:17 2015 06:32:29 [ls -l /test ]{2035012} (0.000063) lstat64("/test/FILE_00249397_20130301064557.Z", 0x77ff0468) = 0 As you can notice, there is a 42seconds of delay during the execution lstat64 system call. This is observed on a local vxfs drive (Veritas 4.1 is installed). The whole directory listing 'll' sometimes takes 15min, sometimes even 20min. When system is fresh reboted it takes few seconds. Just to note. System did not change in hardware or softvare after the upgrade. All issues staretd after the upgrade. I don't know if someone had similar issues after the upgrade to 11.31 (Veritas 4.1). If you can get a hint what should be checked I would appreaciate very much.717Views1like2CommentsHow do you tell if Veritas Storage Foundation is running SP1 RP3?
We have a request to upgrade all of our SF to SP1RP3. Some may already be at this level. How do you verify? When running a swlist on the HP-UX 11.31 server: VRTSdbed Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle by Symantec VRTSsfmh 3.1.429.0 Veritas Storage Foundation Managed Host by SymantecSolved1.5KViews0likes2CommentsStorage Foundation with VCS migration
Dear Experts, We have SFHA CFS with VCS 5.0 running on 2xHP Rx6600 Itanium Server with Oracle DB cluster. We are using VVR to replicate Oralce prod DB to replicate to DR site. All these version as of now are 5.0. We want to migrate to new Rx2800 i2 Itanium servers and want to use existing license. I checked and the tier of both servers model is same. My question are: 1. Can we install SFHA 5.1 SP1 on new Rx2800 i2 Server with same license keys? 2. The old server are running HPUX 11i v2 where as new will be HPUX 11i v3, will this have any issue is using old keys? 3. What are any other dependency/issue i should know in advance before we start this? Our team have misplaced all license docs and i can just find the license keys in current running server. I know it sounds stupid but we dont have SFHA 5.0 media and some how got a media with SFHA 5.1 SP1, so just thought of taking help in know what can be done and what cant. Thanks a lot for your efforts in advance..!!Solved1KViews1like4CommentsNeed an MS exchange archiving solution
We are backing up Exchange 2003 database and mailbox (plan to move to 2010 soon) with Symantec Netbackup 7.5 for many years. Since we get restore, search and hold request a lot. We are lately looking for an email archiving/vault solution to allow us to have a central place to hold a full copy of all emails. What is your recommdation for this propose. We are considering about Symantec "Enterprise Vault" or Dell "Quest recovery manager for Exchange". Thanks in advance.Solved706Views1like3CommentsCan members of a bonded-NIC be configured as VCS LLT links?
Scenario-1: SFRAC 5.0.1 and aboveļ¼such as 5.1, 5.1SP1, 6.0, 6.1 ...... HPUX 11.31-0909 Oracle RAC lan3 and lan4 are bonded to be lan901, which is configured as Oracle RAC heartbeat. lan3 and lan4 have different MAC address. I know if the bonded NIC lan901 is configured as a VCS LLT, then the members of lan901, lan3 and lan4, cannot be configured as VCS LLT Links. But, If the bonded NIC lan901 is NOT configured as a VCS LLT, Can lan3 and lan4 be configured as VCS primary and secondary LLT links? ==================================================== Scenario-2: SFRAC Redhat Linux Oracle RAC eth3 and eth4 are bonded to be bond1,which is configured as Oracle RAC heartbeat. eth3 and eth4 and bond1 have the same MAC address. Can eth3 and eth4 be configured as VCS primary and secondary LLT links?Solved1KViews1like2Commentshow to install storage foundation 6.0.1 on hp-ux install with only vxfs
i have hp-ux install with SF 5.0.1 ang root is control by lvm and vxfs. it is done when install hp-ux 11 v3. i want to install sf 6.0 and i have error that can mount vxfs files system. help me to install sf 6.0. Hi all # swlist | grep -i vx Base-VXFS B.11.31 Base VxFS File System 4.1 Bundle for HP-UX VRTSvxfs VERITAS File System When try to install SF 6.0 # ./installer Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.0.1 Install Program Copyright (c) 2012 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202. Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installer-201407141057RFR while installer is in progress. Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.0.1 Install Program Symantec Product Version Installed Licensed ================================================================================ Symantec Licensing Utilities (VRTSvlic) are not installed due to which products and licenses are not discovered. Use the menu below to continue. Task Menu: P) Perform a Pre-Installation Check I) Install a Product C) Configure an Installed Product G) Upgrade a Product O) Perform a Post-Installation Check U) Uninstall a Product L) License a Product S) Start a Product D) View Product Descriptions X) Stop a Product R) View Product Requirements ?) Help Enter a Task: [P,I,C,G,O,U,L,S,D,X,R,?] I Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.0.1 Install Program 1) Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) 2) Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) 3) Veritas Storage Foundation (SF) 4) Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) 5) Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA (SFCFSHA) 6) Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC (SF Oracle RAC) b) Back to previous menu Select a product to install: [1-6,b,q] 3 Do you agree with the terms of the End User License Agreement as specified in the storage_foundation/EULA/en/EULA_SF_Ux_6.0.1.pdf file present on media? [y,n,q,?] y Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0.1 Install Program 1) Install minimal required depots - 1262 MB required 2) Install recommended depots - 1840 MB required 3) Install all depots - 1843 MB required 4) Display depots to be installed for each option Select the depots to be installed on all systems? [1-4,q,?] (2) Enter the system names separated by spaces: [q,?] (ictprd) Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0.1 Install Program ictprd Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installer-201407141057RFR while installer is in progress Verifying systems: 100% Estimated time remaining: (mm:ss) 0:00 8 of 8 Checking system communication ............................................................................................................................. Done Checking release compatibility ............................................................................................................................ Done Checking installed product ................................................................................................................................ Done Checking prerequisite patches and depots .................................................................................................................. Done Checking platform version ................................................................................................................................. Done Checking file system free space ........................................................................................................................... Done Checking product licensing ................................................................................................................................ Done Performing product prechecks .............................................................................................................................. Done System verification checks completed The following errors were discovered on the systems: CPI ERROR V-9-20-1127 Failed to mount all mount points of /etc/fstab on ictprd. Check the validation of all the entries in /etc/fstab. The following warnings were discovered on the systems: CPI WARNING V-9-40-3853 FS is installed on ictprd. To proceed with installation will install SF 6.0.1 directly on ictprd. CPI WARNING V-9-40-3861 NetBackup was installed on ictprd. The VRTSpbx depots on ictprd will not be uninstalled. installer log files and summary file are saved at: /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installer-201407141057RFRSolved2.3KViews0likes7CommentsHow to generate SMS message alert for failed backup's
In NetBackup Opscenter is it possible to change the information sent out in the e-mail alerts. For example i want to change the output to move the server name up in the alert so i can send this to a cell phone as a txt and not just an e-mail. Is this possible at this time, or is there a different way of doing it? I'm looking for something along the lines of subject: BACKUP FAILURE {SERVER} FAILED WITH A STATUS {STATUS NUMBER} body: SERVER: {SERVER} STATUS: {STATUS NUMBER} POLICY:{POLICY} Thanks, Snehanshu551Views0likes1CommentORA-600 [ksfd_odmcrt8], [ODM ERROR V-41-4-1-105-22 Invalid argument]
hi.. when we open db (Oracle 2node RAC in HP), we got the error... Sun Jun 01 23:19:24 2014 ALTER SYSTEM SET local_listener=' (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='MNP001'; ALTER DATABASE MOUNT /* db agent *//* {1:15272:181} */ This instance was first to mount Errors in file /oracle/MNP/saptrace/diag/rdbms/mnp/MNP001/trace/MNP001_ckpt_230.trc (incident=432209): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksfd_odmopn2], [ODM ERROR V-41-4-2-313-22 Invalid argument], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Incident details in: /oracle/MNP/saptrace/diag/rdbms/mnp/MNP001/incident/incdir_432209/MNP001_ckpt_230_i432209.trc [PROD spncpd01:/#] mount -p ....................... /dev/vg00/lvol10 /maxigent50 vxfs ioerror=mwdisable,largefiles,qio,delaylog,dev=4000000a 0 0 /dev/vg00/lvol11 /SIMPANA vxfs ioerror=mwdisable,largefiles,qio,delaylog,dev=4000000b 0 0 xx.xx.89.167:/snctrans /usr/sap/trans nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,NFSv3,dev=4000002 0 0 xx.xx.89.167:/sncmnp /sapmnt/MNP nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,NFSv3,dev=4000003 0 0 xx.xx.89.167:/sapimage /sapcd nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,NFSv3,dev=4000004 0 0 -hosts /net autofs ignore,indirect,nosuid,soft,nobrowse,dev=4000005 0 0 /dev/odm /dev/odm odm smartsync,dev=4000006 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnpomnp /oracle/MNP vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059d8 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnpstage /oracle/stage/112_64 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059d9 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnpcli /oracle/client vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059da 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg3/mnpocr1 /oracle/OCR1 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=2009858 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg3/mnpvote1 /oracle/VOTE1 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=2009859 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg4/mnpocr2 /oracle/OCR2 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=200c350 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg4/mnpvote2 /oracle/VOTE2 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=200c351 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg5/mnpocr3 /oracle/OCR3 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=200e678 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg5/mnpvote3 /oracle/VOTE3 vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=200e679 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnploga /oracle/MNP/origlogA vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059db 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnplogb /oracle/MNP/origlogB vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059dc 0 0 /dev/vx/dsk/ncpdg1/mnpmloga /oracle/MNP/mirrlogA vxfs ioerror=mdisable,largefiles,qio,cluster,crw,delaylog,dev=20059dd 0 0 <--- no using CIO so, we can not use veritas odm library... could you teach me, how we can use veritas odm library ??? ( Is there any issue in veritas / Oracle ?? ) Thanks~~~~1.4KViews0likes5Commentsproblem with starting vxconfigd
Hello! i have a problem with starting vxconfigd daemon # # vxconfigd VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-8561 ddl_fill_dmp_info: Path 0x1f021000 not found in devlist FAKE_ENCLR_SNO: Error 0 VxVM vxconfigd ERROR V-5-1-1589 enable failed: System error occurred in the client Error 0; aborting First was problem with free space in / file system. Somebody made # mv /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1 /opt; ln -s /opt/vxfs4.1 /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1 After reboot - server didn't start made > hpux /last/vmunix after starting did # rm /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1; mv /opt/vxfs4.1 /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1 # shutdown -r But now we can't to mount some directories by vxfs What can i do at this moment? Thank you.750Views0likes2Comments