Netbackup incorrectly assigning MediaIDs at first but corrects when deleted & re-scanned.
Netbackup v10.2.0.1 - We're importing & cataloging (P1/P2) 1000s of tapes and we've got a script that does inventory (vmupdate) when the tapes are loaded for multiple media agents. The MediaID generation rule are applied, for few random tapes it does not add the initials eg.: NS is not added for tape NS1234 but it is updated as 1234L6 (default inventory) which fails the import jobs as it cannot find the tape. The same tapes [updated as 1234L6] when deleted from console and re-scanned manually from console gets the correct barcode NS1234. It is random & intermittent (but happens atleast once in 2 days) so I was hoping to get more details from Logs when it happens. It will be good to know which logs are required apart from bptm on media agents and if there are any other robot/inventory specific logs with higher debug ? Thank you.630Views0likes4CommentsMethods that can be used as active after tape import
hello. The customer is using appliance model 5240 and version is 9.1. The customer's requirement is to get a PTL tape and copy the tape back. ※ The master server has been changed. However, since the customer's PTL tape is not enough, import the current PTL tape twice and copy it to the DISK, and after the image of the existing PTL tape expires, The tape volume pool is being moved and replicated again. ※ Backup must be performed in the changed volume pool. The curious thing is that when media is first recognized it is recognized from the NETBACKUP pool. After changing this to the desired volume pool and completing the import twice, if TAPE is ACTIVE, I wonder if there is a way to back up to that tape.Solved767Views0likes1CommentAIR Import jobs not starting after reinstall NetBackup
Hello specialists, I have a question about not starting AIR Import jobs after we reinstalled 1 of the masterson a new server with newer Windows version and restored the Catalog. We run NetBackup 8.1.2 on W2016 Datacenter (on the old server it wasWindows 2012 R2 Datacenter), we write to Data Domains and replicate with AIR. Before shutting down 1 of the oldmasters we stopped Replication on both masters with "nbstlutil inactive -destination *Remote*Master*". After succesfull installation of NetBackup and restore of the Catalog (we kept the same hostname and IP for the new server) we activated replications again with "nbstlutil active -destination *Remote*Master*". After some 30 minutes replications started on both masters, imports started on the not-reinstalled master. However on the reinstalled master import jobs did not start for over 12 hour. I tried different solutions from this forum to no result. However: We have a small test environment with a 3rd and 4th master writing to the same Data Domains to completely different mtrees as the production environment. These test mtrees (both source and target)are of course not configured in the production environment. Now the trick: After configuring on the reinstalled master a Diskpool and STU on the test mtrees theimports began to run. So my problem has been solved but in a somewhat illogical way. Can this be explained? Kind regards, Peter857Views0likes2CommentsImport Images from a DiskPool
Hi, Greetings. I am new to VOX. The reason I have come to you as I need some help regarding importing data(backup images) from "MSDP(Windows) in old backup domain" to "MSDP(NBU Appliance) in new backup domain". Here is the plan I have.. 1. In New Domain, create Storage Server with the same naming convention as used in Old Domain 2. From Admin Console, open up the Storage Server properties within the Credentials section. Input the path to the MSDP pool, ex: M:\Msdp. Also input the Spalogin and Spapassword. Next create a diskpool with the same name as the original using the NetBackup Disk Pool Wizard 3. Then Initiate Import(Phase1 import) on this DiskPool 4. From Catalog, initiate Phase2 import What is your suggestion? Thanks, Ezra.1.9KViews0likes2CommentsSet Primary Copy Image, not change Copy Number
Hi, I trying to turns a duplicated image backup that came as Copy Number 2, to Copy 1 and Primary Copy. But when I set the image to be Primary Copy, Copy Number still as Copy Number 2. Even though I have already expired the image that originated the duplication. Any help will be welcome!Solved1.9KViews0likes4Comments