SLP Disk to tape backup size is differs
We have configured, Netbackup with Pure Disk setup. we are taking 17 TB backup. Now customer is requesting us to configure Dupllicate backup to tape for higer retentoin. My question is > i see full backup logs shows 17 TB backup has been completed and SLP duplicate jobs shows only 3.8 TB of data writen and no errors found. I need to know why. need some answers.974Views0likes7CommentsBMR on Solaris Multipathing
“Until now, BMR supported EMC Powerpath solution. But the demand for native multipath is increasing, which is a platform-independent technique. To cater to this demand, support for native multipath is added in BMR 7.5 for the Linux platform.” BMR supports only EMC Powerpath solution. BMR does not Support for Native multipathing on Solaris. Question is: When will SYMANTEC Netbackup start support for Solaris Multipathing? A big deploymment was done, and the backup solution was the Netbackup 7.5 but now we came at the point that BMR does not support Solaris Multipathing. in such situation, Customer is surviving and big question mark on BMR Solaris Multipathing.839Views0likes3CommentsInformation about deduplication in Netbackup 7.1?
We are trying to sell a new backup solution for a customer, and we want to include 3 media server with deduplication, I want to know or confirm this: - What's the maximum addressable storage which can MS deduplication is able to manage? I find is 32TB but I'm not sure is this 32TB backend disk and doesn't need to be related with the deduplication ratio? E.g. if one MS is capable to have deduplication like 10:1 then the MS can address 320TB of real data? - How can I get an idea about the throughput, We are configuring three identical MS deduplication nodes with the following characteristics: 2 CPUS, 6-core, Intel, 3.06GHz, 96GB in RAM, 22 HD SAS 1TB and 512MB of cache (DL180G6)? - And We want to have an idea of the deduplication block size (chunks)? What kind of deduplication strategy Symantec use? Fixed blocks, Variable blocks? is based in hash table? - How can I have an idea about the metadata space? Is there a calculator to know that in advance? Thanks, Gonzalo GSolved1.3KViews0likes4CommentsNBU 7.1 / GRT AD / Browse timeout with a big OU (most 3000 objects)
Hi, I have a GRT AD restoration problem with a big OU (most 3000 objects). My context : - 1 Master server w2k3 x86 with NetBackup 7.1 (dedicated Master) - 1 Media server w2k3 x86 with NetBackup 7.1 + STU "basic disk" + NFS Services configured (RPC External Data Representation / RPC Port Mapper) - 1 Client w2k3 x86 with NetBackup 7.1 AD 2003 natif + NFS Services configured (Client NFS + MS Services of NFS ADM + RPC External Data Representation + RPC Port mapper) * AD with a lot of OU and 1 big OU (most 3000 objects) Backup Status 0 (no error/warnig) : 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - Info nbjm(pid=18516) starting backup job (jobid=818094) for client, policy pl_grt_AD, schedule full 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - Info nbjm(pid=18516) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=818094, request id:{25D32B66-685E-4C1A-8130-D0B95E97F240}) 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - requesting resource MES-03P-STU-DISK 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - requesting resource 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - requesting resource masternbu.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.pl_grt_AD 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - granted resource 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - granted resource masternbu.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.pl_mes_grt_AD 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaaf;Path=D:\MES-03P-STU-DISK;MediaServer=medianbu 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - granted resource MES-03P-STU-DISK 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - estimated 1900806 Kbytes needed 17/05/2011 19:00:00 - Info nbjm(pid=18516) started backup job for client, policy pl_grt_AD, schedule full on storage unit MES-03P-STU-DISK 17/05/2011 19:00:02 - started process bpbrm (5800) 17/05/2011 19:00:07 - connecting 17/05/2011 19:00:09 - connected; connect time: 00:00:02 17/05/2011 19:00:15 - begin writing 17/05/2011 19:13:40 - end writing; write time: 00:13:25 the requested operation was successfully completed(0) Browse and restore GRT is OK : 1 object on a small/normal OU (less 100 objects) Browse is not OK : big OU (most 3000 objects) Tests / Test Browse from Master SERVER / from Media SERVER / from client - NetBackup starting a restore job (without information) - nbfsd and bpdm starting on media server * bpdm read disk backup (Analysed with processmon.exe and with bpdm logs) * nbfsd logs an activity with VNETD (on local and with Master NBU) (analysed with processmon.exe and with nbfsd logs) * a temp.edb is create on <NBU_INSTALL_PATH>\NetBAckup\Temp\... - Browse end with file read failed (restore job finish with status 0) Have you any idea ? Stéphane COLIN C-StorageSolved763Views0likes2Comments