Duplicate to tape "Rule Blocked"
I setup my 3600 to backup a server full / Incrim for a few months just to dedupe locally now a tape is being required so I installed a quantum ulta 5 half height tape library. (no updates available on the 3600 I am on 2012 SP4 with all the latest hotfix's) Ensured it is on the latest FW, did a full diagnostic via quantums propriertery software, ensured the hba was also on its latest firmware/driver ( I did this after when troubleshooting). Connected the tape drive and installed it via adding a tape drive in storage and used the symantec drivers. I then proceeded to modify the rule for the server I am backing up to dupelicate to tape and with all backups selected, then with most recent full backup to which I got a running job then back to scheduled with nothing else I tried a one off backup job and it worked.... I then created a new job with the same settings and deleted the old job I now get a rule blocked. I then proceeded to disable/hold every other job and clean out every old job, recoverys etc.... and tried it again still rule blocked I then changed the full backup to yearly removed inc and the tape to yearly and set it 6 months apart still rule blocked. to note I am trying to backup lotus DB only not exchange and I only have 2GB lleft on dedupe/disks I am at my 500gb reserve, so no new disk backups can occur I have also disabled all error handling rules and enabled logging to the maximum and couldnt see anything to which it was referring to ? any ideas as I am going out of my mind on thisSolved1.3KViews1like4Comments