5 steps to improve your Backup experience with Microsoft Azure
If you are looking at moving more business processes toMicrosoft Azureto save cost and gain agility, your data protection is a likely candidate for cloud migration too. Here wediscuss five important steps to considerin this process.7.1KViews0likes0CommentsCloud with Confidence: Infrastructure abstraction for always-on applications in Microsoft Azure
A hybrid cloud strategy is a great way to reduce costs and increase flexibility—and getting there doesn’t have to be the biggest project since digging the Panama Canal. With Azure and InfoScale, you get cost-effective platform independence with consistent high availability, disaster recovery, and performance. InfoScale can orchestrate the availability of multiple, multi-vendor, multi-tier applications across physical, virtual and cloud-based platforms.5.5KViews3likes0CommentsTop 3 things to do at #MSIgnite
At the heels of#VtasVision, with lots of great announcements made onhow to successfully embrace the new era of the multi-cloud, we head to #MSIgnite in Orlando today. As a platinum sponsor, we are excited toparticipatewith one of our partners. And as you arrive at#MSIgnite, here are the top 3 things we recommend you check out at the conference...2KViews2likes0CommentsCloudPoint and classification in Microsoft Azure
In this video, you'll discover how the classification feature in CloudPoint helps you identify for example Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Azure snapshots, and then use that insight to make decisions about how best to protect that data.1.6KViews1like0Comments