IPMI does not work
Hi, we are helping a customer to configure a NetApp 5230 appliance which is upgraded from 2.5.4 to Previously we did not configure IPMI. After the upgrade, we decide to configure IPMI. However, I followed the guidelines in NetBackup doc but it does not work. I cannot ping the IPMI port no matter what IP address I set. How to troubleshoot this? Thanks in advance.Solved8.3KViews7likes6CommentsNetbackup Bmr backup is failing with status 1
Hi , Netbackup 7.5 BMR backup is failing with the below mentioned error. 12/23/2013 11:55:13 - Error bpbrm (pid=20245) BMRERR: Received BMR error: Failed to import Config file. (1) 12/23/2013 11:55:13 - Error bpbrm (pid=20245) BMRERR: Received BMR error: Failed sending the discovery. (1) 12/23/2013 11:55:13 - Error bpbrm (pid=20245) BMRERR: Received BMR error: BMR information discovery failed. (1) 12/23/2013 11:55:13 - Info bmrsavecfg (pid=0) done. status: 1: the requested operation was partially successful 12/23/2013 11:55:13 - end writing Operation Status: 1Solved1KViews5likes5CommentsNetBackup 7.6.1 / 2.6.1 - MSDP Conversion
After going through the 'pain' of MSDP conversion when moving appliances from 2.5.x to 2.6.0.x, whereby I saw conversion taking anywhere from 4hrs to 27hrs, I was surprised to see the conversion is required AGAIN when moving from NBU to 7.6.1. I have only performed this upgrade in my test lab which has very little data in the MSDP pool, and is WIndows based NOT an appliance - but I am assuming this will also be the case when moving the appliances from 2.6.0.x to 2.6.1. Has anyone moved an appliance to 2.6.1 yet, and if so is the MSDP conversion a similar duration to that when moving from 2.5.x to 2.6.0.x ? As I mentioned my MSDP pool is tiny in the lab and conversion only took a minute or so. Thanks, AJ1.8KViews4likes11CommentsNBU 5220 Performance
We recently deployed a 5220 appliance into our environment as it was to be the savior in our battle against a backup window we were no longer able to meet. When we finally got it online and into our NBU environment the initial performance was great. The area we were to most benefit was with VMware backups. The data stores mounted directly to the appliance would allow direct access to the snapshots for a fast and efficient backup. Before this, we were performing client side backups so the impact on the hosts every night was significant as we tried backing up 600+ vms. The plan was to be able to move all Dev and test off-host backups to the middle of the day as the performance impact was minimal and the end result was an increased window to complete things. As we started with noon-time backups deduplication rates were high and so were the speeds. However, this performance gain was short lived, as we began increasing the load we suddenly saw performance drop to a point of concern. Backups were no longer speedy, 3500KB per second to 10,000KB. There are some that might pop to 24,000KB, but in a sample size of 15 as I write this, only one is showing 24,000. Now, I do have a few ideas. 1. We have a 72TB appliance, therefore, 2 disk trays, during the backups, the one disk tray is going crazy, all the lights are flashing and you can really see that it is working. However, the second tray is doing nothing. While you might see a blink here or there, it is almost nothing compared to the other disk tray. Is this to be expected? When we looked at the disk configuration, it shows concat, is this normal? 2. Too much data at once and we are simply burying the appliance. In reality, what sort of performance should I be able to expect from the appliance? 3. Relating to number 2, since we only have the one appliance right now while we wait to get the remote appliance in place, we are duping off to tape. This is running at the same time as a backup, so this means at the same time the appliance is writing a lot of data, it is also reading it back to tape. 4. We are overloading the data store so that read speed is bad from source to destination. We have fewer hosts,therefore, if we limit the jobs per host we limit the number of machines backing up at once (obviously). This means that backups take way long, so we removed the limit per host and just set a limit per data store. As we are new to it all, I am not sure what impact where, but again, I am trying to list any and all ideas from the start. 5. The appliance does not support multi-pathing, therefore, we only have a single path to the disk. Beyond that I am not sure, but this is something that doesnt help with the showcasing of the appliances to management at the moment. However, given the initial performance I am confident we can get back there.Solved3.2KViews4likes50Commentsduplications from wrong media server
I have two 5200 appliances (2.0.1) one is in our primary data center and one is at our DR site connected by a 43mb pipe. My primary appliance has two LTO tape libraries directly attached via fiber that are used for doing monthly backups. I am using SLP's for the back up and duplications. Every weekend we do a full backup (1.3tb) that is backed up to my primary appliance and then duplicated to my DR appliance. During this backup i notice that my media server that is being used is primary > primary (for backup) and DR > DR (for duplications). This is perfectly fine. Now heres the trouble. When i mix a duplication to tape in this process the system trys to load balance the duplication between my media servers. Meaning: One duplication job will show the primary as the media server for the tape backup and one job will show the DR appliance. This would all be ok if the DR appliance was on my local LAN but it is not and therefore any duplication using it as the media server to tape can take over 24 hours to complete. In the SLP for my monthlys I have removed the DR appliance as a duplication so i dont know why it keeps responding. Example: i had a 245gb exchange DB duplication that was using my DR appliance as the media server and it had been running for 48hours and was only 60% complete. I noticed the job and cancled it. When it retried it picked up my primary appliance as the media server and in 25min it was complete (over fiber channel). I opened a ticket with support 2 months ago but we have yet to figure out the deal. This hasnt been that big of an issue until another group wanted to replicate some VTL's to the DR and realized that the bandwith is 100% consumed all the time by netbackup. i have been tinkering with this for months and cannot figure out what i have configured wrong so i want to consult the almight Community for answers. LOL! To me it sounds like the media servers are setup so that they can load balance but i cant find were to disable that.Solved1.9KViews4likes6CommentsVLAN support on NB 5220 appliance
Hello, the customer has a number of Windows Media Servers with 1 10Gb NIC. On top of this NIC they are three Vitual NICs configured on three different VLANs. VLANs are configured using the HP utility for NC522SFP; on this way the server NIC generates VLAN tagged traffic. On the other side the Cisco switch accepts only tagged frames. The customer wants to introduce in the infrastructure a NB 5220 appliance. He would replicate the same configuration using the 10 Gb NIC of the appliance. I suppose that the OS (Suse) supports this configuration (virtual interfaces with VLAN support), but I don't know if this is officially supported by Symantec. Any hint, link or suggestion will be very appreciated. Have a nice day.251Views4likes0CommentsNetBackup Appliances is now available!
(crossposted from the Netting Out NetBackup blog) I’m extremely happy to announce that NetBackup Appliances is now Generally Available! NetBackup Appliances is the latest update for NetBackup 52xx and 5330 Applainces and the equivalent Appliance patch release to NetBackup It can be applied in an upgrade to Appliances running ANY 2.5.x or 2.6.x.x version. This release includes all fixes included in the NetBackup release, including resolutions for most commonly downloaded EEBs, customer escalations, and critical internally found defects. To download, please visit the following page: NetBackup Appliance Release http://symantec.com/docs/TECH228624 More information on can be found at the following locations: NetBackup Appliances Release Notes http://symantec.com/docs/DOC8185 Complete Symantec NetBackup Appliance Documentation Set - versions http://symantec.com/docs/DOC8194 The NetBackup Appliances Late Breaking News can be found here: NetBackup 5xxx appliance series Late Breaking News http://symantec.com/docs/TECH145136 Short link: http://bit.ly/APPLBN Bookmark the NetBackup Appliances Common Topics page to have these and many more useful links handy: http://go.symantec.com/nba bit.ly/761LBN | APPLBN | 76LBN3.3KViews3likes11CommentsHow to verify that HP-UX support 256K size buffers SAN Client
Hello, I am implementing SAN client for a HP-UX server. I have read Netbackup 7.6 Blueprints for SAN Client so there is recommended to be sure that the HBAs and their drivers must support 256K size buffers for data transfer. I am working on HP-UX client so I would like to know if somebody knows how to validate that information. BR.1KViews3likes4CommentsAppliance 5230 file system showing read only
Hi Friends, I am facing an issue file system read only with appliance 5230 and cannot login on appliance via putty and getting below error. Pleas help me. Appliance.Support> Maintenance <!-- Maintenance Mode --!> Error in tempfile() using /tmp/errfile_XXXXXX: Could not create temp file /tmp/errfile_qQQ3H4: Read-only file system at /opt/NBUAppliance/scripts/nbu_runcmd.pm line 266 ************************************************************************** *************** Regards, Priyeranjan1.7KViews3likes4CommentsAppliance and OpenSSL POODLE vulnerability...
Hi, does anyone know what we can do to mitigate this: Found this: http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/new-openssl-vulnerability-could-facilitate-dos-attacks …which links to this Poodle article: http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/poodle-vulnerability-old-version-ssl-represents-new-threat …the POODLE wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POODLE#External_links …the US-Cert page re POODLE: https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA14-290A …the OpenSSL Org related advisory: https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20141015.txt …which suggests that users of SSLv3 should upgrade: OpenSSL 1.0.1 users should upgrade to 1.0.1j. OpenSSL 1.0.0 users should upgrade to 1.0.0o. OpenSSL 0.9.8 users should upgrade to 0.9.8zc. The Symantec N5230 Appliance running Appliance v2.6.1.2, reports its OpenSSL version as: my-appliance:/home/maintenance # openssl version OpenSSL 0.9.8j-fips 07 Jan 2009 . Is there an official statement re appliances? Thanks.Solved1.4KViews3likes3Comments