Unable to bring the Service Group online.
Hi All, I tried to bring a SG online in a node but it's not comming online. Let me explaing the issue. We did reboot of a node aixprd001 and we found that /etc/filesystem is corrupted so the SG bosinit_SG is in partial state since lot of cluster FS in not mounted. Then we corrected the entry and done the manual mout of all the FS but the SG still show the status partial so we did the bellow command. hagrp -clear bosinit_SG -all Once done the SG is in online state. For safer side we tried to offline the SG and brought it up online again but the SG failed to come online, Bellow is the only error we able find the engine_A.log file. 2014/12/17 06:49:04 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10166 Initiating manual online of group bosinit_SG on system aixprd001 2014/12/17 06:49:04 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10233 Clearing Restart attribute for group bosinit_SG on all nodes Please help me by providing suggestion, I will provide the output of logs if needed. Thanks, RufusSolved2.1KViews0likes4CommentsNic resource going down frequently
We are experiencing below mentioned faults every now and then that affects our backup. setup is like we have BkupLan service group in which we have NIC resource (bkup_nic) and Phantom resource . Two service groups OSSfs and sybase1 have proxy resource monitoring this NIC resource. and both are configured with Ip resources Ossbak_ip1 and sybbak_ip1. The issue is Nic resource failed with below message and in turn proxy and ip resources failed. Then NIC comes back and proxy and ip come back too. Below is the configuration too Please advice why it goen offline/online frequently 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS WARNING V-16-10001-7506 (ossadm2) NIC:bkup_nic:monitor:Resource is offline. No Network Host could be reached 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-2-13716 (ossadm2) Resource(bkup_nic): Output of the completed operation (monitor) ============================================== Broken Pipe ============================================== 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource bkup_nic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: BkupLan) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=ossadm2, arg1=bkup_nic, arg2=ONLINE 2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault.sh) Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/resfault.sh, arg1=ossadm2 ,arg2=bkup_nic2013/10/24 22:32:03 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (ossadm2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault ossadm2 bkup_nic ONLINE successfully 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource ossbak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10300 Initiating Offline of Resource ossbak_ip (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) on System ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS ERROR V-16-1-10303 Resource syb1bak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is FAULTED (timed out) on sys ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=ossadm2, arg1=ossbak_p1, arg2=ONLINE 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault.sh) Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/resfault.sh, arg1=ossadm2 ,arg2=ossbak_p1 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-6-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault) Invoked with arg0=ossadm2, arg1=syb1bak_p1, arg2=ONLINE 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-0 (ossadm2) resfault:(resfault.sh) Invoked with arg0=/ericsson/core/cluster/scripts/resfault.sh, arg1=ossadm2 ,arg2=syb1bak_p1 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (ossadm2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault ossadm2 ossbak_p1 ONLINE successfully 2013/10/24 22:32:20 VCS INFO V-16-6-15002 (ossadm2) hatrigger:hatrigger executed /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/triggers/resfault ossadm2 syb1bak_p1 ONLINE successfully 2013/10/24 22:32:22 VCS INFO V-16-1-10305 Resource ossbak_ip (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is offline on ossadm2 (VCS initiated) 2013/10/24 22:33:04 VCS INFO V-16-1-10299 Resource bkup_nic (Owner: Unspecified, Group: BkupLan) is online on ossadm2 (Not initiated by VCS) 2013/10/24 22:33:04 VCS NOTICE V-16-1-10447 Group BkupLan is online on system ossadm2 2013/10/24 22:33:20 VCS INFO V-16-1-10299 Resource syb1bak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Sybase1) is online on ossadm2 (Not initiated by VCS) 2013/10/24 22:33:20 VCS INFO V-16-1-10299 Resource ossbak_p1 (Owner: Unspecified, Group: Ossfs) is online on ossadm2 (Not initiated by VCS) ==================================================================================== ossadm2{root} # hastatus -summ -- SYSTEM STATE -- System State Frozen A ossadm1 RUNNING 0 A ossadm2 RUNNING 0 -- GROUP STATE -- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State B BkupLan ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B BkupLan ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B DDCMon ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B DDCMon ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B Oss ossadm1 Y N OFFLINE B Oss ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B Ossfs ossadm1 Y N OFFLINE B Ossfs ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B PrivLan ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B PrivLan ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B PubLan ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B PubLan ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B StorLan ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B StorLan ossadm2 Y N ONLINE B Sybase1 ossadm1 Y N ONLINE B Sybase1 ossadm2 Y N OFFLINE you have mail ossadm2{root} # hagrp -resources BkupLan bkup_nic bkup_p ossadm2{root} # hagrp -resources bkup_nic VCS WARNING V-16-1-12130 Group bkup_nic does not exist ossadm2{root} # hagrp -resources BkupLan bkup_nic bkup_p ossadm2{root} # hares -display bkup_nic #Resource Attribute System Value bkup_nic Group global BkupLan bkup_nic Type global NIC bkup_nic AutoStart global 1 bkup_nic Critical global 0 bkup_nic Enabled global 1 bkup_nic LastOnline global ossadm2 bkup_nic MonitorOnly global 0 bkup_nic ResourceOwner global bkup_nic TriggerEvent global 0 bkup_nic ArgListValues ossadm1 Device 1 oce12 PingOptimize 1 1 NetworkHosts 1 Protocol 1 IPv4 NetworkType 1 ether ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 bkup_nic ArgListValues ossadm2 Device 1 oce12 PingOptimize 1 1 NetworkHosts 1 Protocol 1 IPv4 NetworkType 1 ether ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 bkup_nic ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 100 bkup_nic ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 100 bkup_nic ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 bkup_nic ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 bkup_nic Flags ossadm1 bkup_nic Flags ossadm2 bkup_nic IState ossadm1 not waiting bkup_nic IState ossadm2 not waiting bkup_nic MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional bkup_nic MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional bkup_nic Probed ossadm1 1 bkup_nic Probed ossadm2 1 bkup_nic Start ossadm1 0 bkup_nic Start ossadm2 0 bkup_nic State ossadm1 ONLINE bkup_nic State ossadm2 ONLINE bkup_nic ComputeStats global 0 bkup_nic ExclusiveIPZone global 0 bkup_nic NetworkHosts global bkup_nic NetworkType global ether bkup_nic PingOptimize global 1 bkup_nic Protocol global IPv4 bkup_nic TriggerResStateChange global 0 bkup_nic ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled bkup_nic ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled bkup_nic Device ossadm1 oce12 bkup_nic Device ossadm2 oce12 bkup_nic MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS bkup_nic MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS bkup_nic ResourceInfo ossadm1 State Stale Msg TS bkup_nic ResourceInfo ossadm2 State Stale Msg TS ossadm2{root} # hares -display bkup_p #Resource Attribute System Value bkup_p Group global BkupLan bkup_p Type global Phantom bkup_p AutoStart global 1 bkup_p Critical global 1 bkup_p Enabled global 1 bkup_p LastOnline global ossadm1 bkup_p MonitorOnly global 0 bkup_p ResourceOwner global bkup_p TriggerEvent global 0 bkup_p ArgListValues ossadm1 "" bkup_p ArgListValues ossadm2 "" bkup_p ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 100 bkup_p ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 100 bkup_p ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 bkup_p ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 bkup_p Flags ossadm1 bkup_p Flags ossadm2 bkup_p IState ossadm1 not waiting bkup_p IState ossadm2 not waiting bkup_p MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional bkup_p MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional bkup_p Probed ossadm1 1 bkup_p Probed ossadm2 1 bkup_p Start ossadm1 1 bkup_p Start ossadm2 1 bkup_p State ossadm1 ONLINE bkup_p State ossadm2 ONLINE bkup_p ComputeStats global 0 bkup_p TriggerResStateChange global 0 bkup_p ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled bkup_p ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled bkup_p MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS bkup_p MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS bkup_p ResourceInfo ossadm1 State Stale Msg TS bkup_p ResourceInfo ossadm2 State Valid Msg TS ossadm2{root} # hagrp -resources Sybase1 sybasedg sybmaster_mount syblog_mount sybdata_mount pmsyblog_mount pmsybdata_mount fmsyblog_mount fmsybdata_mount dbdumps_mount syb1_ip syb1_p1 syb1bak_ip syb1bak_p1 masterdataservice masterdataservice_BACKUP stop_sybase ossadm2{root} # hares -display syb1bak_p1 #Resource Attribute System Value syb1bak_p1 Group global Sybase1 syb1bak_p1 Type global Proxy syb1bak_p1 AutoStart global 1 syb1bak_p1 Critical global 0 syb1bak_p1 Enabled global 1 syb1bak_p1 LastOnline global ossadm2 syb1bak_p1 MonitorOnly global 0 syb1bak_p1 ResourceOwner global syb1bak_p1 TriggerEvent global 0 syb1bak_p1 ArgListValues ossadm1 TargetResName 1 bkup_nic TargetSysName 1 "" TargetResName:Probed 1 1 TargetResName:State 1 2 syb1bak_p1 ArgListValues ossadm2 TargetResName 1 bkup_nic TargetSysName 1 "" TargetResName:Probed 1 1 TargetResName:State 1 2 syb1bak_p1 ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 0 syb1bak_p1 ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 0 syb1bak_p1 ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 syb1bak_p1 ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 syb1bak_p1 Flags ossadm1 syb1bak_p1 Flags ossadm2 syb1bak_p1 IState ossadm1 not waiting syb1bak_p1 IState ossadm2 not waiting syb1bak_p1 MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional syb1bak_p1 MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional syb1bak_p1 Probed ossadm1 1 syb1bak_p1 Probed ossadm2 1 syb1bak_p1 Start ossadm1 0 syb1bak_p1 Start ossadm2 0 syb1bak_p1 State ossadm1 ONLINE syb1bak_p1 State ossadm2 ONLINE syb1bak_p1 ComputeStats global 0 syb1bak_p1 ResourceInfo global State Stale Msg TS syb1bak_p1 TargetResName global bkup_nic syb1bak_p1 TargetSysName global syb1bak_p1 TriggerResStateChange global 0 syb1bak_p1 ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled syb1bak_p1 ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled syb1bak_p1 MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS syb1bak_p1 MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS ossadm2{root} # hares -display syb1bak_ip #Resource Attribute System Value syb1bak_ip Group global Sybase1 syb1bak_ip Type global IP syb1bak_ip AutoStart global 1 syb1bak_ip Critical global 0 syb1bak_ip Enabled global 1 syb1bak_ip LastOnline global ossadm1 syb1bak_ip MonitorOnly global 0 syb1bak_ip ResourceOwner global syb1bak_ip TriggerEvent global 0 syb1bak_ip ArgListValues ossadm1 Device 1 oce12 Address 1 NetMask 1 Options 1 "" ArpDelay 1 1 IfconfigTwice 1 1 RouteOptions 1 "" PrefixLen 1 0 ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 syb1bak_ip ArgListValues ossadm2 Device 1 oce12 Address 1 NetMask 1 Options 1 "" ArpDelay 1 1 IfconfigTwice 1 1 RouteOptions 1 "" PrefixLen 1 0 ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 syb1bak_ip ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 100 syb1bak_ip ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 0 syb1bak_ip ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 syb1bak_ip ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 syb1bak_ip Flags ossadm1 syb1bak_ip Flags ossadm2 syb1bak_ip IState ossadm1 not waiting syb1bak_ip IState ossadm2 not waiting syb1bak_ip MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional syb1bak_ip MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional syb1bak_ip Probed ossadm1 1 syb1bak_ip Probed ossadm2 1 syb1bak_ip Start ossadm1 1 syb1bak_ip Start ossadm2 0 syb1bak_ip State ossadm1 ONLINE syb1bak_ip State ossadm2 OFFLINE syb1bak_ip Address global syb1bak_ip ArpDelay global 1 syb1bak_ip ComputeStats global 0 syb1bak_ip ExclusiveIPZone global 0 syb1bak_ip IfconfigTwice global 1 syb1bak_ip NetMask global syb1bak_ip Options global syb1bak_ip PrefixLen global 0 syb1bak_ip ResourceInfo global State Stale Msg TS syb1bak_ip RouteOptions global syb1bak_ip TriggerResStateChange global 0 syb1bak_ip ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled syb1bak_ip ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled syb1bak_ip Device ossadm1 oce12 syb1bak_ip Device ossadm2 oce12 syb1bak_ip MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS syb1bak_ip MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS ossadm2{root} # hares -display ossbak_p1 #Resource Attribute System Value ossbak_p1 Group global Ossfs ossbak_p1 Type global Proxy ossbak_p1 AutoStart global 1 ossbak_p1 Critical global 0 ossbak_p1 Enabled global 1 ossbak_p1 LastOnline global ossadm2 ossbak_p1 MonitorOnly global 0 ossbak_p1 ResourceOwner global ossbak_p1 TriggerEvent global 0 ossbak_p1 ArgListValues ossadm1 TargetResName 1 bkup_nic TargetSysName 1 "" TargetResName:Probed 1 1 TargetResName:State 1 2 ossbak_p1 ArgListValues ossadm2 TargetResName 1 bkup_nic TargetSysName 1 "" TargetResName:Probed 1 1 TargetResName:State 1 2 ossbak_p1 ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 0 ossbak_p1 ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 0 ossbak_p1 ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 ossbak_p1 ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 ossbak_p1 Flags ossadm1 ossbak_p1 Flags ossadm2 ossbak_p1 IState ossadm1 not waiting ossbak_p1 IState ossadm2 not waiting ossbak_p1 MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional ossbak_p1 MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional ossbak_p1 Probed ossadm1 1 ossbak_p1 Probed ossadm2 1 ossbak_p1 Start ossadm1 0 ossbak_p1 Start ossadm2 0 ossbak_p1 State ossadm1 ONLINE ossbak_p1 State ossadm2 ONLINE ossbak_p1 ComputeStats global 0 ossbak_p1 ResourceInfo global State Stale Msg TS ossbak_p1 TargetResName global bkup_nic ossbak_p1 TargetSysName global ossbak_p1 TriggerResStateChange global 0 ossbak_p1 ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled ossbak_p1 ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled ossbak_p1 MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS ossbak_p1 MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS ossadm2{root} # hares -display ossbak_ip #Resource Attribute System Value ossbak_ip Group global Ossfs ossbak_ip Type global IP ossbak_ip AutoStart global 1 ossbak_ip Critical global 0 ossbak_ip Enabled global 1 ossbak_ip LastOnline global ossadm2 ossbak_ip MonitorOnly global 0 ossbak_ip ResourceOwner global ossbak_ip TriggerEvent global 0 ossbak_ip ArgListValues ossadm1 Device 1 oce12 Address 1 NetMask 1 Options 1 "" ArpDelay 1 1 IfconfigTwice 1 1 RouteOptions 1 "" PrefixLen 1 0 ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 ossbak_ip ArgListValues ossadm2 Device 1 oce12 Address 1 NetMask 1 Options 1 "" ArpDelay 1 1 IfconfigTwice 1 1 RouteOptions 1 "" PrefixLen 1 0 ExclusiveIPZone 1 0 ossbak_ip ConfidenceLevel ossadm1 0 ossbak_ip ConfidenceLevel ossadm2 100 ossbak_ip ConfidenceMsg ossadm1 ossbak_ip ConfidenceMsg ossadm2 ossbak_ip Flags ossadm1 ossbak_ip Flags ossadm2 ossbak_ip IState ossadm1 not waiting ossbak_ip IState ossadm2 not waiting ossbak_ip MonitorMethod ossadm1 Traditional ossbak_ip MonitorMethod ossadm2 Traditional ossbak_ip Probed ossadm1 1 ossbak_ip Probed ossadm2 1 ossbak_ip Start ossadm1 0 ossbak_ip Start ossadm2 1 ossbak_ip State ossadm1 OFFLINE ossbak_ip State ossadm2 ONLINE ossbak_ip Address global ossbak_ip ArpDelay global 1 ossbak_ip ComputeStats global 0 ossbak_ip ExclusiveIPZone global 0 ossbak_ip IfconfigTwice global 1 ossbak_ip NetMask global ossbak_ip Options global ossbak_ip PrefixLen global 0 ossbak_ip ResourceInfo global State Stale Msg TS ossbak_ip RouteOptions global ossbak_ip TriggerResStateChange global 0 ossbak_ip ContainerInfo ossadm1 Type Name Enabled ossbak_ip ContainerInfo ossadm2 Type Name Enabled ossbak_ip Device ossadm1 oce12 ossbak_ip Device ossadm2 oce12 ossbak_ip MonitorTimeStats ossadm1 Avg 0 TS ossbak_ip MonitorTimeStats ossadm2 Avg 0 TS ossadm2{root} # hatype -display NIC #Type Attribute Value NIC AEPTimeout 0 NIC ActionTimeout 30 NIC AgentClass TS NIC AgentDirectory NIC AgentFailedOn NIC AgentFile NIC AgentPriority 0 NIC AgentReplyTimeout 130 NIC AgentStartTimeout 60 NIC AlertOnMonitorTimeouts 0 NIC ArgList Device PingOptimize NetworkHosts Protocol NetworkType ExclusiveIPZone NIC AttrChangedTimeout 60 NIC CleanRetryLimit 0 NIC CleanTimeout 60 NIC CloseTimeout 60 NIC ConfInterval 600 NIC ContainerOpts RunInContainer 0 PassCInfo 1 NIC EPClass -1 NIC EPPriority -1 NIC ExternalStateChange NIC FaultOnMonitorTimeouts 4 NIC FaultPropagation 1 NIC FireDrill 0 NIC IMF Mode 0 MonitorFreq 1 RegisterRetryLimit 3 NIC IMFRegList NIC InfoInterval 0 NIC InfoTimeout 30 NIC LevelTwoMonitorFreq 0 NIC LogDbg NIC LogFileSize 33554432 NIC MonitorInterval 60 NIC MonitorStatsParam Frequency 0 ExpectedValue 100 ValueThreshold 100 AvgThreshold 40 NIC MonitorTimeout 120 NIC NumThreads 10 NIC OfflineMonitorInterval 60 NIC OfflineTimeout 300 NIC OfflineWaitLimit 0 NIC OnlineClass -1 NIC OnlinePriority -1 NIC OnlineRetryLimit 0 NIC OnlineTimeout 300 NIC OnlineWaitLimit 2 NIC OpenTimeout 60 NIC Operations None NIC RestartLimit 0 NIC ScriptClass TS NIC ScriptPriority 0 NIC SourceFile /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/types.cf NIC SupportedActions device.vfd clearNICFaultInZone NIC ToleranceLimit 0 NIC TypeOwnerSolved2.1KViews0likes4CommentsBackup up VCS Cluster Config
Can anyone advise on what command or process is involved to backup the VCS configuration of SFW HADR 5.1 onwards. The old command was example : hasnap -backup -f clusterbackup.zip -n -m “Backup from March 25th 2007″ Apparently this is no longer supported on later versions of the software.Solved800Views0likes1CommentVCS Cluster Verification
Hello there, I used to work on HACMP clusters in the past and they had a utility called 'clverify' which would perform a complete cluster validation. i.e., a) Make sure all the hosts see the storage b) Make sure the cluster failover nodes have mount points created etc etc ... I am sure there is a VCS utility. I am not able to find it. Can one of you show it to me or direct me to the relavant documentation ?. Appreciate it ... Thanks in advance. Regards , KapilSolved606Views0likes2CommentsIs there a way to query VCS to see if monitor timeouts are occurring?
Without attempting to parse the output of engine_A.log, is there a way to use the ha* command set to query VCS to see if monitor timeouts are occuring? We would like to be able to create an alert when monitor timeouts are occurring. -SeannSolved1.6KViews0likes2CommentsOracle RAC and Split Brain Situation.
Folks, Any thoughts how does Oracle RAC handles Split Brain situation ? Might be this is a relative question with w.r.t two varied technologies .. but I assume its the best place to put this as Veritas is master in handling SPLIT BRAIN situation. H2H, ArvindSolved1.2KViews0likes1CommentVCS new volume created. Need to add up under existing Resource Group under 2 node clustered Solaris 10 Server...Important..please assist
Hi, I am newbi to VCS. OS is Solaris10. Two node cluster env. New filesystem already created and mounted with dedicated Vertual IP and is already under VCS. We have added two more Vol's (Vol03 & Vol04) in the existing Resource Group say 'node1_rg' Guys, please help me out to know the sequential and step by step procedure with commands to take the newly created Volumes under existing Resource Group......and how to carry out the Failover Test. this is a test server on which we need to do the task. Oracle Database is also there and we can coordinate with App & DBA team to do this activity...... Pleaseeeeeeee help. this is first time I had been to this forum seeking the help... Thanks, Rinku, Pune- IndiaSolved3.3KViews2likes9CommentsMonitoring clustered MSMQ?
Hi all, At a client site with the Enterprise Vault 8 SP2 installed on VCS 5.1. We are trying to set up a PowerShell script that will run as a scheduled task and email the admins with the status of the servers daily. Problem is, we can't figure out how to coax the status of the virtual MSMQ queues (both public and private) out of the virutal node. The script we have works great against a standalone MSMQ, but not a clustered one. Does anyone have a clever way to do this? TIA, Mark516Views0likes1Commentunexpected offline of a resource is not logged as FAULTED in the engine log
Here is a simpletest . I have a fileonoff resource . i delete the file .The resource becomes faulted. In the enginelog there is no mention of the resource being faulted.and the clean action is taken This does not matter if the resource is a critical or not also the type of the resource. this happens in 4.0, 4.1 and 5.0 as well but when the DBG_TRACE is added it displays as RESOURCE FAULTED. Steps to reproduce the issue 1. create a sg with one fileonoff resource 2. online the SG . 3. rm the file configured. check the engine log ass tags halog -addtags DBG_TRACE Now perform the same operation you can see the difference. Noticed that only when "monitor times out" the faulted message is in the engine log. From the user's guide it is not that clear whether it will hog the FAULTED message of not: VCS considers a resource faulted in the following situations: ■ When the resource state changes unexpectedly. For example, an online resource going offline. <<<< ■ When a required state change does not occur. For example, a resource failing to go online or offline when commanded to do so. In many situations, VCS agents take predefined actions to correct the issue before reporting resource failure to the engine. For example, the agent may try to bring a resource online several times before declaring a fault. When a resource faults, VCS takes automated actions to “clean up the faulted resource. The Clean function makes sure the resource is completely shut down before bringing it online on another node. This prevents concurrency violations. When a resource faults, VCS takes all resources dependent on the faulted resource offline. The fault is thus propagated in the service group1.1KViews1like5Comments