Clearwell Preprocessing - de-dupe of outlook conversation history
Does Clearwell effectively de-dupe a series of conversations that build on each other via Lync 2013/Outlook? For example, if I've started a chat with someone, then we go idle for 10 minutes, the conversation is saved in my Outlook Conversation History folder. If we start chatting again, then I close the conversation window, the Conversation is saved again. During preprocessing, will Clearwell de-dupe (i.e. remove the first conversation) before processing and review?813Views0likes4CommentsSearching for terms that contain an apostrophe in Clearwell
I am having difficulty searching for terms that contain an apostrophe in Clearwell. For example, I want to look for the word "fed's" throughout the data set. I know that Clearwell treats an apostrophe as a trim character and will only return the word "fed". Is there a way to return the words that contain the apostrophe or do I need to change how Clearwell handles the apostrophe?Solved727Views0likes3Comments