Backup Exec 2012 - where to find manuals, videos and trainings.
Are you looking to find information related to Backup Exec 2012? If so, here is a list for your reference. Bookmark now! Backup Exec 2012 Training: Backup Exec 2012 Administration course (5-day instructor led or virtual) Backup Exec Tech Center (a library of self-paced video learning modules) Backup Exec 2012 Videos on Symantec TV: Backup Exec 2012: Overview Introducing the new Backup Exec 2012 User Interface Backup Exec 2012: Job monitoring Backup Exec 2012 Documentation: Backup Exec 2012 Administrator’s Guide (DOC5211) Backup Exec 2012 Readme (DOC5215) Backup Exec 2012 Performance and Tuning Guide (DOC5481) Backup Exec 2012 - Getting started: Backup Exec 2012 Licensing - New licensing system (TECH178483) Backup Exec 2012 Upgrade Guide - Tips & tricks (TECH180232) Backup Exec 2012 vs. Backup Exec 12.5/2010 - a list of differences (DOC5216) Backup Exec 2012 - Best practices: Best Practices for Backup Exec 2012 Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server (HOWTO74428) List of 25+ Backup Exec 2012 best practices (HOWTO74626) Backup Exec 2012 - Compatibility: Backup Exec 2012 - Software Compatibility List (TECH175581) Backup Exec 2012 - Hardware Compatibility List (TECH175582) Backup Exec 2012 - Platforms, Agents, Options, and features no longer supported (TECH178552)2.1KViews17likes14CommentsList of NetBackup Blueprints...
FYI - just sharing a list of really useful documents posted by GFK... [edit - updated links to new locations] NetBackup v2.6 Appliance Whitepaper - WAN Optimization NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Accelerator NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Accelerator for VMware NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Active Directory NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - AIR NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - BMR NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Enterprise Vault NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Exchange NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Hyper-V NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - IRV (Instant Recovery for VMware) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Media Server Deduplication Pool NetBackup v7.6 BluePrints - NDMP NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - NetBackup Catalog NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - OpsCenter NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Oracle NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - RD (Replication Director) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SAN Client NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - Security NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SharePoint NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SLP (Storage Lifecycle Policy) NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - SQL NetBackup v7.6 Blueprints - VMware NetBackup v7.6 Technical Brief - Vault Extension . ...and another that I have found very useful: NetBackup v7.x Whitepaper - Encryption and Key Management Solutions [end]Solved11KViews6likes21CommentsThings to consider when Troubleshooting NetBackup
Hi All, Updated to add that this document has now been released as a Technote. A couple of alterations have also been made. I hope the attached document may be of interest. It is an attempt to highlight the differnt areas that may be considerend when investigatting an issue. There is not really any right/ wrong answers, so I'm not currently looking at making any major changes. The idea is more of a demonstration of how you 'might' tackle an issue, it is up to the individual to 'fine-tune' the exact methods they use. Many thanks, Martin1.4KViews6likes2CommentsZapping a mailbox returns error [0x8004011D]
Hi All, Just thought I'd share this information as it drove me crazy for days. We had about 20 or so users who could archive but restores would fail or hang, but after further investigation other symptons may vary. Basically when they tried to restore an email from the vault it would hang in the R1 queue and cause backlogs that simply wouldn't clear. I'm suspecting this could also affect the 'A' queues as well. When we tried to ZAP the mailbox it would fail with the below error, and I couldn't work out why! Error - Whilst processing mailbox with dn: (LegecyExchangeDN of user) [0x8004011D] I dtraced the EVPM with no success, or no valid errors that explained why (not sure if that was the right one to trace). In the end I remembered a similar issue with our BlackBerry's and checked the users LegecyExchangeDN in ADSIEDIT. Surprise! There was a space at the end of it! This is not something you can see in PowerShell... After removing the space from the end and trying again... SUCCESS! Not only did zapping now work but recalls worked as well. Be warned though, you cannot simply remove the space from the LegecyExchangeDN as you will break email for replies and cached entries in Outlook. You'll have to add the damaged LegecyExchangeDN as an X500 address to the users mailbox and then remove the space from the account either through PowerShell or ADSIEDIT (adsiedit is probably eaiser as you see what you are doing) Hopefully this will be helpful to someone...1.2KViews6likes1CommentSystem Recovery Management Solution 2013
I was just on the MySupport portal to create a new case for SSR2011ms and I noticed System Recovery Management Solution 2013 As on option for product version Is there a new version out? I didn’t here anything about a new version or will it be out soon?603Views6likes3CommentsNetBackup Technical Information Updates: Deduplication FAQs
Speeding up deduplication Check here for new and updated technical articles (and videos) on NetBackup and NetBackup Appliances that have been vetted by a cross-functional content council of NBU product and technical support engineers. The first article (link above) takes a deeper dive into the NetBackup deduplication process. Read this article if you have ever wondered why: MSDP is always busy, even with no jobs running TLog processing takes days to complete DiskVolume is down You are getting Status Code 83, 84, or 2074 If you have feedback or questions on any of the articles, or if you have key topics or areas that you would like to see addressed, please comment and let us know. Our aim is to provide you with the most up-to-date technical information on the NetBackup issues that concern you most.1.9KViews5likes10CommentsMonitor Appliance Health & Performance 24x7
Today’s businesses require access to their information on a 24x7 basis, not to mention the ability to protect that data in the event of unplanned interruptions which leads to complexities in their IT infrastructure. For many IT leaders, moving to Symantec appliances for their backup issues to protect data means reducing cost, complexity and operational risks in their IT environment. Symantec understands that a properly planned out data protection strategy enables customers continuous access to their information. To that end, Symantec has gone a step further to simplify, automate and enhance the support experiences for its appliance customers with its latest functionality in appliances, Symantec AutoSupport. Symantec AutoSupport proactively identifies issues, automates support, and enables faster resolution with the aim of lowering customer’s total cost of ownership of their appliance environment. As a result, appliance downtime is minimized, product reliability and serviceability is enhanced, storage capacity planning and management is simplified, and who doesn’t want their issues resolved before the customer is aware of any problems. To find out how Symantec AutoSupport can help, check out this video Agent out of date
I started seeing LiveUpdate Information About the agent for windows on at least one server does not have the most recent updates? To Install the most recent updates, on the Backup and restore tab, right click the remote computer that is out of date, and then select Update. 1. There is no indication on what server agent is out of date 2. After right clicking on each server on some I can see Update is grayed out and on some its clickable 3. Does this mean they are out of date and need to be updated? 4. What happen if I update the server will I have to reboot? 5. The server is Windows 2003 with exchange 2003 running on a cluster serves with 2 nodes 6. It seem each node might need the upgrade and the cluster seems to need 7. I am assuming after I update the active node the cluster will be up-to-date 8. Should I manually run LiveUpdate on the backup Exec server monthly and after an update I should update the clients?1.2KViews5likes18Comments