Script for updating OpsCenter server entry on multiple Backup domain
I have to add new OpsCenter server entry in matser server properties for 500+ Backup domains. Could you please share if any script or easiest way to update the same instead of manully logging on each master and update through GUI (Hostproerties --> servers --> OpsCenter Servers).504Views6likes1CommentCannot report on a particular master server
OpsCenter Version: OS: Windows 2003 NBU Master Version 6.5.5 Key details - The master server is displayed on the main Monitor screen as connected - The master server does not appear in the data collection screen - The master server does appear in the Agent screen (I have deleted/re-added the agent successfully) - I am able to drill down into the master server jobs, drives, media summary, etc from the monitor screen - I am unable to remove the master as it does not appear in the list to remove - I am unable to re-add the master because it already exists - It does not have any aliases - I have re-installed the agent on the master server, restarted all services (NBU & OpsCenter) - I am a security administrator in OpsCenter The master server is setup identically to all the other master servers in our environment and only this master is affected. Has anyone come across this issue before? Any assistance would be appreciated.316Views4likes0CommentsQuery for status code 84/86, grouped by tape library
We have two StorageTek SL8500 running most of our tape backups, and they are located in two different facilities. The one facility is not optimal and we want to compare drive read/write errors between the two libraries to see if the poor facility is having an effect. My initial idea was an SQL query joining the domain_JobArchive table (for the statusCode column) with the domain_TapeLibrary table (for the serialNumber column). This did not work, as the count of status code 84 and 86 was the same for both libraries The problem is that the domain_JobArchive does not store the statusCode information by anything I can use to distinguish the libraries, as far as I can tell. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance. CasparSolved1KViews3likes3CommentsOpsCenter WebServer Service Not Starting
I've been tasked to install OpsCenter onto a VM. The install completed successfully, but when I try to connect to the applicaiton I'm unable to. I've checked the services, and everything except the OpsCenter WebServer Service is running. OpsCenter is installed and running in another environment. I've compaired the configuration in both VMs and I've not been able to find any differences at this time. This is for OpsCenter 7.5 running on a VM Windows 2008. In the OpsCenterWebSrvService log I did find this: Command to Run: "D:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\gui\WEBSERVER\bin\catalina.bat" run Executed in D:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCener\gui\ Process : "D:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\gui\WEBSERVER\bin\catalina.bat" run Created with Process ID: 288 ---- Command output log --- Error:Process exited with error code = 255 CProcessMgmt[Exit]::CreateProcess CProcessMgmt[Exit]::ApplyEnvValuesAndLaunchProcess The process has been either terminated explicity or the process itself threw and exception & thus terminated CProcessMgmt[Exit]::StartProcess StartProcess API call failed CServiceWrapper[Exit]::StartProcess CServiceWrapper[Entry]::StopService CServiceWrapper[Entry]::StopService- OpsCenterWebServer Anyone have any ideas?751Views3likes1CommentOps Center Capacity Licensing
Hello All, I am needing to figure out how much capacity we use for licensing purposes. After reading some forums i believe i just need to get information from the last full backup of all systems that we do over the weekend. I am currently on 7.5 which it says it can be done in opscenter. The report I generated from is Performance Reports-Storage Unit Storage. Can you help me figure out what field i am suppose to be using?1.2KViews3likes5CommentsBUG: OpsCenter 7.1 Installation (error: incorrect format: unknown tag)
New installation of OpsCenter 7.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0 (Santiago). Problem: During installation of OpsCenter 7.1 you may receive the below output and error messages: ------------------------------- Performing configurations on <server name> Setting environment variables sh -x error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ -jreHome error: incorrect format: unknown tag/latest -platform Linux_x86_64 -serverInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer -guiInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI -atServerInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/VRTSat/ -installationType 2 -configDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer -opsCenterHostName whqnbu01p -isClustered 2 sh -x error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/ -jreHome error: incorrect format: unknown tag/latest -platform Linux_x86_64 -serverInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer -guiInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI -atServerInstallDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/VRTSat/ -installationType 2 -configDir error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer -opsCenterHostName whqnbu01p -isClustered 2 Copying war file Setting up GUI error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/goodies/ error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/goodies/ error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/goodies/ error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/goodies/ -httpPort 80 -httpsPort 443 -shutdownPort 8105 -keystoreFile error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/Security/keystore error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterGUI/bin/goodies/ Setting up PBX Setting up links Setting PostInstall Configurations error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ Setting up the Database error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ -dbDataFileLocation "/var/symantec/OpsCenterServer" -dbTempFileLocation "/var/symantec/OpsCenterServer" -clusterMode "2" Creating Links for dbsrv11 and dbsrv11.lic Configuring VxAT Updating VxAT parameters error: incorrect format: unknown tag/SYMCOpsCenterServer/bin/ -installationType 2 -vxssHostname localhost -vxssPort 2821 -vxssPbxPort 1556 -vxssUsername admin -vxssPassword Vxadmin -vxssDomain broker ------------------------------- --Installation log file: (bold text) 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/rpm -q VRTSatServer 2>&1 9:40:41 VRTSatServer- 9:40:41 exit=0 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{INSTALLPREFIX}' VRTSatServer 2>&1 9:40:41 error: incorrect format: unknown tag 9:40:41 exit=0 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/ls /var/VRTSat/.VRTSat/profile/VRTSatlocal.conf 2>/dev/null 9:40:41 /var/VRTSat/.VRTSat/profile/VRTSatlocal.conf 9:40:41 exit=0 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/grep Mode "/var/VRTSat/.VRTSat/profile/VRTSatlocal.conf" 2>&1 9:40:41 "Mode"=dword:00000000 9:40:41 exit=0 9:40:41 Mode is [0] 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/ls /etc/vx/VRTSnom/InstallPath 2>/dev/null 9:40:41 9:40:41 exit=2 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/rpm -q VRTSccsvs 2>&1 9:40:41 package VRTSccsvs is not installed 9:40:41 exit=1 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/ls /etc/SuSE-release 2>/dev/null 9:40:41 9:40:41 exit=2 9:40:41 exec LANG=C /bin/ls /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null 9:40:41 /etc/redhat-release 9:40:41 exit=0 Cause: rpm querytag INSTALLPREFIX is no longer a valid tag with rpm-4.8.0-12 or greater. Fix: Either Symantec will update the below recommendation with a patch release or you'll have the edit the file manually by change the querytag from INSTALLPREFIX to PREFIXES. Update below Perl script: (Within the OpsCenter extraction) 1. Edit the below file: OpsCenter_7.1_X64/LinuxR_x86_64/Server/scripts/CPI/prod/common/ 2. Find the below line: (around lines 49) if ($CPI::SYS{$sys}{OS} eq "Linux"){ $baseDir = CPI::do_sys($sys, "$CPI::PLAT{Linux}{RPM} -q $pkg"); if ($baseDir =~ /not installed/){ $baseDir=""; }else{ # Need to write in a hack for VEA here # The rpm doesn't have INSTALLPREFIX defined # so rpm returns "(none)" which causes problems. # B/c it's non-relocatable, let's just set to /opt if ($pkg eq "VRTSob"){ $baseDir="/opt"; } else { $baseDir = CPI::do_sys($sys, "$CPI::PLAT{Linux}{RPM} -q --queryformat '%{INSTALLPREFIX}\n' $pkg"); } } } 3. Change the above lines to the BOLD lines below: if ($CPI::SYS{$sys}{OS} eq "Linux"){ $baseDir = CPI::do_sys($sys, "$CPI::PLAT{Linux}{RPM} -q $pkg"); if ($baseDir =~ /not installed/){ $baseDir=""; }else{ # Need to write in a hack for VEA here # The rpm doesn't have INSTALLPREFIX defined # so rpm returns "(none)" which causes problems. # B/c it's non-relocatable, let's just set to /opt if ($pkg eq "VRTSob"){ $baseDir="/opt"; } else { $baseDir = CPI::do_sys($sys, "$CPI::PLAT{Linux}{RPM} -q --queryformat '%{PREFIXES}\n' $pkg"); } } } 4. Save & Exit, re-run installation1.1KViews3likes0CommentsNetbackup Opscenter 7.6.1 migrating to Windows 2012
We are upgrading our OS....Currently i have Opscenter 7.5 installed on WIndows 2003 SP2 and is working fine. I installed Opscenter 7.6.1 on Windows 2012 VM environment. The installation was successful and I launched OpsCenter without error before restoring the db files. But after restoring DB files to the new DB data folder running the dbbakup script - I could not logon to opscenter here is my error "Error occurred while connecting to the OpsCenter Server. Please ensure that the server is running" -The drop down for Domain: OpsCenterUsers(vx) unavailable/Empty Please help! Thanks in advance for your help.Solved908Views2likes1CommentLast 24 hours backup report
Hi all. I need some help with my backup report, to group statuscode for each server if it have failed more times. Also i can't find a solution on only get erros where no backup have return statuscode 0 or 1. ex. backup job have failed at 10:00 but have run successfull at 12:00 then i don't want it to be in the report. Now friendlyName clientName policyName statuscode Days since Last successful Last successful Date Earth Fileserv01 WIN_FS 58 5 10-03-2015 16:48 Earth Fileserv01 WIN_FS 54 5 10-03-2015 23:40 Earth Fileserv02 WIN_FS 196 8 02-03-2015 07:45 After friendlyName clientName policyName statuscode Days since Last successful Last successful Date Earth Fileserv01 WIN_FS 54, 58 5 10-03-2015 16:48 Earth Fileserv02 WIN_FS 196 8 02-03-2015 07:45 Query so far. SELECT DISTINCT B.friendlyName as 'Master Server', A.clientName as 'Client Name', A.policyName as 'Policy Name', A.statuscode as 'Status Code', ( select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' from domain_JobArchive CKP where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND = CKP.parentJobId AND CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND ( CKP.statusCode = 0 OR CKP.statusCode = 1 ) ), ( select UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(BKP.endTime)) as 'Last successful' from domain_JobArchive BKP where BKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND BKP.Id = BKP.parentJobId AND BKP.clientId = A.clientId AND BKP.policyId = A.policyId AND BKP.policyName = A.policyName AND BKP.policyType = A.policyType AND ( BKP.statusCode = 0 OR BKP.statusCode = 1 ) ) FROM "domain_JobArchive" A , "domain_masterserver" B WHERE A.masterServerId = AND = A.parentjobid AND DATEDIFF(hour,UtcBigIntToNomTime(A.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 24 AND ( select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' from domain_JobArchive CKP where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND = A.parentJobId AND CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND CKP.scheduleType = A.scheduleType AND ( CKP.statusCode = 0 OR CKP.statusCode = 1 ) ) > 0 AND A.scheduleName != 'user_backup' AND A.statusCode not in (0,1,190,199,230,239,240,800,1000) AND A.policyName NOT LIKE 'SLP_%' AND A.type IN (0,22,28) AND A.scheduletype not in (-1,2) Group by A.clientName,A.masterServerId,A.statusCode,A.policyName,B.friendlyName,policyType,scheduleType,clientid,policyid ORDER BY B.friendlyName , A.clientNameSolved2.2KViews2likes5CommentsOpsCenter 7.6 Upgrade Purge Setting Changes - Important for Analytics Users - Please Read!
In OpsCenter 7.6, purge settings will change from 420 to 220 days. For fresh 7.6 installations, there should be no cause for concern. However, upgrades from previous versions of OpsCenter, could cause a large amount of historical job information to be purged from OpsCenter. Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter 7.6 Administrator's Guide PDF pg. 254 Note: Before OpsCenter 7.6,the default data purge period for the backup jobs data was 420 days. In case of OpsCenter 7.6 upgrade, the default data purge period that is displayed for backup jobs data depends on what you had in the previous OpsCenter version. If you retained the default data purge period in the previous OpsCenter version (that is 420 days), in OpsCenter 7.6, it is set to 220 days. If you changed the default data purge period in the previous OpsCenter version, the same period is displayed in OpsCenter 7.6. For example: If you changed the default period in OpsCenter 7.5 from 420 to 500 days, in OpsCenter 7.6, it is set to 500 days In short, if you have never changed your default purge settings from 420 days (default) in OpsCenter 7.0, 7.1, or 7.5, and upgrade to 7.6, your default will become 220 days. When OpsCenter triggers its purge cycle, 200 days of historical information will be lost. Please Note: This is only for users that have never modified the default purge setting of 420 days, in previous releases.484Views2likes0CommentsOpsCenter 7.5 with 7.1 master servers
Hi all, Is it possible to run OpsCenter 7.5 with Master Servers running 7.1? We're having this issue - but can't upgrade NBU to 7.5 yet? Are there any known issues or things to look out for in this scenario? Thanks.Solved675Views2likes8Comments