OpsCenter Report based on Retention Level
Hi, So I got this 5 pictures.Basicaly I want to create a report with no time bassis on retention level. I want it to show me Client Name, Policy name, Job protected size, Retention Level, Retention Period of the jobs only wiht a retention of >45 days. Simple right? see how I got retention level setted up in host properties(the interval, see picture 1) and add condition in the report. If the retention level is low than 45 days which in term of Opscenter mean Retention Level = interval(0,3) in my case (picture 1 + picture 2) with some simple columns like in picture 3 but I got no results. If I remove the condition Retention Level, and add time bassis like: 45 day before(picture 4+picture 5), I got data, but if I want to add Retention Level condition and play with it I get nothig, why? what i`ve done wrong? Any info you need to figure this out? And what the heck mens retention level -1, No retention? :))) expired? or can I set up a schedule without retention period? //George2KViews0likes2CommentsOpscenter: Report to retrive old policy configuration
Hi, is it possible to pull out old policies information(Policy type, storage unit(what i need)) just to make comparison between the current configuration with the old configuration? i tried using the policy comparison function on the opscenter but it didnt show what i want which is the previous storage target. Please advise.669Views0likes1CommentScript for updating OpsCenter server entry on multiple Backup domain
I have to add new OpsCenter server entry in matser server properties for 500+ Backup domains. Could you please share if any script or easiest way to update the same instead of manully logging on each master and update through GUI (Hostproerties --> servers --> OpsCenter Servers).504Views6likes1CommentOpsCenter SQL query problem
Hi I have a SQL query im using to generate a report showing last succesful back up after a failure on all clients, looking at data from the last 7 days. The report is perfect except I want it to not include entries where the last succesfull back was less than 2 days ago. This is what im using at the moment SELECT DISTINCT B.friendlyName as 'Master Server', A.clientName as 'Client Name', A.policyName as 'Policy Name', A.scheduleName as "Schedule Name", LIST( DISTINCT A.statuscode) as 'Status Code', ( select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' from domain_JobArchive CKP where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND CKP.id = CKP.parentJobId AND CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND CKP.scheduleName = A.scheduleName AND CKP.statusCode = 0 ), ( select UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(BKP.endTime)) as 'Last successful' from domain_JobArchive BKP where BKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND BKP.Id = BKP.parentJobId AND BKP.clientId = A.clientId AND BKP.policyId = A.policyId AND BKP.policyName = A.policyName AND BKP.policyType = A.policyType AND BKP.scheduleName = A.scheduleName AND BKP.statusCode = 0 ) FROM "domain_JobArchive" A , "domain_masterserver" B WHERE A.masterServerId = B.id AND A.id = A.parentjobid AND DATEDIFF(day,UtcBigIntToNomTime(A.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 7 AND ( select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' from domain_JobArchive CKP where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND CKP.id = A.parentJobId AND CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND CKP.scheduleType = A.scheduleType AND CKP.statusCode = 0 ) >1 AND A.scheduleName != 'user_backup' AND A.statusCode not in (0,190,199,230,239,240,800,1000) AND A.policyName NOT LIKE 'SLP_%' AND A.type IN (0,22,28) AND A.scheduletype not in (-1,2) Group by A.clientName,A.masterServerId,A.policyName,A.scheduleName,B.friendlyName,policyType,scheduleType,clientid,policyid ORDER BY B.friendlyName , A.clientName I have tried changing >1 to >2, I have also tried != (0,1), i have also tried not in (0,1). The problem is as far as i can tell the section i have changed to bold below is doing nothing. I can even remove this section from the query and it makes no difference to the report. This is the section i believe i can use to filter out 0 and 1 from the last succefull back up field but as it does nothing im not getting very far! WHERE A.masterServerId = B.id AND A.id = A.parentjobid AND DATEDIFF(day,UtcBigIntToNomTime(A.endTime), GETDATE()) <= 7 AND ( select DATEDIFF(DAY,UtcBigIntToNomTime(MAX(CKP.endTime)),GETDATE()) as 'Days since Last successful' from domain_JobArchive CKP where CKP.masterServerId = A.masterServerId AND CKP.id = A.parentJobId AND CKP.clientId = A.clientId AND CKP.policyId = A.policyId AND CKP.policyName = A.policyName AND CKP.policyType = A.policyType AND CKP.scheduleType = A.scheduleType AND CKP.statusCode = 0 ) >1 AND A.scheduleName != 'user_backup' AND A.statusCode not in (0,190,199,230,239,240,800,1000) AND A.policyName NOT LIKE 'SLP_%' AND A.type IN (0,22,28) AND A.scheduletype not in (-1,2) Group by A.clientName,A.masterServerId,A.policyName,A.scheduleName,B.friendlyName,policyType,scheduleType,clientid,policyid ORDER BY B.friendlyName , A.clientName Every thing I have tried has failed to remove entries where the last succesful back up was less than 2 days. Has anyone get any suggestions or fixes for this. I have next to no sql knowledge and have only delved into this to create a very specific report that can run every day and be sent out to our ops team. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help Matt562Views0likes1CommentNetbackup Opscenter 7.6.1 migrating to Windows 2012
We are upgrading our OS....Currently i have Opscenter 7.5 installed on WIndows 2003 SP2 and is working fine. I installed Opscenter 7.6.1 on Windows 2012 VM environment. The installation was successful and I launched OpsCenter without error before restoring the db files. But after restoring DB files to the new DB data folder running the dbbakup script - I could not logon to opscenter here is my error "Error occurred while connecting to the OpsCenter Server. Please ensure that the server is running" -The drop down for Domain: OpsCenterUsers(vx) unavailable/Empty Please help! Thanks in advance for your help.Solved908Views2likes1CommentOpscenter Tape drive utilization report version
Hello Good Day! I am looking for a fix for the issue associated with runing opscenter template report "Tape Drive Utilization" . when i'm runing the report, getting no error but in the report out put showing no result. Utilization from SUN to MON for last 15 days it showing zero utilizatuion, it is strange because on a weekly basis our one FULL backup size is more than 600 TB which are writing by tape drives. NOTE: I have not applied any filters in the report. Below is the out put. Please let me know if any one faced smae issue and you know the fix please share.. TAPE DRIVE UTILIZATION Legend: Idle, 1%-24%, 25%-49%, 50%-89%, >= 90% Filters: Library = All, Media Server = All, Tape Drive = All , Disp = S (Shared) or D (Dedicated) Aggregation Level: Filler Avg (%) Library Media Server Drive Name Disp Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 0% ALL DRIVES AVERAGE 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%243Views0likes0CommentsExclude certain Error codes from generating SNMP traps - Ops Center & HPOM
Hello Folks, We have been in the process of integrating NetBackup backup failure alerts with HP OML for auto-creation of the Incident tickets and get it auto-assigned to our operations ticketing queue. We have got some success in this integration, but there is still some kind of refinement we would like to do in that, as in for example, certain error codes should not generate SNMP traps and not being sent to HP OM and auto-generation of incident tickets for those can be avoided, for example, error code 1, 150 e.t.c to name of few. We just do not wish all backup-failure error codes to auto-generate an Incident ticket for us. How we can achieve that please ? NetBackup : ( In cluster) Master Server/Ops-center server: Windows 2008 R2-64-bit Enterprise Ops-Center: HP OML ( HP Operations Manager for Linux) : 9.10 ================================================================= Any help & guidance in this regard would be much appreciated. Please feel free to ask if any other info is required. =================================================================2.5KViews0likes9CommentsOpsCenter dbsrv12.exe using 100% on 1 CPU with gtc 4
We have set gtc 4 as we have a OpsCenter with 4 logical CPUs as per http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO41821 but seeing dbsrv12.exe using 100% on 1 CPU and almost nothing on the 3 other CPUs Wondered if others had seen similar behaviourSolved1.1KViews1like5Comments