Slow backup to tape
Hi, We're having some trouble backing up virtual and physical servers to tape. We're not getting the speed it should get and it takes up a lot of time to back up the environment. 2,63TB of data takes up more than 24 hours. Information about job, tape & tape drive: Tape type:HPE LTO Ultrium 6 6,25TB MP RW Tape Drive: MSL 2024 Compression: Hardware Encryption: None Verify: Yes These backups are going through the internal network within the domain. The average backup speed is 4,300MB/m (which is way to slow) When we backup locally on the backup server (for example the D:\ drive where the incremental disk backups are saved on the backup server) it gets to a speed of 10500MB/m. Which is understandable considering it's a straight connection to the tape drive. What did we do to try and resolve it: * Checked the compression * Checked encryption * Replaced tapes for new tapes * Resetted the tape drive * Updated Tapedrive firmware * Checked out the network for inconsistencies (not found), file transfers via other apps around 126mbs from server to server) * Job from VM on hyper-visor to tape (around 2,900 MB/m) * Local disk to tape (between 10500MB/M and 13500MB/M) * VM to disk on the backup server (Around 6200MB/M) Help would be appreciated.1.8KViews0likes2CommentsVeritas16 /Backup Exec 15
Here is the Issue: I am using Backup exec 15 (14.2) V-Ray edition and using agentless methodology to take backup of my virtual infrastructure on Hyper-V platform. I am taking backup of virtual machines (11) splitting them in different in jobs with GRT enabled and agent installed on windows machine. I amusing Full backup and Increment strategy to keep 1-3 month data having full every month or every 3 months. I have SQL, SharePoint, Terminal and File Server in my environment. Issue s incremental backup I am receiving for these virtual machines are very high like for SQL 120-150 GB every incremental (Tried disabling and enabling SQL GRT no difference but if I disable file folder GT backup size reduces significantly but restore time increase due to compression but I need file folder GRT for my servers). I tried agent base backup for SQL and result was same despite checking taking SQL backup log after backup job feature enabled or not. For share point VM size is 80 GB and actual data is 40 GB but incremental is 20-30 GB (only file folder GRT enabled) and same applies to terminal servers like 10 GB incremental and File Server which is also AD is creating 40-50GB incremental. I thought may be there is some issue with tool and I upgraded it from BE 15 (14.2) to veritas 16 Trial and issue remain same. I hold backups by veritas and used another tool agent base backup and I was wondering hat backup size for full and incremental was very small like for SQL full only 70GB as compare to BE 15/Veritas 400 GB and Incremental 10GB as compare to 150 GB same applies to other servers. I am wondering should I go for upgrade or simply move away from BE/Veritas as other product is working very fine. Note: I have virtual infrastructure so I prefer to have VM base backups as it’s easy to manage and recover incase of any issue.2.1KViews0likes6CommentsBackup Exec 16 - Temporary VMware folders are not cleaned from the Backup Exec data directory
HI All, So we started with Backup Exec 14 few years back and I've updated to BE 16 last week with latest patch due to following issue when Symantec could not resolve it. Issue: When backup up VM's, there are lot of Temporary folders been created in folder C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data. (Folders name include VM's name and date ), and number of folders been created keep growing everyday. Troubleshoot done: I've logged a call with Symantec and for a week they did troubleshooting and today an Advanced tech called me and advised that this is a known issue and only work-around is to delete these folders manually ? Now I have had the same above issue while we were on BE 15, with all the patches installed, hence why I quickly upgraded to BE 16 to see if that resolve the issue. Symantec advance support tech directed me to this article ( ) which is according to the article was an issue on BE 2014. So I don't believe that Backup Exec 16 will have this now, will it ? And I can't accept an answer been deleting these folder manually every day as a solution. Does anyone experienced this kind of issue ? Cheers3.3KViews0likes3Comments