Instant Access for vmware problem
Hi, I have netbackup 10.4 to protect vmware workloads. my primary and media server are installed on rhel 8.10 and storage unit is msdp. when I create instant access virtual machine and start job I get this errors: error nbmwc /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/vpfs_actions failed (1): unable to importostimage. could not import the ost image id. /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38) failed to create an instant access virtual machine (vm). (4004) my storage is msdp and it's accessible. vcenter credential is ok and backup jobs are ok. in recovery target I changed display name and I checked create a new bios and instance uuid. vpfs_actions log: error system_utils._wrappedpopen /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38): error vpfs.fs.sharecommands could not import the ost image id /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38): error system_utils._utils unable to importostimage. could not import the ost image id. /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38) error system_utils._utils returning: 1 cata2map log: failed to mount loop device /dev/loop0 to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head with fstype xfs, err=38, msg = function not implemented. failed to mount dev_file /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to mnt /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38 failed to mount block device /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38, msg = function not implemented failed to mount block device /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38 mapobject::mountvolumes(): failed to mount head volumeSolved153Views0likes12CommentsNBU restore VMs from AIR_Gapped DR site into Main site
we are checking the possibility to restore a VM from AIR_Gap replication location back into the main site's Vcenter1 main site: NBU1+Vcenter1 DR site: NBU2+Vcenter2 VM initially resides on Vcenter1 of main site, NBU (flex instance) takes backup of this VM and replicate its backup image to WORM in DR (NBU2). in case we got disaster in main site and NBU1 in main site is crashed, can we restore the VM from WORM/AIR-Gap (NBU2) into Vcenter1? is it only that we need to add Vcenter1 into NBU2? thanks,109Views0likes1CommentSlow Windows file server cluster backup performance
Dear community, We are using NetBackup version and were previously backing up two physical HP servers running Windows Server 2008 R2 shared data volumes without any issue. We have then migrated to two virtual nodes running Windows Server 2019 under VMware and backup performance is total chaos. Backing up 2GB of data takes 2 hours! We're using VSS and the NetBackup agent is installed on both virtual nodes, since backing them up using VMware native capabilities is not possible because we're using bus sharing (RDM disks). We have already opened a case with Veritas but the support agent is totally lost in the troubleshooting process. Do you have any ideas as to why this is happening and if we're doing things in the right way? I can share additional configuration data or logs if that helps! Thanks a lot and have a lovely week!699Views0likes1CommentInstall vCenter HTML5 plugin without GUI
Hi! We have a setup with a RHEL7 Master server and two 5250 appliances. It's used for a vSphere 7 plaform. We'd like the HTML Plugin installed, but I can't find an instruction for how to install it without a GUI. Our Master server runs without a GUI, and running the vwcp_manage requires a GUI.. Any ideas?758Views0likes1CommentVirtual Machine Backups Suddenly Got Slow
Hello, In December, our backups of VMWare full virtual machines suddenly slowed way down. At that time a staff admin recreated datastores and bumped the VMFS version from 5 to 6. There were no other changes that I'm aware of. Agent based backups run fine. Only Virtual machine backups run poorly now. It doesn't matter whether I backup to disk or tape, they never achieve a rate above 300 MB/min. Ideas on where the bottleneck is? Something is limiting the communication from Backup Exec to vCenter. I have a case open with support, but they are not figuring it out. I run BE 21.4 on a physical Windows 2016 server. Backup targets are NAS appliances and direct attached SAS tape drives. The server has teamed NIC that connect to three VLAN's: data to servers, second to NAS appliances, and third to underlying SAN appliances that host our VMWare environment. Our VMWare is old: 6.5. Thanks for your help. Ray773Views0likes1CommentBackup VM with TAG Failed to obtain SSO certificate using VMwarre vCloud Suite APIs
Hi, I have a problem with NetBackup and Vmware Backup using TAG Name in VIP Policy, Recently, we are defined an TAG in Vcenter server, and add to one VM to test the TAG Filter in vmware VIP policy. When i run a Backup, we get this error: Failed to obtain SSO certificate using VMware vCloud Suite APIs, msg = [com.vmware.vapi.client.exception.SslException: Host name '' dies not match the certificate subject provided by the peer (CN=XXXXX, OU=XXXX, L=XXXX, ST=XXXX, C=XX)] display name = [<VM>], server = [<Vcenter>], nbu status = 114, severity = 2. The Vcenter have an external PSC, but i can see an successfull registry en PSC Log file, asociated to vmware user used in NetBackup. We tested the name resolution from netbackup and Vcenter side, we tested the connection between port TCP/443, and we tested the ntp sincronitzation between all components (Master Server, Media Server, Vcenter and PSC). ¿Anyone have any ideas where the problem may be? Thanks so much,1.3KViews0likes3CommentsAgentless Recovery Log - Failed to Restore
Good afternoon. Yesterday I carried out an agentless VMware recovery. The recovery was only partially completed, of the 342,000 files 76 were not restored. Is there a log that will give me a list of the 76 files that were not restored? I have been looking in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/tar/agentless/ but cannot find a definitive list of the failed files. Thank you.619Views0likes1CommentFalha ao realizar restore
Boa tarde pessoal! Alguem pode me ajudar com um erro de restore? Detailed: 23/02/2021 16:54:03 - begin Restore 23/02/2021 16:54:03 - Info bprd (pid=15568) Found (52.002) files in (1) images for Restore Job ID 23/02/2021 16:54:04 - restoring from image FLPAUR05_1613776967 23/02/2021 16:54:04 - Info bprd (pid=15568) Searched ( 2) files of (52.002) files for Restore Job ID 23/02/2021 16:54:04 - Info bprd (pid=15568) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 02/19/21 20:22:47 from policy VM_PRD_SFPRD-DISK 23/02/2021 16:54:04 - Info (pid=15568) Restoring to vCenter server, ESX host, Datacenter /FINANCAS, Folder /FINANCAS/vm/NetBackup_Restore, Display Name FLPAUR05_teste, Resource Pool/vApp /FINANCAS/host/CLUSTER02/Resources/SFBKP, Datastore/Datastore Cluster 3PAR_DATASTORE_07000_RESTORE_SATA 23/02/2021 16:54:04 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) started 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - started process bpdm (pid=15796) 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) reading backup image 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) using 30 data buffers 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) spawning a child process 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - Info bpbrm (pid=15796) child pid: 14948 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - Info bpdm (pid=14948) started 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - started process bpdm (pid=14948) 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - begin reading 23/02/2021 16:54:05 - end reading; read time: 0:00:00 23/02/2021 16:54:06 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) completed reading backup image 23/02/2021 16:54:06 - Info bpdm (pid=15796) EXITING with status 0 23/02/2021 16:54:09 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) INF - vmwareLogger: CreateVmExAPI: SYM_VMC_ERROR: SOAP_ERROR res=12 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) INF - vmwareLogger: SOAP 1.1 fault "":ServerFaultCode [no subcode] 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) " 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) Unexpected element tag "syncTimeWithHostAllowed" seen 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.vm.ToolsConfigInfo 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 2, column 1122 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing property "tools" of static type ToolsConfigInfo 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing serialized DataObject of type vim.vm.ConfigSpec 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 2, column 418 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing call information for method CreateVM_Task 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 2, column 312 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing SOAP body 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 2, column 297 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing SOAP envelope 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 2, column 0 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) while parsing HTTP request for method createVm 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) on object of type vim.Folder 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) at line 1, column 0" 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) Detail: <InvalidRequestFault xmlns="urn:vim25" xsi:type="InvalidRequest"></InvalidRequestFault> 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - Info bpVMutil (pid=10676) INF - vmwareLogger: CreateVirtualMachineExAPI: SYM_VMC_ERROR: SOAP_ERROR 23/02/2021 16:54:10 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:07 NetBackup VMware policy restore error (2820)1KViews0likes1CommentLogin into Virtual Server Machine fail (VMware)
Hello, I'm having issue backing up VMware VMs. Backup stopped working after i upgraded vCenter from 6.7 to 7.0.1. I found that my NetBackup Appliance(3.1, NetBackup console 8.1) supports only vCenter 6.7 or lower. Upgrading the appliance to 3.2 seems fix the issue, but found it's a complicate and risky procedure which requires a consultant. So, until we upgrade the appliance, I need to make sure the VM backup running at least. So, I tried to configure ESXi server(vSphere 6.5) instead of vCenter, I still cannot make the login but get the below error in the also attached image. Why does this happen? ESXi is 6.5 and has not been upgraded to 7, NetBackup 8.1 should work with no issue??? The ESXi name, I typed the ip address of the host, same as vCenter. VMware credential validation failed. Status -1Solved1.6KViews0likes2Comments