Restore VM Windows 2012 wouldn't boot
Dears, I'm facing a problem when I restore a Windows 2012 VM. The restore finished successfully, but the VM will not boot. Joined the screenshot. I did the following : Check the VSS is running I restart the VM → the VM boot normaly I backed up the VM and restore it after it was restarted. → the same problem. I clone the VM and backed up the clone and restore it. → the restore of the cloned VM boot normally! I update the OS → didn’t fix the problem VMwre Version : 5.0 Netbackup version : 7.7.3 on Redhat Linux 6.8 Does any one have a hint on how to fix or troubleshoot this issue. Thanks in advance. Best regards,1.7KViews0likes5CommentsRestore Netbackup tapes from standalone to clustered instance with same name
Hello! Hope this one is easy? Is it possible to restore a tape fromnetbackup server 7.x (standalone, non clustered) to netbackup 8.0 (new, clustered instance but same name). I understand catalogs can't be replayed from standalone to clustered instances and need professional services to manipulate the same but what if I want to restore a tape or two. I always have the offlinenon clustered server that I can power up but ideally looking to restore random tapes once a new NBU cluster is deployed? I'm aware one has to import the tapes (if no catalog) but need confirmation if anew, clustered (and higher version) server can create the necessary catalog entry from a tape created in a standalone netbackup server and if yes, need to also understand what the conditions/caveats are if possible? On a related note, I suppose we need to uninstall and reinstall the remote clients/agents (or will push upgrade work?) as the new master/media server (non-enterprise netbackup edition) is now clustered. Many thanks in advance!Solved2.2KViews0likes7CommentsNeed a script to get size of the last successful full backup of each NBU client
Hello, I'm running NBU 7.7.2 on a Windows 2012 R2 Server, and I'm after a script which can email me a spreadsheet each month showing me the size of the last successful full backup for each client (partial backups included). Is something like this possible? I also have OPS Centre Analytics if there is any SQL magic that can be done on that. Example: Client Last Successfull Full Backup date Last Successful Full Backup Size(GB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Client 1 18/08/2016 100 Client 2 13/08/2016 85 Client 3 14/07/2016 90934Views0likes1Comment