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Delay in Cancelling Replication Jobs Since Upgrade to 7.7.1

Level 6

We recently have upgraded to version 7.7.1 and we are seeing some issues. Among other things we have noticed that when we try and cancel replication jobs...SLP items...they take hours to actually cancel out. We did this previously in version in order to get them to rebundle and have less SLP replication jobs running and they would cancel out almost immediately. I am not sure where to go with this one to try and troubleshoot the issue, but it would be nice if cancelling a job would actually make it go away. Is there anything I should look for or a certain log that might help figure out what is causing the delay? Maybe a new SLP related setting that I am not aware of or something like that?


Level 1

Facing the same issue after having upgraded from to 7.7.1, running on a Linux master server.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Best to log a Support call with Veritas. If this is a bug in the new version, they need to know.

Level 6

Will do...thanks Marianne.

Level 6

I do have a case open for this issue and wanted to share for anyone else seeing the same issue. They have confirmed that this is an issue with the new version.

From Veritas:

"The ETrack is created and currently has minimal information, however the Backline TSE that has submitted it has duplicated this in a lab environment, so it does appear to be the version at this point.  I can't commit to that 100% of course, but we'll know more as the engineering department gets involved."


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Could you post up the case number and I'll see how things are going ?

One of my colleagues asked me for some advice on this issue, and it ended up with the appliance guys as (at least at that point) the issue was thought to be some issue with connection to the replication target environment.


Level 6

Sure thing....Case # 20893016.


Please clarify - is this cancelling active jobs in the activity window, or using nbstl commands on the server?

I am at and am considering 7.7.X - what is the latest "good" version that is stable?


NetBackup on Flex 5360, duplicating via SLP to Access 3350, duplicating via SLP to LTO8 in SL8500 via ACSLS


OUCH, I have had occaisions in the past where this happens, and I was able to use the windows console to kill the job, but they got rid of that solution.

I do this type of thing all the time (consolidating SLP), hopefully it will get resolved soon!

NetBackup on Flex 5360, duplicating via SLP to Access 3350, duplicating via SLP to LTO8 in SL8500 via ACSLS

Level 6

Both actually. During troubleshooting we tried right click and cancel in the remote admin console as well as via CLI commands and neither work. Its definitely a problem for us as we can no longer kill the running jobs and force Netbackup to re-bundle them so that there are less of them running. This eats up resources for us.

I wouldn't say I am qualified to give you an official answer on what is "good" or stable, but in my personal opinion if I had it to do over again I would not upgrade to the latest and greatest. I did so against my better judgement and we have been fighting being on the bleeding edge ever since. We wanted to take advantage of some of the new features, but we have spent considerable time on resolving all that it has broke and we still dont have official answers to anything or permanent fixes. Just workarounds and bandaids to some while others like this issue we have nothing in place to correct the problem. If I had a time machine I personally would have upgraded to We were previously on

Then again though I have seen others say they have upgraded with no issues. Not sure how their site compares in size to what I work on, but I am sure you could find plenty of input from both sides of the fence...this is just my own 2 cents.

Level 2
Partner Accredited

Can you clarify if the issue is with REPLICATIONS, DUPLICATIONS or both?

Level 6

Replications only for us. If the issue gets bad enough we are forced to cycle Netbackup on the media servers in order to force the re-bundle.

We are still able to cancel duplication jobs.

Level 2
Partner Accredited

Good to know, thanks

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Eng are currently looking to see what changed in the code.

Level 6

Sounds a lot like one of the challenges we have on 7.7 with SLP replications compared to and can see that upgrading to 7.7.1 is not the solution for this.

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 6

I have received word that this has been proven to be an issue with the code and they will be releasing an EEB to fix the problem. The fix will also be included in the next release.

Level 6

Now I am being told that the fix will not be included until release 7.8. Very disappointing.

Level 6

Can you state the number of the EEB ? Would like to refer to it in my case on 7.7 replication problems

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 6

I did not receive an EEB # directly, but I was emailed the EEB's over the weekend and the one number in common between the 2 is 3862652. I am assuming that is the actual EEB #.

Seems the problem still exists on NBU 7.7.3

anybody got a solution? install EEB or upgrade to 8.0???