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test post - new registered user attachments

Level 2

Accepted Solutions


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Level 6

Thanks for the new avatar :)  lol, where did you find my pic and who named me "oldguy"?

I don't remember where I originally found this picture, but I try to sneak it into as many things as possible and have been using it since college in presentations and stuff. I'll rename it to Larry_approves.jpg 

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Can you please try some other file extentions as well? 
Pictures could always be uploaded using the 'Photos' link. 

Maybe a .txt or .docx?


testing signature here real quick. I'll log back on in a moment with my test account to try other file types

testing other attachment extensions

@Marianne looks like other attachments do work, but the experience of attaching multiple docs is not good. For me to add those 3 attachments I had to post with one, then edit and add another, post it, then edit again to add the 3rd, and it would have been the same so on and so on for each additional. I'm going to see if we can get that fixed. Also I'm going to change my signature since it's not really relative now, but hopefully you saw that embed works in signatures - I rplied to your original post about signatures with more info.