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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

“Just the Facts” on archiving enterprise information in the cloud @ Vision 2013

Amy_Dugdale's avatar
12 years ago

Thinking about archiving your information in the cloud? You likely have questions, such as:

  • Where will our information be stored?
  • What security is used to protect our information in the archive?
  • What is the TCO for a cloud-based archiving solution?
  • Do I still need a third party archive with Office 365 and/or Exchange 2013?

Join Joshua Stageberg from our product management team and me @ Vision 2013 to get the facts about cloud-based information archiving and an overview of Symantec Enterprise

We will also be joined by two enterprise customers who will share their real-world perspective on moving their organizations’ information archiving to the cloud.

Don’t miss the facts! Register for this session today:

  • Title: IA B26 - Enterprise Information Archiving in the Cloud: Just the Facts
  • Date: April 17, 2013 (Wednesday)
  • Time: 1:15 PM

See you in Vegas.

Looking for more information on Enterprise @ Vision 2013? Also join us for these sessions:

  • IA L13: Taking archiving content to the cloud – Enterprise 101 (hands-on lab)     
    • April 16 at 1:15 PM and April 18 at 9:00 AM
  • IA B22: Opening the Vault – Enterprise Vault and Enterprise roadmap
    • April 16 at 3:45 PM
  • IA B23: Ask the Experts – Open Q&A with the Enterprise Vault and Enterprise product team
    • April 16 at 5:00 PM
Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0
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