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Anchoring Information Governance with Enterprise Vault 10

pfavro's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

Is your organization struggling to manage stockpiles of data?  Have you run out of storage space for your back-up tapes?  These are telltale signs that your organization needs to overhaul its approach to information governance.

The anchor for successful information governance is Symantec Enterprise Vault 10.  The latest version of Enterprise Vault will help organizations reduce data stockpiles, decrease operation expenses and minimize litigation risks.

Enterprise Vault 10 can help your organization do so though its Data Classification Services technology.  At its heart, Data Classification Services empowers organizations to establish more effective information governance procedures.  Companies are able to better analyze and retain information that is significant or that must be kept – and nothing else.

Available initially for Microsoft Exchange Server, Data Classification Services intelligently analyzes content as email is archived into Enterprise Vault.  Through established retention protocols, email is then tagged and characterized insomuch that it can be searched for and retrieved with greater efficiency.  Depending on the content, categorized email will also be assigned a particular retention period.  This will ensure the company maintains emails that must be kept for legal, regulatory or business purposes – and nothing else.

Coupling Data Classification Services with Enterprise Vault’s existing features will only enhance an organization’s information governance.  Not only will Enterprise Vault permit a company to reduce its costs by decreasing data proliferation, it will minimize a company’s litigation risks by removing from rank and file employees the obligation to exclusively manage, archive and discard data.

Still unconvinced that your company needs to anchor its unwieldy information governance with Enterprise Vault 10?  For further proof, look at those companies who paid a hefty price in litigation for failing to take charge of their information.  In one such case from this year, Green v. Blitz U.S.A., a company had no formal policy regarding the retention of its data.  By failing to take the reins of its information, the company unwittingly left that task to a single, unsophisticated employee.  Not surprisingly, crucial documents were destroyed and the company was severely reprimanded.

Your organization does not have to share this fate.  Implementing effective information governance procedures – with Enterprise Vault 10 as the anchor – will help a company reduce costs and minimize litigation risks.  Simply put, Enterprise Vault will help an organization keep what it must keep – and nothing else. 

Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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