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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Backup Exec 2012 Beta - Trailer #2

James_McKey's avatar
14 years ago

See my First Availability blog as the Beta is now closed (Jan 31, 2012):

I know at least one of my many fans out there (the fan club membership has got to at least be numbering in the high twenties by now) has been anxiously awaiting this 2nd Backup Exec 2012 trailer/teaser. My #1 fan asked when I would be posting this follow-up and whether I would clarify if this new release would include cake (I could be confusing ‘cake’ with some SharePoint functionality, they are so easy to mix up). Obviously the when is now and the ‘cake’ question is ‘Yes’.

On that note, I was attending presentations all this week on many of the new features for the upcoming release and one that really appealed to my geek nature was on the updated command line interface. The demo included how you might easily use PowerShell to have the computer speak the job name and status in a creepy voice when the job completes (it sounded like GLaDOS). More on that if you join the Beta.

The new User Experience definitely impressed. It’s got simplified storage management, simplified job setup, and easy data lifecycle management to name just a few things. We’ve already done a short video demo to tease the new User Experience so if you join the Beta you will get to see it there (on Symbeta) soon, prior to the actual Beta download being posted.

Click here to sign up for the Backup Exec 2012 Beta

Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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