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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

BE2010 Summary of my Problems

Martin_Forster1's avatar
15 years ago
Hello, i write this blog for my own record, and for symantec.
I was asked to write a summary of my issues, after i tried to give back my dedupe licenses. So here we go.

1.) frownGRT Backups work only once and then fails with "An error occurred in the PDVFS driver: PdvfsOpendir: failed errno=2"

2.) frownRestore of Single Files only works with the fast "Use Fast File Restore" Option switched off. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Tape Format

3.) frownafter a longer time of "successful" file Backups to dedupe with direct access the jobs start to fail ( ~1.5 TB data, 4.000.000 files) Error category : Backup Media ErrorsError : e00084ec - A backup storage read/write error has occurred.

4.)smileyRemote Agent Installation Issues with international versions. see workaround
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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