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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Connect Dev Notes: 02 October 2013

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

User Facing: Desktop

  • Modified code to support the new IT Trends area for Business Continuity.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Mobile Site" link in the footer that was taking users to the home page of the mobile site instead of taking them to the mobile version of the page they were viewing when they clicked the link.
  • Created a new forum for the Web product line.
  • Configured Connect so Security Response bloggers could upload large infographics.
  • Prepared the site for the Endpoint Management 7.5 launch by adding the 7.5 version number to applicable products and content submission forms.

Admin Facing

  • Added the ability for Group Super Admins to administer private events posted to any group.
  • Fixed an issue where content that admins posted to private groups was not automatically tagged as private.
Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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