Blog Post

Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Connect Updates (19 Sep 2012)

Anonymous's avatar
12 years ago

User Facing: Desktop

  • Added previous "<" and next ">" buttons to forum posts so users can easily browse from one post to the next without having to visit the forum list page.
  • Added a feature that displays the names of contributors that use the "collaborative editing" process to submit enhancements to Workflow Component Articles.
  • Fixed an issue with Group RSS feeds not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing users to earn reward points by editing their posts.

User Facing: Mobile

  • Fixed an issue with the sorting of forum posts when the user clicks the "Show more" button.

Admin Facing

  • Restored the ability to view who has voted on a post or comment (to help curb cheating).
  • Added the ability for admins to view who voted "Me Too" on Known Issues.
  • Added the "Report spam" (formerly "Report to Mollom") functionality back into comments (visible to Admins and Trusted Advisors).
Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0
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