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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Cool new feature in EV 2007 sp5

TonySterling's avatar
16 years ago

Hopefully you are all aware of sp5 being released for EV 2007 (aka EV 7.5)  If you are not I highly encourage you to sign up for notifications.  See a blog posted by EV Guys linked here:


Whilst reading through the updates this feature caught my eye.  It is the ability for the user to easily send the log via email.  Now this might seem like a small thing but recalling my support days and having to walk folks through locating this file and then the EV Admin have to walk the end user through getting the email are little things that add delays to the support process.  Now all they have to do is click a button, how cool is that! 

Here are the details from the updates.htm

Option to create a mail message that contains the client log [Ref 755071, E1372545]

There is a new Send Log button in the client log viewer that enables the user to create a mail message that contains the client log.

To mail the client log file:

  1. In Outlook, click Help, then About Enterprise Vault, and then Tech Info to display the diagnostics. 
  2. Click Send Log
  3. Outlook creates a mail message that contains the text of the log. The user can add more information as required and then send the message. 

The Subject is set to Enterprise Vault Outlook Add-In log file and the To field is left blank. 

You can use registry values on users' computers to control the behavior of Send Log. Create the registry values in the following registry location:




   \Enterprise Vault


The registry values that you can use to control Send Log are as follows:

SendLogFileMaxSizeMB. This DWORD value controls the maximum size, in megabytes, of the log file that Send Log includes in the message. If the log is larger than this size, Send Log uses the most recent section of the file. 

The default maximum size is 5 MB.

SendLogFileRecipients. This string value specifies the default value for the To field in the mail message. Enter a semicolon-separated list to specify multiple recipients

Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
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