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Enterprise Archiving and Cybersecurity in 2014

jwong007's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Hello everyone,


I recently read an article by Amelia Schmidt titled, “SEC to Focus on Corporate Cybersecurity Risks in 2014”.  She noted that,


“Cybersecurity has continued to be a focal point for the SEC, especially in the face of mounting Congressional pressure on the agency to demand more transparency from companies about their cybersecurity risks and steps taken to address those risks, and recent reports of cyberattacks against U.S. companies and the massive costs to those companies that result.”


Many of our customers worry about security of their archive data.  It is imperative that we not only protect their data, but that they actually have confidence and assurance of those security measures.  Here are some facts about the security of our customer’s data when the archive using the Enterprise service:


Physical Security

  • SSAE 16 Type 2 & ISAE 3402 Type 2 compliant
  • Tier-4 data centers
  • Tier-1 networks
  • Geographically dispersed data centers
  • Data replication


Technical Security

  • Redundant firewalls and load balancers
  • RBAC
  • Encryption in transit and at rest
  • Secured virtual domains


Administrative Security

  • Employee screening and ongoing certifications
  • Change and access management
  • Uptime, systems, application, and internet monitoring
  • Managed Security Services, IDS, vulnerability testing


These are just a quick snap shot of the extensive security that Enterprise has in place to protect our customer’s archived data.  For a copy of Symantec’s “Enterprise Security In-Depth” whitepaper, contact your Symantec sales representative.



Published 11 years ago
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