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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

GetOnlineAttachmentFileSize 0xC00420C8

Ralfeus's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

I've recently got the problem when archived item couldn't opened neither in Outlook nor in OWA. In OWA it offered to open the item directly from EV server. But when I tried to do that I've got an error:

GetOnlineAttachmentFileSize 0xC00420C8

Searching for solution didn't help. I've found one forum post but only suggestion was to open Symantec case. So I tried to find the reason myself. I found the DVS file but couldn't it open directly due to reasons specified  here. When I created an HTML provided and tried to open this saveset by using vault ID and transaction ID provided I've got an error:

Archive, Archive Folder, Vault Store or Retention Category does not exist.

Faild! 80040308

I've checked vault ID and found out there is no such one. When I found the archived item in the archive search and checked the folder where it is I've found out it was in different folder. So that was a reason of inability to open archive item from Outlook or OWA.

So next step was to fix vault ID in the shortcut. Using MFCMAPI I have modified proper MAPI property (Tag: 0x84ED001E; Named Prop Name: sz: "Archive ID"). After that the item was opened without any problems

Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0
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