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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

How to upgrade Discovery Accelerator 9.0.4 to 10.0.2

AmolB's avatar
12 years ago

This blog expalins how to upgrade Discovery Accelerator 9.0.4 to Discovery Accelerator 10.0.2 


OS: Win2008 R2 and above ( If DA9.0.4 is on Win2003 R2 than you need to migrate DA to a Win2008 R2 server)

IIS: IIS7.5 with IIS6.0 Management Compatibility and IIS Win Authentication.

MS .NET Framework 3.5SP1 and MS VC++ 2008 SP1 (x86) Redistributable Package

Enterprise Vault 9.0 or above (Just install binaries, do not configure)


Copy DA10.0.2 installables from the root of the installation media to the DA server.

Below image shows the version of DA9.0.4


Before proceeding with the  upgrade make sure there is no Search or Export operation in progress.

You may stop EV Accelerator Manager service on the DA server.

To begin Upgrade browse installation media -> Symantec EV Discovery  Accelerator -> Server ->

Language Folder -> double click on the MSI and than follow the wizard.

Do read the Upgrade Instructions.


During the upgrade process there will be check for pre-reqs, wizard will proceed if everything appears

green in the check. Wizard also shows the current version and new version of DA.

(Note:You cannot change location of the installation directory during an upgrade.) 

At the end of the wizard DA binaries will be upgraded. Upon opening EVBAADMIN page you will

see below message. After upgrading DA binaries you need to upgrade DA customer

(Discovery and Custodian Manager) database. On the below page click on Update.


On the EVBAADMIN page, on LHS under server name click on the DA Customer. The customer Database

Version appears as DA9.0.4 and the State is Upgrade. So far only DA binaries are updated further we need

to update customer database.


To upgrade customer database you need to right click on the customer and than select

Properties. On the properties page click on the Upgrade button located at the bottom of

the page. This will kick  off the upgrade process, you may monitor the progress by clicking the

customer name.




Above image shows that the DA customer database has been upgraded to DA10.2

In the same way you need to update all the Customer and Custodian Manager database.



Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0
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