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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

It’s Time to Reduce Cost and Complexity

Barnaby's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

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Whilst company revenues are expected to increase throughout 2015, IT budgets are largely expected to remain at 2014 levels[1] driving the need for IT teams to deliver more to the business with the same, or less resource. The end of support life of Windows Server 2003 in July 2015 will be a driver for many organizations to review hardware and software estates; to look to new technologies in an effort to take account of flat or declining budgets. Although it often becomes an afterthought, backup and recovery can consume a significant portion of budget not in terms of product purchase necessarily but in terms of staff cost: skills required to manage complexity with so many facets to the infrastructure. Despite industry analyst recommendations[2], some organisations continue to make use of multiple products to protect the different platforms or technologies within their environment.


Business productivity is driven by innovation not by underlying process. Backup Exec 15 can be purchased, maintained and renewed through a single, all-inclusive license meter that enables full functionality; deployed, managed and upgraded centrally. Combined with a robust architecture which maximises reliability Backup Exec 15 helps you spend less time ‘doing backup.’ It’s Time for backup and recovery that gives your time back. It’s Time for Backup Exec 15.

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[1] Spiceworks 2015 Budget Report

[2] IDC, Unified Data Protection for Physical and Virtual Environments, January 2014

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
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